There are 756000 high-rise civil buildings in China, and the regulations on fire safety management of high-rise civil buildings will come into force today

The regulations on fire safety management of high-rise civil buildings was deliberated and adopted at the 39th ministerial meeting of the emergency management department on December 28, 2020, issued as order No


5 of the emergency management department on June 21, 2021, and shall enter into force as of August 1, 2021


High rise civil buildings include high-rise residential buildings and high-rise public buildings


High rise residential buildings refer to residential buildings with a building height greater than 27 meters; High rise public buildings refer to non single storey public buildings with a building height of more than 24 meters, including office buildings, scientific research buildings, cultural buildings, commercial buildings, sports buildings, medical buildings, transportation buildings, tourism buildings, communication buildings, dormitory buildings, apartment buildings, etc


With the rapid development of China’s economy and society, the number of high-rise civil buildings has increased sharply


According to incomplete statistics, there are 756000 buildings in China, and the consequent fire safety problems have become increasingly prominent


In recent years, there have been many fires, resulting in a large number of casualties and property losses


The fire safety situation is very severe, which is mainly reflected in: first, the building volume is large, the function is complex and the overall risk is high


2、 The fire safety conditions are not up to standard, and the problems left over by history are prominent


3、 The daily fire control management is not in place, and the self prevention and self rescue ability is poor


4、 In case of fire, the fire spreads in many ways and at a high speed, making it difficult to evacuate and rescue


In order to meet the needs of work, the emergency management department has formulated the regulations after investigation and research, extensive solicitation of opinions, repeated revision and improvement《 The regulations systematically stipulates the fire safety responsibilities, fire safety management, fire publicity and education, fire fighting and evacuation plans, legal responsibilities and other aspects of high-rise civil buildings, and requires the fire safety management of high-rise civil buildings to implement the policy of putting prevention first and combining prevention with fire prevention, and implement the fire safety responsibility system《 The provisions is divided into six parts, with a total of 51 articles


It defines the fire protection responsibilities and obligations of the property, owners and users, and improves the work requirements for the fire management personnel of high-rise buildings


It is an important measure to implement the decision-making and deployment of the central government to deepen the reform of fire law enforcement and the implementation of the fire law of the people’s Republic of China and other legal provisions《 The promulgation of the regulations has further improved China’s fire protection laws and regulations system, which is of great significance to prevent and resolve major safety risks of high-rise civil buildings, implement fire safety responsibilities of all parties, improve fire safety management level, prevent fire and reduce fire hazards, and protect the safety of people’s lives and property to the greatest extent《 The main body of fire safety management regulations for high-rise civil buildings has been released in the background


In the official account dialogue interface, the key words: high-rise civil buildings can be obtained free of charge


Content statement: non Ruiyan technology original articles will indicate the source.



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