The kick-off meeting for the compilation of “Detailed Node Practices and Construction Process Illustrated Series of Building Engineering”

Zhang Lei further explained the format and length of the series.

The first edition of the series was officially published in 2018 and has been widely welcomed and used by industry readers.

Xian Daqing, General Manager of China Construction Publishing Media Co., Ltd., Fan Yeshu, Deputy Chief Editor, Zhang Lei, Deputy Director of the Construction Library Center, and editors Wang Congyao and Cao Dandan attended the meeting.

The experts conducted in-depth discussions on the depth and breadth of each volume, and clarified the scope of book revision, short video production requirements, etc.

Mao Zhibing, Chairman of the Chief Engineer Working Committee of the Chinese Civil Engineering Society, Zhu Xiaowei, Chief Engineer of Beijing Zhuzong Group Co., Ltd., Chen Zhenming, Chief Engineer of China Construction Science and Engineering Group Co., Ltd Yan Gangwen, Deputy Chief Engineer of Beijing Urban Construction Group Co., Ltd., and more than 20 expert representatives from the construction industry attended the meeting.

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Zhao Fuming, Executive Deputy Secretary General of the Chief Engineer Working Committee of the Chinese Civil Engineering Society, introduced the setting principles, preparation schedule, preparation process meetings, node practices, and process short video production of the second edition of the series.

The meeting was chaired by Li Jingfang, Secretary General of the Chief Engineer Working Committee of the Chinese Civil Engineering Society, and was conducted in a “online+offline” synchronous manner.

Xian Daqing expressed his gratitude to the experts for their arrival and support, and fully affirmed the significance of the compilation of this series.

Mao Zhibing expressed his gratitude to the editorial board and the publishing house for their support to the work of the General Working Committee, introduced the background of the compilation of the series, and put forward requirements for the content of the series.

XIUMIUS content coordinator: Wang Congyao, WeChat editor: Gao Yue, WeChat reviewer: Wan Li, WeChat final reviewer: Zhang Lei.

In the process of this revision, it is hoped to strengthen the integration of paper and digital, both readability and practicality, and contribute to the construction industry.

He said that the revision of the series was at the right time, and the concepts of green, energy saving, low-carbon, environmental protection, intelligence, and efficiency should be incorporated to the maximum extent in the revision process, guiding and promoting the development of Chinese construction towards industrialization, greening, and intelligence, thereby strengthening and optimizing Chinese construction.

In order to further implement the requirements of the report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China on high-quality development, strengthen independent planning, overall planning, and create a long-term sales book brand, on March 30, 2023, the preparation kickoff meeting for the “Detailed Node Practices and Construction Process Illustrated Series of Construction Engineering” (second edition) was held in China Construction Publishing Media Co., Ltd.

This series of books will be regarded as a key book of the society and will be dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the establishment of the publishing house.


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