When you study architecture, you should recognize these eight universities. After graduation, state-owned enterprises scramble to learn architecture

In 1952, the Department of architecture of South China Institute of technology was established


Southeast University Southeast University, founded in 1927, is the birthplace of modern architecture in China


Major direction there are four main employment directions for students majoring in Architecture: design units in the construction industry such as architectural design and research institutes and architectural design firms, which are mainly engaged in building design and research related to architecture


Architecture attaches great importance to “descent” and “origin”


The current situation of professional employment 1


Only it still stands proudly, which is not easy, because we know that after the merger of colleges and universities, Several colleges and universities no longer exist


More and more students want to apply for architecture


Millions of houses are under construction every day




Even if it is the same architecture, colleges and universities also have different directions to be good at


The Department of architecture was founded by the famous architect Mr


They are only a discipline in 985 colleges and universities, so is Xi’an University of architecture and technology more valuable in comparison? In addition to architecture being B +, Xi’an University of architecture and technology has also entered the B + level






At present, the gap of architects in our country is very large, and the current number of architects can not meet our domestic needs


Due to the extremely professional nature of architecture and the nature of no alternative, the annual salary of architecture graduates will rise




In the fourth round of discipline evaluation, Tianjin University, Tongji University and South China University of technology tied for a –


Tsinghua University Tsinghua University is an old famous architectural school


It seems that its strength is becoming stronger and stronger without merger


The specialty of architectural design and its theory is not only universal, but also has profound historical accumulation


Its predecessor was Xiangqin university founded in 1932 and the Institute of technology of National Sun Yat sen University incorporated in 1938


The employment rate of students six months after graduation reached 97.3%


The seven universities in front of it are all 985


Harbin Architecture University and Chongqing Architecture University can be said that the current Harbin Architecture University and Chongqing Architecture University no longer exist, because as early as 2000, Harbin Architecture University and Harbin Institute of technology merged, and the school name was Harbin Institute of technology; Chongqing University of architecture was officially incorporated into Chongqing University in the same year, and the Department of architecture was established as the school of architecture and urban planning of Chongqing University


Architecture involves architectural art and technology


Without the planning of architectural design talents, these houses can not stand up


Each school has its own characteristics and you can choose according to your own situation


If you go in a small direction, you can turn to interior design, and if you go in a large direction, you can turn to urban planning


It won a – in the fourth round of evaluation results, and its strength is needless to say


Therefore, architectural design talents are still very popular in today’s society


Traditionally, it has strong strength in the field of architectural design and historical building protection


Professional graduates are professionals in the construction industry and the main force to achieve their career in the future


The average monthly income of architecture and architecture majors is also among the best among the major undergraduate majors for several consecutive years


According to the data of sunshine college entrance examination information platform, the number of architecture graduates is between 14000 and 16000


Generally, the annual salary will be about 150000 yuan, and that of mature architects will be about 300000 yuan, So this major has really become a golden rice bowl in the market


Undergraduate architecture majors include architecture, urban and rural planning, landscape architecture and other majors


Tongji University Architecture of Tongji University is a “double first-class” discipline


Most architecture majors only recruit science students.


Take real estate as an example


It is a major with high employment rate


What is architecture? Some students think that architecture is learning to build a house


It refers to the recognition of the graduates of the old eighth School of architecture in the industry


These eight schools also have a nickname called “old eight schools of architecture”


In addition to Tsinghua University and Southeast University, it belongs to Tianda and Tongji University


The Department of architecture of Tongji University was established in 1952 when the departments of colleges and universities across the country were adjusted by integrating the Department of civil engineering of Tongji University, the Department of architecture of St


However, there are still some rising stars who have made good achievements in architecture

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The architecture major of Tsinghua University has steadily ranked first in China for a long time, and is also well-known in the world


The employment rate is rising


It has a history of 80 years


Architecture is a specialty that can best reflect the technical content


In fact, it is not so simple


Xi’an University of architecture and Technology Xi’an University of architecture and technology, as a key high-level university in Shaanxi Province, can be said to be quite good in terms of discipline strength


John’s University and the Department of architecture of Zhijiang University, and absorbing some teachers from the Department of civil engineering of Fudan University, the Department of civil engineering of Jiaotong University and the national Hangzhou art college, It is also famous in the “old eight schools of architecture”




The school of architecture has one secondary key discipline (Architectural Design and theory) cultivated by the state and two primary key disciplines (Architecture and urban and rural planning) in Guangdong Province, which have formed advantages in subtropical architectural design, subtropical urban planning and design, Lingnan landscape architecture, architecture and cultural research


In the “old eight schools of architecture”, Southeast University may be relatively low-key, but its architectural strength can not be underestimated


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It can also study graduate students in architectural design and theory, urban planning and design, landscape design, architectural history and theory, architectural technology, etc


It is known as “north and South” together with Tsinghua University, and its strength is far ahead of other universities






In the fourth round of discipline evaluation, the architecture major of Southeast University was awarded a +


Architecture is a good choice, but there are a few points to remind you: 1


The employment rate has shown an upward trend in the past three years and has remained between 90% – 95% in the past two years


Of course, some students (mostly master’s and doctoral students) stay in Colleges and universities for research and teaching, It is also good for some students to obtain civil servants to engage in management and planning in the urban construction department, and a considerable part of them have entered the real estate industry to engage in real estate development


You can also turn to smaller and more biased directions, such as fashion design, jewelry design, industrial design and graphic design


Nowadays, real estate is hot all over the world


In the fourth discipline evaluation, architecture of Tsinghua University always ranked first


The employment choice is spacious, because architecture belongs to the middle level of design majors, and the employment direction of architecture students is also more flexible


After reading the profiles of the above eight universities, you will find one thing in common – these universities have a “long history”


So what is architecture and which universities are particularly harmful to architecture? Now let’s have a look


The old eight schools of architecture have won reputation and trust in the industry through years of accumulation


It can be employed in architectural design, urban planning and design departments, real estate development and consulting departments, relevant scientific research and teaching departments and government management departments


South China University of technology architecture of South China University of technology also has a long history


Now, China’s architecture level is shining in the world and is widely praised


There is a saying in this industry: graduates of the old eight schools of architecture and graduates of architecture majors of other schools


They are urban and rural planning, landscape architecture, civil engineering, environmental science and engineering


You can turn to landscape architecture if you go to the next direction


The school of architecture of Tianjin university can be traced back to the Department of architecture of Tianjin Institute of business and technology founded in 1937


This is a characteristic of the construction industry


In a broad sense, architecture is a discipline that studies architecture and its environment


Liang Sicheng in October 1946 and has a history of more than 70 years



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