At the age of 34, the doctor of Tsinghua Institute of architecture was elected county magistrate. Design is not the only way out!

Photo source of Zhang Qi’s family: when talking about this overseas study visit on Shanxi news network, Zhang Qi was very moved.

The year before Zhang Qi graduated from Tsinghua University, Zhang Qi’s family was interviewed.

I’m very happy to study there.” Professor Pete Rowe sent an invitation soon after returning home.

She is a graduate student and doctor of Engineering majoring in urban and rural planning in the school of architecture, Tsinghua University.

In recent years, Huailai has firmly taken the new road of “ecology first, innovation leading, leaping and catching up” and accelerated the construction of “one lake and three circles” In terms of the spatial layout of the county, we will strive to build a high-tech industrial cluster with a new generation of information technology as the core and a cultural, tourism and health industry cluster with grapes and hot springs as the core, and strive to build a “micro center” for coordinated development, the capital’s optimal water conservation area, a model area for green industry development and a demonstration area for overall urban and rural development.

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At the end of 2011, Zhang Qi decided to go abroad, and then went through various formalities.

I want to do well in case of any situation.” when the reporter asked Zhang Qi to give some suggestions to the students who are about to enter college life, She said: “I can’t say.

In 2011, Zhang Qimeng had the idea of studying abroad, but she was worried about whether her family could afford to go abroad at her own expense.

Frankly, college is actually very hard.

Unexpectedly, Professor Pete Rowe came to Tsinghua again and asked her if she intended to study at Harvard.

” 02 resume of Zhang Qi Zhang Qi, female, Han nationality, born in April 1987 in Wenshui County, Shanxi Province, joined the Communist Party of China in December 2008 and worked in July 2015.

The content of this article comes from the recruitment platform of master and doctoral talents.

Tsinghua, 34, was elected as the head of Huailai County, Hebei Province? Recently, such a hot search topic rushed onto the microblog list and was praised by netizens: beauty and talent fly together! Figure source: microblog hot search according to the official website of Huailai County Government, Zhangjiakou City, Hebei Province, the first session of the 17th Huailai County People’s Congress closed successfully on the afternoon of July 29.

We can only spare no effort and go all out to live up to the trust of the organization, the expectations of the people and the heavy trust of history and the times.

The mission is on our shoulders and the responsibility is great.

Zhang Qi said that today, it is deeply honored and cherished to continue to take root in this heroic city, continue to serve Huailai, work side by side with cadres and the masses, revitalize and develop Huailai.

Talking about why she was able to take part in many volunteer services and social practice while still ranking among the best in her academic performance, she said: “oppress myself and make efficient use of my time.

I’ve never seen Korean dramas, I don’t know variety shows, and I don’t have all kinds of entertainment.

She talked about her direct and rough experience: after entering the Architecture Department of Tsinghua University at the undergraduate stage, Zhang Qi’s learning career seemed to be very smooth, but there were also twists and turns, but she always believed that opportunities were reserved for those who were prepared.

So Zhang Xiaosuo and Wang Wei came to the United States with visas for 20 days and traveled all over the East and west of the United States with their daughter.

She didn’t have to bear all the expenses.

Maybe I have better self-control.

According to official information, Zhang Qi, born in April 1987, entered the school of architecture of Tsinghua University in 2005 and continued to study for a doctorate.

My mother is also worried that I’m afraid I can only learn.

She studied architecture in the school of architecture, Tsinghua University from September 2005 to September 2009; she studied urban and rural planning in the school of architecture, Tsinghua University from September 2009 to July 2015 Student (from August 2012 to June 2013, visiting Harvard University); assistant researcher of graduate work department of the Party committee of Tsinghua University from July 2015 to August 2018 (from August 2015 to August 2016, temporary deputy director of housing and urban rural planning and Construction Bureau of Leshan City, Sichuan Province); Deputy Secretary of Youth League Committee of Tsinghua University from August 2018 to August 2019 (deputy department level) (from April 2017 to August 2019, he was appointed deputy director of the second comprehensive Department of the office of Hebei Provincial Leading Group for promoting the coordinated development of Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei); from August 2019 to June 2020, he was deputy director of the financial payment center of xiong’an new area, Hebei; from June 2020 to may 2021, he was deputy director of the reform and Development Bureau of the Management Committee of the Party Working Committee of xiong’an new area, Hebei; from May 2021 to may 2021, he was Deputy Secretary of the Huailai County Party committee, deputy head of the government and acting head of Huailai County; from July 2021 –   Huailai County Deputy Secretary of the Party committee, Secretary of the Party group of the county government and head of the county government.03 introduction to Huailai County according to the official website, Huailai County is located in the northwest of Hebei Province and the southeast of Zhangjiakou City, with a total population of 367000 and a total area of 1801 square kilometers.

Now think about it, learning is the simplest and easiest thing.

On the right is Zhang Qi.

Zhang Qi, an alumnus of Tsinghua University, was elected head of Huailai County People’s government.

Professor peterowe was the dean of the Graduate School of design of Harvard University from 1992 to 2004.

In June 2013, when Zhang Qi was about to finish her studies at Harvard, she especially wanted to go out and have a look.

Zhang Qi was so happy: “my dream place is Harvard.

During this period, he visited Harvard University from 2012 to 2013.

Up to now, I’ve been going step by step.

All this benefits from one person, Professor Pete Rowe, former dean of the Graduate School of design at Harvard University.

Later, the school finally agreed that the students who faced the same difficulties as her could go straight and broad.

Until September 2012, Zhang Qi officially went to Harvard for one year.

Her excellent performance left a deep impression on the other party.

At the time of direct doctoral education in 2009, the school strictly stipulated that the tutor who did not bring the doctoral student of the university the previous year was not allowed to bring the direct doctoral student, and the tutor selected by Zhang Qi happened to be listed, which meant that she could not direct doctoral education and could only study for a master’s degree.

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I don’t have so much time and energy.

At the meeting that day, the newly elected county magistrate Zhang Qi made an inaugural speech.

He is one of the founders of the strategic partnership between the Graduate School of design of Harvard University and the school of architecture of Tsinghua University.

When Professor peterowe came to China to inspect the construction of urbanization, due to the temporary absence of the translator, Zhang Qi’s mentor asked her to act as professor peterowe’s translator.

I’m also here now Reflect, learning is not the whole of life.

Many teachers around helped her to intercede.

The copyright belongs to the original author.

Her first thought was to let her parents go around together.

I can do it as long as I work hard.

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