2021 Architectural Culture Festival – the second annual exhibition of teaching achievements of architectural courses 2

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Architecture is a medium that enables people to feel the existence of nature.

    This exhibition brings together the works of many architectural students, including architectural design, architectural preliminary, architectural art, architectural sketch and photography, landscape design and interior design.

They not only cultivate students’ ability to continuously learn and adapt to social and professional development in professional fields, but also train students to establish correct painting and modeling Artistic aesthetic ability, with basic artistic cultivation and artistic identification ability, has also trained high-quality qualified skilled talents and established the goal and consciousness of lifelong learning.

These works show us the youthful spirit and professional talent of the young generation, and condense the efforts of the instructors and the sweat of the students.

Course leader: Guo Lina teaching team: Ou Yangfei, Guo Lina, Wang Bo, Hu Jenny # architectural art (sketch)#  — Feng Mingyang, class 2, architecture, grade 20    — Feng Mingyang, class 2, architecture, grade 20    — Grade 20 architecture class 2 Zeng Hongyue    — Luo Xiaoxuan, architecture class 2, grade 20    — Yang Zixuan, class 2, architecture, grade 20    — Yi Hong, class 3, architecture, grade 20    — Grade 20 architecture class 3 Xie Shuqi    — Liu xuanzhi, class 3, architecture, grade 20    — Zhang Peiwei, class 3, architecture, grade 20    — Zhao Wenjun, class 3, architecture, grade 20   # Architectural art (color)#  — Class 1, architecture, grade 20, song Haorui    — Wang Xiaojie, class 1, architecture, grade 20    — Deng SuYue, class 1, architecture, grade 20    — Gao Bo, class 1, architecture, grade 20    — Yang Zixuan, class 2, architecture, grade 20    — Zhu Jia, class 2, architecture, grade 20    — Zhu Jia, class 2, architecture, grade 20    — Hu Jie, class 2, architecture, grade 20    — Hu Jie, class 2, architecture, grade 20    — Grade 20 architecture class 2 Zeng Hongyue    — Grade 20 architecture class 2 Zeng Hongyue    — Luo Xiaoxuan, architecture class 2, grade 20    — Luo Xiaoxuan, architecture class 2, grade 20    — Wu Longjun, class 2, architecture, grade 20    — Grade 20 architecture class 2 Ni Xinping    — Zeng Yuyi, class 3, architecture, grade 20    — Zhang Rongyan, class 3, architecture, grade 20    — Zhang Rongyan, class 3, architecture, grade 20    — Grade 20 architecture class 3 Xie Shuqi    — Yi Hong, class 3, architecture, grade 20   # Architectural expression techniques (watercolor)#  — Zeng Zizhen, class 1, architecture, grade 19    — Zeng Zizhen, class 1, architecture, grade 19    — Grade 19 architecture class 1 Peng Yan    — Grade 19 architecture class 1 Peng Yan    — Grade 19 architecture class 1 Wang Haiyang    — Pan Yuping, class 2, architecture, grade 19    — Grade 19 architecture class 2 Zheng Lirong    — Grade 19 architecture class 2 Chen Ximei    — He Mingyue, class 3, architecture, grade 19    — He Mingyue, class 3, architecture, grade 19    — Wu Dan, class 3, architecture, grade 19   # Architectural sketch and photography (marker)#  — Grade 19 architecture class 1 Wang Haiyang    — Shu Yipeng, class 1, architecture, grade 19    — Li Wei, class 1, architecture, grade 19    — Zeng Zizhen, class 1, architecture, grade 19    — Pan Yuping, class 2, architecture, grade 19    — Wu Dan, class 3, architecture, grade 19    — Pan Yuping, class 2, architecture, grade 19    — Grade 19 architecture class 2 Chen Ximei    — Grade 19 architecture class 2 Chen Ximei    — Liu Yang, class 2, architecture, grade 19    — Grade 19 architecture class 2 Tian Jiawei    — Ren Yuxi, class 2, architecture, grade 19    — Grade 19 architecture class 2 li Yuting    — Wu Dan, class 3, architecture, grade 19    — Wu Dan, class 3, architecture, grade 19    — Su Ling, architecture class 3, grade 19    — Su Ling, architecture class 3, grade 19    — Zeng Ao, class 3, architecture, grade 19     — Grade 19 architecture class 3 Chen Hongyi    — Grade 19 architecture class 3 Huang Rui    — He Mingyue, class 3, architecture, grade 19    — He Mingyue, class 3, architecture, grade 19   +++   Design is a kind of creativity, and architecture is a solidified art.

The works have diverse themes, rich contents, distinctive themes and rich flavor of the times.

The sketch and color course trains students’ perception of shadow and color, the architectural expression skills course trains students to express architecture with watercolor, and the architectural sketch and photography course trains students to express architecture with pen, marker and color lead.

The successful establishment and promotion of the first annual exhibition of teaching achievements year by year have important practical significance for the development of architectural design and art.

These courses enable students to master the skills of expressing objective things with color, and have the ability to express ideas in form with pencil, watercolor, marker, color lead and pen, so as to lay a foundation for future architectural design.

It has become an important part of the educational reform of architecture.

Editor / Zhu Jia/    Typesetting / Zhu Jia/    Editor / Reviewer: Yang jingzhuo, Wang Bo, Chen Ximei, Yang Li, pan Jian/   Scan QR code and pay attention to Xi Xi architecture society.

The exhibition aims to make teachers and students fully feel the charm of architecture, enhance their understanding of architecture, and show the excellent education and teaching achievements of architecture.

The second annual exhibition of teaching achievements of architectural courses will be another artistic event of ideological collision and multiple interaction between all teachers and students.

Light gives beauty drama, and wind and rain add color to life through their effects on the human body.

+ architectural art exhibition jianzhumeishuzhan        preface     The second annual exhibition of teaching achievements of architectural courses is the second officially held since it was held in 2019.

After several sessions of character honing, many excellent works have emerged.

We will show you more wonderful contents!..

Course introduction of Department of architecture and civil engineering:    Architectural art includes architectural art (sketch), architectural art (color), architectural expression techniques, architectural sketch and photography.


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