Authoritative interview ▪ President Wu Yong green building materials are the foundation of low carbon development in the field of construction

In this process, technology needs to be constantly updated to provide high-quality green building materials, reduce material consumption from the source and reduce carbon emissions


The first change is from simple energy saving to low-carbon and green; the second is from single building to urban development; the third is from light green to dark green, from high carbon to low carbon to zero carbon, from high energy consumption to low energy consumption to zero energy consumption until positive energy consumption


The meaning of high energy efficiency is to reduce energy consumption and environmental emissions as much as possible on the basis of building functions


Therefore, re education has become a powerful hand in this aspect


As a high energy consumption construction industry, how to achieve building energy conservation in the future? What are the functions of building materials in this process? Wu Yong, President of China Building Energy Conservation Association, gave a clear answer in an exclusive interview with China building materials news


Therefore, in the next 10 years, three changes should be realized in the process of monomer and urban building development


First of all, through the iterative upgrading of technology, the overall energy demand of rural residential buildings can be reduced by adopting the economic and applicable insulation envelope system


How to achieve the goal of carbon peak and carbon neutral in the construction industry, I think it should be measured from two aspects of demand and supply


Finally, we should make efforts in terms of market and ability


It is believed that with the progress of technology, the transformation of old residential areas and the promotion of rural clean energy consumption, the people will benefit and reduce the energy consumption to the minimum


I think the so-called ability is whether the employees in the production, manufacturing and R & D of building materials have green and low-carbon ideas, green and low-carbon technologies, and whether they can further innovate on the basis of mastering and understanding green and low-carbon


(1) From the demand side analysis, the realization of carbon peak to meet the premise of reasonable growth of building energy consumption, in this process, the key is to adopt sustainable, green technical solutions to meet the people’s demand for reasonable growth of building energy consumption


This link is very important


Such as providing sustainable solutions to meet the requirements of heating in winter in hot summer and cold winter areas, and building indoor air quality to meet the health requirements


Among them, the construction process accounts for about 1%, the operation process accounts for about 22%, and the rest is the production and transportation of building materials


I believe that we can always effectively use various policy tools to form an optimal state to motivate market players and encourage R & D players to develop high-performance and high-quality building materials


Therefore, carbon emission reduction in building materials industry is very important


The second dimension is how much resources are consumed under the premise of realizing this function


(2) From the supply side analysis, in the future development process of buildings, the building energy saving system based on the current relative energy consumption will be changed to the carbon emission control based on the whole life cycle from the production, manufacturing and transportation of building materials, construction, operation and maintenance of buildings, to the scrapping, demolition, recycling and reuse of construction waste, so as to build a regional and residential building District, single building three levels, covering the whole life cycle of building energy saving and low-carbon development of the new pattern


In fact, there are many kinds of policy incentives, such as financial subsidies


With policies, we need corresponding technologies and standards


In the process of reaching the peak of carbon in the construction field in the future, the primary consideration is to meet the people’s growing pursuit of a better life through sustainable low-carbon solutions


Reporter: as early as in the Paris Agreement, China has shown the world its determination of green and low-carbon transformation


It can be said that without the technological progress of building materials, it is impossible to achieve the development of green building and low carbon


He is a part-time doctoral supervisor of Tianjin University, Chongqing University, Beijing Jiaotong University, Guangxi University and other universities


Secondly, from the technical standards


Reporter: China’s carbon emissions will strive to reach the peak by 2030 and achieve the goal of carbon neutralization by 2060, which will inject new impetus into China’s green development


Now, China will do a good job of carbon peaking and carbon neutralization as one of the key tasks in 2021, and take more effective measures to achieve the peak of carbon emissions within 10 years


How to find the gap quickly, make up for the shortcomings, and scale the production of high value-added and cost-effective products has become a topic of the times


These resources include water, land, building materials, etc


Nowadays, compared with the developed countries in the world, there are still shortcomings in technology in China


We should introduce corresponding mechanisms to better stimulate the vitality of market players, introduce incentive system for research and development institutions such as colleges and universities, tackle key problems of neck project, and break through the bottleneck of existing technology


The first dimension is the function of the building, such as the safety, comfort and health of the building


Wu Yong, male, doctoral supervisor, graduated from bridge and tunnel engineering of Chongqing Institute of architecture and Engineering in 1980


Energy saving is the “bull’s nose” of green and low-carbon development, and the most important way to achieve a substantial reduction in carbon dioxide emissions


Secondly, on the basis of reducing energy demand, sustainable energy, such as biomass energy and renewable energy, should be used to meet the energy demand of farmers for heating and air conditioning, cooking and hot water, and household appliances, so as to maintain the relatively green traditional lifestyle and habits as far as possible


The formation of technology system needs a long process of accumulation, in this process, there should be corresponding environment to support, in order to form a systematic technology to achieve low-carbon and green development of the industry


In your opinion, in the process of low-carbon green development in the next 10 years, what impact and changes will it bring to the improvement of building energy efficiency in China? President Wu Yong: the so-called building energy efficiency can be defined from three dimensions


He has been a visiting scholar in the Netherlands Institute of housing and urban development and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.


At the same time, we should also pay attention to the energy consumption of rural buildings, to ensure the sustainable energy consumption of rural people, from the existing clean heating to clean energy


Green building materials are the foundation of building low-carbon development, and play a leading and supporting role


From design, construction to production operation, only when carbon emission reduction is taken as the goal in every link, can the low-carbon operation in the whole production chain be realized and the green and low-carbon development mode be realized


The third dimension is the amount of emissions generated while consuming resources, including carbon dioxide emissions, as well as other emissions, such as sewage and so on


Reporter: if we want to cover the development of low carbon emission and energy saving in the whole life cycle of buildings, what role does building materials play in it, and how should we make efforts to achieve the goal of carbon peak? President Wu Yong: in the improvement of building energy efficiency, three dimensions are inseparable from green building materials


Green building materials are the foundation of low-carbon development in the field of construction


In your opinion, what should be the next step to accelerate the realization of carbon emission reduction targets? President Wu Yong: first of all, we should make efforts from the aspect of policy


At the same time, it is necessary for China to take new actions to achieve these two goals, and the new start of the “14th five year plan” is particularly critical


For example, we can increase the proportion of high-strength concrete in the construction, on the one hand reduce the consumption of materials, on the other hand also improve the stability of the building structure, can better meet the people’s requirements for building functionality


According to the statistical research of the building energy consumption statistical Committee of China Building Energy Efficiency Association in 2018, the carbon emission of buildings in the whole process from the initial mining, production and transportation of materials to construction, operation and scrapping accounted for 51.3% of the total carbon emission of that year



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