The contracted construction area is 460 million square meters. Why does rongchuang service win the recognition of the market and customers?

  Among them, the contracted building area from the third party accounts for about 32.2%; The area from the third party accounted for about 69.8% of the new contract construction area.

  In terms of comprehensive service capability, rongchuang service focuses on specialization, standardization, systematization and fine operation, and is committed to providing the ultimate basic property services, subdivided business services, community life services and differentiated services.

At the same time, rongchuang service anchors the core first and second tier cities to expand the main battlefield for the third party, strengthen the advantageous plates and activate the scale effect.

According to this calculation, 460 million square meters is equivalent to the size of about 1783 bird nests and 466 Capital Airports.

  On August 30, 2021, rongchuang service released the interim financial report.

Recognized by the capital market, Shenwan Hongyuan and others gave a “buy” rating   The sustained, healthy and high-quality growth of rongchuang services has also been affirmed by the capital market..

  How is high-quality growth refined   Listed only less than 10 months, why did rongchuang service achieve such impressive results?   According to the reporter, rongchuang service anchors the development strategy of “deeply cultivating the layout, enriching the business format and vigorously expanding the third party”, comprehensively improves the customer operation ability, digital technology ability, talent organization ability and comprehensive service ability, and realizes the long-term value of the company through sustained and healthy high-quality growth.

Through the three-step strategy of online, digital and digital intelligence, it creates a digital intelligent property service sharing platform.

The contribution of community life services also increased from 6.4% to 7.9%.

  In addition, rongchuang’s customer service operation ability and digital technology ability have also been comprehensively improved.

  It is worth mentioning that rongchuang service also pursues the in-depth collaboration between technology and business, placing digitization in an important strategic position.

  In the face of the new trend of property management development, rongchuang service continues to increase its capacity in fine management system and digital technology.

  In addition, zhangtai property acquisition and M & a landed, adding 12.22 million square meters of under management and 25.95 million square meters of contract area for rongchuang services, so as to realize the expansion of storage of high-quality projects; With the efficient integration of Kaiyuan property and Huanrong, the management system has also significantly improved its operating efficiency.

The revenue from space operation services, real estate brokerage services and Meiju services increased by about 121.6%, 41.1% and 278.7% year-on-year respectively, reaching 58.916 million yuan, 34.241 million yuan and 28.711 million yuan.

As of June 30, rongchuang service had a construction area under management of about 170 million square meters and a contracted construction area of about 320 million square meters.

  Rongchuang service takes talent echelon construction as one of the core strategies that the enterprise adheres to for a long time, and always focuses on cultivating and improving team ability.

  It is worth mentioning that in the first half of this year, the income from community life services reached about 190 million yuan, a year-on-year increase of about 206.5%, surpassing the performance of the whole year in 2020.

It is reported that the construction of digital technology aims to improve the service experience and value externally, reduce the cost and increase efficiency of operation management internally, and drive the orange new business model.

The operating revenue was 3.32 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 85.4%; The net profit attributable to the parent company reached 610 million yuan, a year-on-year increase of 154.4%.

  Specifically, the operating revenue in the first half of the year was 3.32 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 85.4%; The gross profit was 1.03 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 121.5%, and the gross profit margin was 31%, an increase of 5.1 percentage points over the same period last year.

  After listing, rongchuang’s service management scale expanded rapidly, the business boundary continued to expand, and the demand for high-quality service management talents was unprecedented.

Since the beginning of the year, nine new joint venture platforms have been established, with a floor area of 1.11 million square meters and a reserve of more than 20 million square meters.

  In the first half of this year, the net profit attributable to the parent company reached 610 million yuan, a year-on-year increase of 154.4%; The net profit margin was 19%, an increase of 5 percentage points over the same period last year.

  As of June 30, 2021, in the construction area of rongchuang service contract, the area from the third party accounted for about 32.2%.

With the expansion of management scale and the layout of high profit non residential business, the gross profit contributed by basic property exceeded 50% for the first time, reaching 52%.

From its listing in November last year to its closing on September 1 this year, rongchuang service’s share price rose by 64.56%, and many investment banks gave “buy” ratings.

This is the total contracted floor area of rongchuang service.

Under the guidance of the idea of “science and technology + talents”, we will vigorously introduce professionals, cross-border talents and pre reserved talents for the whole country and the whole industry with the special recruitment plan of “fusion and gathering action”.

Actively try to expand multiple channels and achieve strategic cooperation in multiple formats.

  The expansion capacity has been strengthened, and nearly 70% of the new contract construction area comes from a third party   Under the background of increasingly fierce competition in the property industry, how can rongchuang service achieve scale expansion?   According to the reporter, rongchuang service adheres to market expansion as the main way of third-party expansion, and attaches importance to the construction and accumulation of long-term capacity of the system.

  In the first half of the year, the non residential business of rongchuang service accounted for 43% of the new single-year contract amount of third parties excluding mergers and acquisitions, and the subdivided business types such as public services, culture and tourism, hospitals, office buildings and transportation hubs were rapidly strengthened.

In terms of profitability, rongchuang service has also been improved, and the gross profit structure has been continuously optimized.

  Specifically, in terms of revenue, in the first half of the year, rongchuang service and property management service realized a revenue of 2.05 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 94.3%; The revenue from non owner value-added services was 1.08 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 60.4%.

How big is 460 million square meters?   Public data show that the construction area of the bird’s nest is 258000 square meters, and the total construction area of the capital airport is 986000 square meters.

  In addition, through rongchuang college, it has spared no effort to create an online and offline hybrid full cycle learning mode, systematically organized and promoted the cultivation and improvement of the ability of key people, middle-level backbone, front-line employees, rongyusheng and other teams at all levels, built the company into a learning organization, and promoted organizational empowerment, value sharing and common progress.

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  With excellent professional ability and service quality, rongchuang service has won high recognition from partners, and cooperation platforms and projects continue to increase.

Among them, the community life service business segment continued to expand, the service categories and scenarios were more comprehensive, and the income of various sub businesses made a rapid breakthrough.

  Among them, the revenue from convenience services increased by more than 20 times year-on-year in the first half of the year, reaching 66.846 million yuan.

It is particularly noteworthy that in the new contract construction area in the first half of the year, the area from a third party accounted for 69.8%.

  Excellent performance has also been affirmed by the capital market.

The gross profit proportion of property management services has increased by about 3.3 percentage points to about 52.0% from about 48.7% in the same period last year, and the gross profit proportion of community life services has increased by about 3.2 percentage points to about 7.9% from about 4.7% in the same period last year.

The income structure continued to improve, and the income from community life services increased by 206.5% year-on-year   The announcement shows that in the first half of 2021, the operating performance of rongchuang service continued to grow with high quality and the profitability continued to improve.

  While the gross profit margin increased from 27.6% to 31% at the end of 2020, the gross profit structure of rongchuang service was further optimized.

  Moreover, in the first half of 2021, rongchuang service’s operating performance continued to grow with high quality and its profitability continued to improve.

Considering the reserve area of the parent company that has not been signed, the contracted construction area of rongchuang service will reach 460 million square meters.

  In the first half of the year, rongchuang service increased the contract area by 12.93 million square meters through market expansion and joint venture platform, with a year-on-year increase of 4.6 times, exceeding the annual data of 2020.

  Insiders pointed out that rongchuang’s business performance continues to grow with high quality, and its core competitiveness lies in its leading comprehensive service ability, especially in talent training.


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