Urgent recruitment of construction project safety officer

Waiting for you on time at 11:11 every day, 01 building construction, safety first, as an engineer, the most common thing we see on the project site is the following, which is cough in our engineers’ eyes….


These are necessary processes and tools, because “safety” is too important for engineering projects


If an engineering project will consider the qualification before inspecting the project, and consider the cost and profit before bidding, but after the project starts, everything will focus on safety


It can be said that without safety, there will be no “lifeline”


Don’t leverage, you win


Let’s talk about it today What about the safety of the “safety officer” 02 we are going to recruit? First of all, it is necessary to understand the safety, specifically to check the implementation of various safety production objectives, formulate annual, quarterly, phased and special work plans, summarize and report various materials, plan, organize various special governance activities to strengthen safety and fire management, check the on-site safety and fire work, put forward rectification instructions for various hidden dangers, and supervise the implementation of various projects Secondly, we need you to have a full-time bachelor’s degree or above and have a good understanding of the construction industry


At the same time, because you are in the construction industry, you must accept the transfer from other places, including but not limited to Hubei, Hunan, Jiangxi and Henan 03


The reason is that you can come to work? Left



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