The three districts of Qingdao have completely cancelled the drawing review! However, architectural design should have bachelor degree or

After obtaining the construction permit, the construction unit shall obtain the construction drawing review (spot check) certificate and stamped with the review (spot check) Before the construction drawing design documents with qualified seals, the demolition of old buildings and structures, site leveling, foundation pit excavation and support (except bridges, tunnels and rail transit projects), opening of temporary roads and water and electricity for construction can be carried out as required, but the construction of engineering structures shall not be carried out.

Because the policies and norms of the construction industry will continue to change.


8), implementation opinions on continuously and deeply optimizing the business environment (lzz [2020] No.

(2) To implement key node control, all engineering projects must pass the construction drawing review (spot check) before the construction of engineering structure, and obtain the construction drawing review (spot check) certificate and the construction drawing design documents stamped with the review (spot check) certificate.

All engineering projects must pass the construction drawing review (spot check) before the construction of engineering structure, and obtain the construction drawing review (spot check) certificate and the construction drawing design documents stamped with the review (spot check) seal.

Please pay attention to official account number shejiyuan8.

Among them, the construction drawing review will be cancelled for the simple and low-risk projects invested by the whole city; for other projects, the construction drawing review will be put behind.

The modification time of construction drawings shall not be included in the total time of random inspection.

Carry out 100% random inspection on the quality of survey and design documents for the project that cancels the review of construction drawings.


For the engineering projects that cancel the review of construction drawings, 100% random inspection of the quality of survey and design documents shall be carried out.

67), implementation plan for comprehensively optimizing the approval process of engineering construction projects (LBF [2020] No.

5) Guiding opinions on optimizing the approval service of social investment simple and low-risk engineering construction projects (ljsgz [2020] No.

The entrusted construction drawing review (spot check) organization shall be responsible for the review (spot check) of the construction drawing quality of the construction project.

For the construction, survey and design units with high survey and design quality, good spot check and high credit assessment level, the proportion of spot check can be gradually reduced or exempted from spot check.

8) And other relevant policy requirements, accelerate process reengineering, optimize the business environment and promote the construction of efficient Qingdao.

It will be adopted when handling relevant administrative licensing and government services Using the notification commitment system, the construction, survey and design units shall jointly promise that the survey and design documents submitted meet the requirements of public interest, public safety and mandatory standards for engineering construction (see Annex 1 and 2 for the format of the letter of commitment) The letter of commitment shall be used to replace the construction drawing review certificate to handle relevant administrative licensing and government services.

Original document: Notice of Qingdao Municipal Bureau of housing and urban rural development, Qingdao Municipal Bureau of finance, Qingdao municipal administrative examination and Approval Service Bureau on deepening the reform of construction drawing review, housing and urban rural construction, finance and administrative examination and approval departments of all districts, cities and West Coast new area, Laoshan District urban administration, construction, survey and design units, construction drawing review institutions and relevant units: for in-depth implementation Guiding opinions on deepening institutional innovation and accelerating process reengineering (LF [2020] No.

(3) Establish the construction drawing information exchange and sharing mechanism.

Implement the responsibilities of all parties and strengthen quality and safety control.

Cancel the review of construction drawings for simple and low-risk projects invested by the whole city; For other projects, the construction drawings shall be reviewed before.

For simple low-risk projects, the review (spot check) and spot check personnel shall meet the requirements of Bachelor degree or above in addition to the relevant requirements specified by the state.


After research, it is decided to continue to deepen the review and reform of construction drawing design documents (including survey documents, hereinafter referred to as construction drawings) of housing construction and municipal infrastructure projects in the whole city.

The survey and design units shall take the main responsibility for the quality and safety of engineering survey and design respectively, and explore and implement the architect responsibility system.

Social investment simple and low-risk engineering construction projects refer to social investment projects with a total construction area of no more than 3000 square meters, including no more than one floor underground and a construction area of no more than 1000 square meters, single function, simple technical requirements, and the nature of buildings are office, commercial and commercial Common service facilities, ordinary warehouses, standard workshops and other projects.

We need information interchange.

The contents, submission materials The handling procedures and other matters shall be reviewed with reference to the construction drawings.

The relevant matters are hereby notified as follows: I.

The specific implementation scope shall be determined by the district (city) government.

Strengthening supervision during and after the event (I) Establish a random inspection system for the quality of survey and design documents.

Their related work was actively and steadily implemented in accordance with the reform pilot plans formulated and issued by their respective governments.

The unit implementing the spot check shall conduct spot check on the construction drawings of the same project, such as survey, architecture, structure, equipment, fire control, technical defense, water supply, power supply, gas, heat, drainage, communication and sponge city through the construction drawing information management system, and shall fully and accurately inform the construction unit of the spot check opinions at one time The inspection and design unit shall organize the modification in time.

The competent department of housing and urban rural development shall prepare the budget for government purchase of services and implement government purchase of services according to the approved budget.

For the engineering projects that cancel the construction drawing review, the construction unit shall upload the completed survey and design documents to the construction drawing information management system before submitting the construction drawing for random inspection (secret related projects shall be handled offline)..


(II) China (Shandong) According to the work deployment of the provincial Party committee and the provincial government, Qingdao pilot Free Trade Zone, China Shanghai Cooperation Organization local economic and Trade Cooperation Demonstration Zone and Qingdao West Coast new area comprehensively implemented the pilot reform of canceling the construction drawing review system.

Special construction projects that should be subject to fire protection design review according to law, projects involving safety protection such as inflammable, explosive, toxic and harmful, projects involving great impact on the ecological environment, projects involving the change of the use of contaminated plots to public Service land, projects involving flood control safety, projects involving style protection and rail transit Projects in specific areas such as protection, as well as projects that the district (city) government deems inappropriate to be included, shall not be included in the scope of social investment simple low-risk engineering construction projects for approval and management.

3), notice on printing and issuing supporting measures for implementing the implementation opinions on continuously and deeply optimizing the business environment (ljfz [2020] No.

The random inspection of construction drawings can be entrusted to a third-party institution with corresponding qualification and technical ability through the government purchase of services.


Qingdao area of China (Shandong) pilot Free Trade Zone, China Shanghai Cooperation Organization local economic and Trade Cooperation Demonstration Zone and Qingdao West Coast new area fully implemented the pilot reform of canceling the construction drawing review system.

For simple and low-risk projects, the architectural designers shall meet the requirements of Bachelor degree or above in addition to the relevant requirements specified by the state.


For all administrative licensing and government services, the construction drawing review certificate will no longer be used as a precondition and application element, and the construction drawing review will no longer be included in the approval time of the main process of the project, and the notification commitment system will be adopted.

Erection Anchor One Sided

main contents of the reform (I) For all administrative licensing and government services, the construction drawing review certificate will no longer be taken as the precondition and application element, and the construction drawing review will no longer be included in the main process approval time of the project.

The construction unit shall take the primary responsibility for the quality and safety of engineering survey and design, shall not arbitrarily reduce the reasonable construction period, and shall not express or imply that the survey and design unit violates the mandatory standards for engineering construction and reduces the engineering quality.

According to the statistical analysis of random inspection, the construction, survey and design units with high survey and design quality, good random inspection and high credit assessment grade can gradually reduce the proportion of random inspection or be exempted from random inspection.

Source: Qingdao Municipal Bureau of housing and urban rural development and ZB civil engineering design office recently, Qingdao Municipal Bureau of housing and urban rural development, Qingdao Municipal Bureau of Finance and Qingdao municipal administrative examination and approval service bureau issued the notice on deepening the reform of construction drawing review, which will come into force on September 7, 2021.


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