What are the reasons for the failure of construction enterprise qualification?

Hugo once said: “architecture is a history book written in stone.”


It was also said that “architecture is the symbol of a city”


In recent years, the rapid development of the construction industry has also led to some problems


In order to rectify these unhealthy tendencies, the government has successively issued different policies


The continuous simplification of construction qualification seems to be a good thing, but the strict control of the process actually raises the threshold and makes it more difficult to handle the qualification


Then, what are the reasons for the failure of the qualification application? What are the reasons for the failure of the application? First, the basic situation of the enterprise itself: the registration time of the registration fund is too late, it is easy to lead to failure, so we should make preparations in advance in terms of the registered capital


Second, enterprise personnel: different qualification levels and types have different requirements for the number of personnel


Third, performance issues: this issue is mainly for enterprises with upgraded qualifications


As the application for new enterprise qualification needs to start from the lowest level, there is often no requirement for enterprise performance


However, if qualification upgrading is involved, there are clear requirements for performance, and enterprises without performance will be rejected


As for the above, it is not easy to pay attention to it, which problems will lead to the failure of qualification application? First, the general environment of construction qualification application is constantly changing: in recent years, the construction industry has been constantly reforming, the way of handling the construction qualification certificate, the environment and the direction are constantly changing, and the implementation of “paperless”, only need to fill in the materials online


In addition, policies such as the national social security network, “Four Treasuries and one platform”, replacing business tax with value-added tax (VAT) and credit union punishment have been implemented one after another to eliminate these unhealthy tendencies from the root


Second, sufficient preparation for enterprise conditions: only when construction enterprises have prepared their own enterprise conditions, can they carry out the next action


This is a very important point in qualification management


With the continuous deepening of construction qualification, enterprises do not have to prepare a lot of paper documents, they can fill in their real information online electronically


They can not cheat, but must be real and effective


Third, professional and powerful qualification agency companies: it is more and more difficult to handle the construction qualification


In order to save time and effort, many enterprises have looked for qualified agency companies to do their best


Looking for agency companies must be eye-catching, many construction qualification agency companies lack strength, coupled with the current policy changes, so some agency companies can not meet the expectations of construction companies


In order to find a reliable and regular agency, we should evaluate its reputation, scale, year of establishment and professionalism


Summary: the construction qualification process is complex, which may lead to its failure, but we should not lose confidence, as long as we handle the qualification according to the process, we can succeed


Shengyang Enterprise Management Consulting Co., Ltd



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