There are still four problems to be solved in the development of building photovoltaic integration

At present, in the application of building photovoltaic, we only pay attention to the benefits of power generation, but do not pay attention to the benefits of building energy conservation.

For a good building photovoltaic integration project, through preliminary research, enterprises or design institutes can synchronously intervene from conceptual design, scheme design and deepening design.

Fourth, the standards and Atlas used to regulate the market lag behind and the scope of application is insufficient.

At present, many building photovoltaic projects.

Third, the multiple benefits of photovoltaic to the building have not been fully utilized.

The current building photovoltaic integrated standard system is not perfect, the consideration of building performance is less, and the participation of the construction industry is low.

Second, the business model of building integrated photovoltaic system is immature.

At present, there are four major problems in building photovoltaic integration.

First, the degree of building photovoltaic integration and building synchronization is different.

We theoretically analyze that its business model is very good and its profit is also very high.

Building photovoltaic is generally distributed photovoltaic.

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Photovoltaic system enterprises do not intervene until the construction stage or even after completion, so it is difficult to realize the perfect combination of building and photovoltaic.

However, there is still a lack of consideration on enterprise credit, consumption capacity, project compliance, building performance status, maintenance level and financing.

For the product installation of different building components, the building performance characteristics of photovoltaic components are opaque, medium and low light transmittance, working state and different states of component backplane heating.

Ju Xiaolei, director of Solar Building Technology Research Institute of China Architectural Design and Research Institute Co., Ltd., on December 18, At the first photovoltaic building integration innovation forum jointly sponsored by Polaris solar photovoltaic network and China keguozong (Beijing) energy Internet Technology Co., Ltd., Ju Xiaolei, director of Solar Building Technology Research Institute of China Architectural Design and Research Institute Co., Ltd., shared the theme of “BIPV development status and Prospect under the background of” double carbon “…


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