Yancheng City, Jiangsu Province issued the implementation opinions on vigorously promoting the development of prefabricated buildings


In the planning conditions of construction land, it is clear that the proportion of prefabricated buildings in the plot is 100%, and the single prefabrication and assembly rate shall not be less than 50%, which shall be used as the content of signing the land transfer contract.

19) and the opinions of the provincial government on promoting the reform and development of the construction industry (SZF [2017] No.

Take promoting the development of green buildings and building an ecological and livable city as the work guide.

All public buildings with a construction area of more than 5000 square meters and industrial buildings with a construction area of more than 2000 square meters that are supplied by bidding, auction, hanging and allocation in the city shall adopt prefabricated construction technology, and the single prefabricated assembly rate shall not be less than 45%, which shall be specified in the planning conditions of construction land.

promotion types and regions (1) Focus on the types of projects.

By the end of 2021, establish and improve the policy guarantee system, technical support system and quality supervision system for the development of prefabricated buildings; by 2025, the market environment for the development of prefabricated buildings will gradually mature, and a comprehensive and perfect comprehensive regulatory service system will be established.

8) and other documents, combined with the actual situation of our city, further do a good job in promoting the implementation of prefabricated buildings in our city, and formulate these implementation opinions.

We will vigorously promote prefabricated concrete buildings, improve prefabricated concrete structure systems suitable for different building types, and expand the types and categories of industrialized models of prefabricated concrete structures.

Notice of Yancheng Municipal People’s Government on printing and distributing the implementation opinions on vigorously promoting the development of prefabricated buildings – [2021] No.

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Promote according to “highlighting key points and promoting by classification” The development of prefabricated buildings in the city is divided into key promotion areas and active promotion areas.

By 2021, prefabricated buildings will account for more than 35% of the newly started building area in the same period, and prefabricated decoration buildings will account for more than 10% of the newly started finished housing area in the same period; by the end of 2025, prefabricated buildings will account for more than 50% of the newly started building area in the same period, and prefabricated decoration buildings will account for more than 30% of the newly started finished housing area in the same period.

the guiding ideology firmly establishes “innovation, coordination, green, openness and sharing” And implement the architectural policy of “applicability, economy, green and beauty”.

Actively promote the residential construction projects in the region that provide land by bidding, auction and hanging, and specify in the construction land planning conditions that the proportion of prefabricated buildings in the plot shall not be less than 50%, and the single prefabricated assembly rate shall not be less than 50%, which shall be used as the content of signing the land transfer contract: in the future, the corresponding proportion shall be increased year by year according to the city’s goal.

Taking “government guidance, market leading, industry driving and enterprise operation” as the development path, relying on the popularization and application of BIM Technology, promote the in-depth development of prefabricated construction, and form a new green integrated and efficient construction mode dominated by concrete precast prefabricated structure system, assisted by digital technology, supported by standard system and guided by intensive production, Establish and improve the industrial system of building modernization to provide important support for promoting the coordinated and sustainable development of economy, society and environment in our city.

Bridges, structures Municipal infrastructure projects such as comprehensive pipe gallery (with a project cost of more than 30 million yuan) that meet the technical conditions of prefabricated construction shall adopt prefabricated construction.


II Target task (1) The city’s goal.

18 – the implementation opinions on vigorously promoting the development of prefabricated buildings are to implement the opinions of the general office of the State Council on promoting the sustainable and healthy development of the construction industry (Guo Ban Fa [2017] No.

The key promotion areas are Wenfeng street, Xianfeng street, Yulong Street, Dayang street, Wuxing Street, Xinyang street, Dongtinghu street and the areas under the jurisdiction of Xinyang economic zone; Yanlong street, Yandu street, panhuang street and Zhangzhuang street in Yandu District; Xincheng street of Yancheng Economic and Technological Development Zone and Xindu street, Huanghai street, Xinhe street and Kecheng street of Yannan high tech Zone.

(2) Actively promote assembly decoration.

(2) Regulatory service system objectives.

(II) delimit key areas by classification.

(3) Build an assembled construction industry chain..

151), several opinions of the Ministry of housing and urban rural development and other departments on accelerating the industrialization of new buildings (jbg [2020] No.

We will actively adopt prefabricated steel structures in public buildings such as hospitals and schools, and explore the application of prefabricated steel structure technology system in rural housing and other projects 。 Actively promote the highly mature fabricated wood structure system and supporting process construction methods.

Focus on all new affordable housing, commercial housing, apartments and other residential buildings in the city (hereinafter referred to as “residential buildings”), public buildings such as schools, hospitals, businesses, hotels and office buildings with a construction area of more than 5000 square meters (hereinafter referred to as “public buildings”) and industrial buildings such as factories with a construction area of more than 2000 square meters (hereinafter referred to as “industrial buildings”).

Actively promote the application of assembly decoration technology in the development and construction of finished housing, and government investment projects play a demonstration and leading role; vigorously promote the integration of housing design, construction and decoration, actively guide real estate development enterprises to adopt assembly decoration technology of standardization, modularization and dry operation, and promote the overall kitchen and bathroom, decoration parts and The application of technologies such as equipment and pipeline integration will accelerate the increase of the proportion of newly started houses with assembly decoration.

At the same time, actively explore the application of appropriate technologies for prefabricated construction in municipal, garden, village and town construction and urban renewal, and carry out research on relevant appropriate technology systems and the establishment of pilot demonstration projects.

Focus on promoting residential construction projects in the region that provide land by bidding, auction and hanging.

Actively promote areas: other areas in the city except the above areas.

key work points (1) We will vigorously develop prefabricated buildings.



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