Travel notes of architecture. Croatia

However, in the west, it is a famous historical city that no one knows


After the great earthquake in 1880, the church was rebuilt into a new Gothic church with two additional bell towers


The South Road is the palace and mausoleum, and the north road is the hotel and barracks


It is designed with a typical Slavic style


Zagreb, the capital of Croatia, is different from other coastal cities


Most of the buildings in Trogir are Romanesque and Renaissance style, which is unique among many Croatian towns


< unidesignlab Croatian architecture tour is both architecture and art


The core area of the heritage is located on a small island on the bank, like a miniature Venice


Walking in the old town of trogil, the roadway is crisscross, and the polished stone road runs through it


Lawrence church


In front of the cathedral in Putuo square, there are golden statues of the Virgin Mary and four angels


The original site was destroyed in the earthquake in 1880 and later rebuilt in 1899


Walking in split, there is a feeling of walking through the Mediterranean city, a Venetian architecture


The city wall around the ancient city is the most complete and complex city wall in Europe


Mark’s church, there is a stone gate built in the 13th century, which is the main entrance to the old city center of Zagreb


It is similar to Marco Polo square, which shows the influence of Venice culture on split


Because of its unique and eye-catching design, it has become a necessary tourist attraction


The old city in the play is located in Dubrovnik, the ancient city of Croatia


The mosaic pattern on the roof is composed of two medieval shields


It is simple and charming but low-key




The Republic Square of split has the feeling of being in Venice, Italy


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There is a cross road in the center of the palace city


There are many museums in the territory, most of which are owned by individuals


Later, the rulers built many beautiful public buildings, houses and fortifications


The landmark building in Zagreb, the Cathedral of the Virgin Mary, is commonly known as the Cathedral of Zagreb


It is known as the “hidden pearl”


The vertical street layout of the settlements on the island can be traced back to the Greek period


Maybe many people know about Croatia because the Croatian football team often appears in the major football matches in Europe and the world cup


The ancient city was built in the 7th century AD, close to the mountains and the sea


Located in Roosevelt square, the mimala museum is an art museum, mainly collecting works of Verde and mimala, so the full name of the museum is “Verde and mimala”


In addition to the “lattice Legion”, the game of Thrones has made Croatia famous on social networks all over the world


It lacks the background of blue sea and green forest, but it has been the center of science and culture for centuries, and now it has become the center of Commerce and industry


Near the coast of the Adriatic Sea


The palace was seriously damaged in the 7th century when foreign invaders invaded, but the central arch still exists in the city of split


It is a well preserved city in the middle ages of Europe, with the same prosperity as Venice at that time


The crisscross narrow alleys show us the process of time flowing in the process of nearly two thousand years of history


There are 3700 different works of art in the museum, of which more than 1500 are permanent exhibits


Mark’s church is a Gothic building with a colorful tiled roof


Next to St


These works cover all historical periods from prehistory to the 20th century, and are comprehensive and representative


The whole old city is a “living fossil” of medieval buildings


Located in the historic city of split, Croatia, it is the palace where the Roman Emperor dekri abdicated first and then lived


Leaving split, we continued along the coastline, and 30 kilometers away was the small town of trogil


There are arcades on both sides of the avenue, and there are large arches at the central avenue leading to the palace, which is majestic


The exquisite Romanesque church complements the outstanding Renaissance and Baroque architecture of Venice


Out of the church after a few steps to the northwest came to the lovely Church of St


The most prominent part is the western entrance


After a long process of restoration, he won the “Europa Nostra” award in 2002 (established to help restore and renovate European cultural monuments)


The mimala museum is one of the most famous art museums in Croatia


The beautiful relief tells the story of the Bible and the ordinary people


Without the aura of world heritage, no one would have noticed it


According to historical records, in order to avoid the Venetians seizing the control of the city, the people of Dubrovnik built the fort in only three months, practicing the motto of the Republic of Lhasa – “freedom is better than gold”


The south wall and tower of the Diocletian palace, 1700 years ago, were strong enough to withstand the invasion of the enemy


The ruins include 13th century murals, Renaissance benches, marble altars and Baroque pulpits


When the ancient buildings in Greece, Italy and other countries are damaged to varying degrees, the old buildings in trogil are still intact


It is said that a fire engulfed the gate in 1731, but the picture was not damaged at all, which made the believers marvel that the virgin appeared


The most iconic building in the city is St


When the ancient buildings in Greece, Italy and other countries are damaged to varying degrees, the old buildings in trogil are still intact


As the best preserved Roman palace in the world, the Diocletian palace was listed in the UNESCO World Cultural Heritage list in 1979


The whole old city is a “living fossil” of medieval buildings


To Oriental tourists, it is far away and strange


The gate is also in the form of a castle, with a long row of classical arcades on the sea side


(Dubrovnik used to be called “lagusa”) along the coastline of the Balkans, we came to split, the second largest city after Dubrovnik


Split is in the middle of Croatia


The small town is not big, so there is no need to worry about getting lost


Trogil is a little-known pocket town with mountains, sea, church and palace


The fort of rovorijenak on the stone cliff in the west of the city guards the sea and land gate of Dubrovnik


In fact, the buildings here are not top-notch in terms of scale, artistry, delicacy or importance


The palace is adjacent to the Adriatic Sea in the south, with high walls on the East, West and north sides


The ancient castles built in the 14th to 16th centuries are still preserved in the old city, reflecting different architectural styles such as Romanesque, Gothic, Renaissance and Baroque


You who like the ancient buildings in Europe may find many surprises here




In addition, Zagreb also has many green parks and buildings worth visiting


Zagreb displays baroque style, picturesque open-air markets, a variety of shopping malls, a variety of handicrafts and rich local cuisine


You who like the ancient buildings in Europe may find many surprises here


Located in southeastern Europe, Croatia has beautiful Adriatic seashore, puliteweicai Lake Group, Brioni island and other national parks


However, it is often easy for people to forget time and space and go back to the middle ages.


It was built in 1213 and took more than 400 years to complete


Most of the buildings in Trogir are Romanesque and Renaissance style, which is unique among many Croatian towns


However, the hometown of “lattice Legion” has long been a popular tourist destination for European people, with its unique coastline The ancient city with a long history is a beautiful scenery along the long coastline


There is a picture of the virgin in the gate



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