Construction waste is increasing year by year, so it is urgent to improve the utilization of construction waste resources

Construction waste construction waste refers to the construction, construction units or individuals of all kinds of buildings, structures, pipe network construction, laying or demolition, repair process generated by the residue, spoil, spoil, mud and other waste


Construction waste has always been an important problem in the world


It not only brings serious environmental pollution, but also occupies land resources, causing serious waste of resources


Most developed countries have already started the recycling of construction waste


After World War II, Germany has started the recycling of construction waste


Japan has legislated to promote the recycling of construction waste since the 1970s


Today, the recycling rate of construction waste in most developed countries has reached more than 90%


As a developing country, in recent years, China has gradually realized a series of problems caused by construction waste and began to actively promote the recycling treatment of construction waste


However, the recycling rate of construction waste in China is still low, and there is still a big gap with developed countries


Construction waste treatment is still a major social problem! Improve the utilization rate of construction waste is imminent! According to incomplete statistics, 1.5 billion tons of construction waste are added every year in China, and the trend is increasing year by year


By 2020, it has exceeded 3 billion tons, but the utilization rate of construction waste in China is only about 5%, so it is urgent to improve the utilization rate of construction waste


In order to maximize the utilization of construction waste resources, the construction waste recycling project has been listed in the scope of preferential tax policies by the state


At present, many parts of the country give great support to the construction waste recycling project, which shows that the investment in construction waste treatment projects and related industries have a very broad development prospect


In Henan Province, social capital is encouraged to participate in the construction of construction waste resource utilization facilities and enjoy the local preferential policies of attracting investment by means of awards instead of subsidies and loan discount


In Shandong Province, comprehensive use of financial, tax, investment and other economic levers to support the comprehensive utilization of construction waste


In Hubei Province, the franchise policy promotes the recycling of construction waste


In recent years, Hubei Province has issued a number of franchise policies, such as construction waste resource utilization and construction waste recycling, to encourage and support construction waste treatment and disposal in Hubei Province


VK series of mobile stations can effectively help the recycling of construction waste


Facing the characteristics of scattered distribution of construction waste and limited working area in urban areas, how to efficiently realize on-site processing and on-site utilization, improve resource utilization and reduce production costs? According to the characteristics of construction waste, Vico has launched a variety of mobile production equipment VK series mobile crushing station, which integrates crushing and screening, not only can meet the needs of a variety of operations, but also covers a small area, and can be quickly transferred


It is the preferred equipment for processing construction waste! VK series mobile station is equipped with feeder, crushing equipment, screening equipment, iron remover, vehicle conveyor, etc., which can realize the integrated operation of crushing and screening, reduce the complex infrastructure and installation operation, put into production quickly and efficiently, and has strong flexibility, can be freely matched, and can meet the needs of a variety of operations


There is a long way to go for the reuse of construction waste in China


We need to work together to protect the ecological environment and improve the utilization rate of resources!.



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