[Urban Renewal] great changes of old buildings: they are the old buildings that have been translated in Shanghai!

To protect historical sites is to collect the precious years of Shanghai


In the process of urban development and change, many old buildings, relying on the big move of “translation”, remain and glow with new life


Today, let’s take a look at the moving buildings in Shanghai! 011933 – the Bund Observatory is the first translational old building in mordu


The moving distance is 24.5 meters


The Bund Observatory, located at the intersection of zhongshangdong 1st Road and Yan’an East Road, is no longer famous


But if we can trace back 130 years, it was one of the most famous buildings on the Bund


After the opening of Shanghai port in 1843, the French built a weather signal station on the Bund through Xujiahui Observatory in 1844, which became the most “eye-catching” building on the Bund


Photo of Shanghai Bund signal tower in 1938 the operation of the observatory began in 1983


In 1927, the observatory was expanded


Three sections of the white tower were inlaid with red bricks, and the top was decorated with red bricks


It is very eye-catching from a distance


In 1993, the road on the Bund was to be reconstructed and expanded, and the observatory was in the middle of the planned Zhongshan 1st road


In order to protect this national treasure building, which was nearly 150 years old at that time, the relevant departments decided to move it eastward


At that time, there was no mature translation technology for the old building, and the observatory could only move a few centimeters a day


Even so, in the end, the 450 ton Observatory successfully moved 24.5 meters without any damage, which was an unprecedented creation at that time! Today, the first floor of the Bund Observatory is a historical exhibition hall, displaying many photos of old Shanghai, from which we can learn about the history and culture of the Bund and Shanghai


The coffee shop on the second floor has a nostalgic atmosphere


The old-fashioned gramophone plays jazz music of the 1930s and 1940s, as well as regular piano playing


It’s a very elegant place


021998 – Siming public house: the gate building of Siming public house, which has existed for 220 years, has a translation distance of 23 meters


The gate building of Siming public house on Renmin Road is the only remaining part of Siming public house, which was once a sensation


But it wasn’t here


This gate tower is the second mobile building in Shanghai after the Bund observatory


The four public offices, also known as Ningbo guild hall, were built in 1797 with funds raised by Ningbo’s Shanghai compatriots


At the earliest time, it covered an area of more than 30 mu, covering an area of about 800 square meters


It was mainly used for “sending coffins (storing coffins)”, “offering sacrifices to the emperor of Guan” (offering sacrifices to the Duke of Guan) “and” collecting and burying the corpses of the ownerless “in Ningbo


From 1874 to 1898, the Council of the French Concession forced the house to move on the ground of building roads


300000 Ningbo compatriots revolted


Afterwards, Ningbo compatriots launched a large-scale strike


The French consul finally gave up occupying the house because of the anti imperialist anger of the people of Shanghai


Around 1951 (after liberation), the function of “storing and transporting coffins” gradually disappeared, and the office gradually declined


In 1998, Shanghai was preparing to build the China Life Insurance Building


In order to make way for the building, the only remaining gate building of Siming office was moved by 23 meters, and the newly designed screen glass was used to isolate the west side from the adjacent high-rise building of the life insurance building


On April 27, 2002, it was changed into a memorial site in Shanghai


032001 – Liu Changsheng’s former residence: two shifts of the red revolution Holy Land: 133 meters, Shanghai underground organization struggle history exhibition hall, 81 Yuyuan Road, “Liu Changsheng’s former residence” maybe many people have visited


But this building was not here, and it has been translated more than once! From 1946 to 1949, Liu Changsheng, who was then deputy secretary of the Shanghai Bureau of the CPC Central Committee, disguised himself as the boss of “Rongtai cigarette”, lived on the second floor of the western style house


As a businessman, he was engaged in underground work secretly


At that time, the western style house was one of the secret organs of the Shanghai Bureau of the CPC Central Committee


In 2001, Jing’an planned to develop 900 city squares


At that time, the former residence of Liu Changsheng, who was over 80 years old, needed to be protected


At this time, the building translation technology has been relatively mature


It only took more than 30 hours to complete the translation of 33 meters


However, due to the unfinished demolition of the house next to the former residence, which affected the translation track of the building, the whole translation project of Liu Changsheng’s former residence had to be divided into two phases, and the second phase project moved the building 100 meters


In 2004, Liu Changsheng’s former residence was officially opened to the public as a museum of the struggle history of Shanghai underground organizations


The 927 square meter building is equipped with a three storey exhibition area: the ground floor is mainly the scene introduction of three secret contact points of Shanghai underground party in the 1930s and 1940s


042003 – Shanghai Concert Hall parallel translation distance: 66.46m the Shanghai Concert Hall built in 1930 is the first concert hall in China


At first, it used to be a grand theater in Nanjing, and later it was a cinema


After it was changed into Shanghai Concert Hall in 1959, it has been one of the most important music activity centers in Shanghai for decades


In 2003, in order to cooperate with the widening construction of Yan’an Road viaduct, Shanghai Concert Hall began the translation project


The difference between this translation and the past is that the Shanghai Concert Hall is upgraded and transformed once and for all


In the process of the project, the top of the original site was raised by 1.7 meters, and then it began to move southward


After 66.46 meters, the new site was raised by 1.68 meters, and the area of the concert hall increased four times


After just two months of translation, a brand-new Shanghai Concert Hall will appear in front of the world


During the translation period, the interior of Shanghai Concert Hall was renovated at the same time


The exterior of the building remained unchanged, but the interior facilities were renovated


All the decorations are “old as before”, magnificent


It is said that the translation project of the 5650 ton Shanghai Concert Hall, with a total cost of 150 million yuan, became the most expensive and largest scale cultural relic protection building translation project in the history of Shanghai at that time


05, 2008 – Ruihua Zhangyuan, the first Kunqu Opera School in China, is located on the Bank of Suzhou River, west of Caojiadu, Shanghai, with a translation distance of 95 meters and a rotation of 35 degrees


It was named “Shuiyun township” or “xiaolanting” in the early days of the Republic of China


It was an old foreign building built by Kunqu artist Xu Lingyun in the late Qing Dynasty to study and inherit Kunqu opera art


This building, with a strong architectural style of combining Chinese and Western architecture in the period of the Republic of China, used to be the place where Xu Lingyun and Mei Lanfang and other art masters, Aixinjueluo Pudong and other famous fans “gathered and exchanged views” and was once known as “Nanling school” by later generations


From 1930 to 1997, it changed owners several times: Chen Chuxiang’s private residence, song wusheng’s Dazhong chemical factory, the founder of Fudan University School of pharmacy, and Nanlin middle school, which eventually belonged to East China Normal University


With the establishment of the reconstruction project of the surrounding “Fuxing village”, the old western style house before the translation, which has a history of 100 years and bears countless stories of Suzhou River, once faced the embarrassing situation of being demolished due to disrepair


In 2008, in order to keep this precious history, the land developers decided to “translational protection” the old building


In July of that year, the old building not only successfully “translated” 95 meters, but also lifted 2 meters and rotated 35 degrees


In order to reappear the charm of the old western style building in the late Qing Dynasty, the group invited numerous experts to build inside and outside the building in the next few years, making the old western style building become the landmark landscape of Suzhou River again


After the rebirth of the old building officially named “Ruihua Zhangyuan”, simple and symmetrical chessboard architecture shows the grand and elegant cultural charm


The rare mahogany roof is wrapped with beams, the wood under the beams is exquisitely carved, the beautiful retro stone furniture and the fine copper railings all exude the elegant and noble charm of the old buildings in Shanghai beach.



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