“Ten Steps” of completion acceptance! Are you going right?

The survey and design units shall put forward the “quality inspection report”


7 completion acceptance the construction unit presides over the completion acceptance meeting and organizes all parties to inspect the project quality




The supervisors of the supervision department go to the construction site to supervise the organization form, acceptance procedure and implementation of acceptance standards of the project completion acceptance


2、 The necessary conditions for project completion acceptance are as follows: 1


After receiving the project completion report, the construction unit shall organize the survey, design, construction, supervision and other units and experts from other relevant parties to form an acceptance group for the projects that meet the requirements of completion acceptance, and formulate the acceptance scheme




13) Other documents required by laws, regulations and rules


All special acceptance and relevant professional system acceptance have passed


Jianjiantong media ID: jianzhong001 after the completion of our project, we summarized the completion acceptance process, condensed it into “Ten Steps”, and shared it with our engineering friends for reference








The supervision unit shall submit the project quality evaluation report


Within five days after the acceptance, the supervision organization will send the supervision report to the county housing and Urban Rural Development Commission


The engineering data meet the requirements; 4




The construction unit is responsible for applying to the relevant government administrative departments or authorized testing institutions for various professional and system acceptance: 1) fire protection acceptance documents 2) planning acceptance approval documents 3) environmental protection acceptance approval documents 4) elevator acceptance documents 4) relevant acceptance documents of intelligent buildings 5) pre acceptance opinions of construction project completion archives 6) indoor environment test report of construction project 3、 The construction unit shall, within 15 working days after the completion acceptance of the project and its compliance with the regulations through the supervision and inspection of the project quality supervision organization, handle the completion acceptance record of the project at the record organ


For important rectification contents, the supervisors shall participate in the review


If the project is accepted as qualified, the unqualified project shall be accepted again after rectification according to the unified standard for construction quality acceptance of building engineering and other acceptance specifications until it is qualified


① The construction, survey, design, construction and supervision units report the performance of the project contract and the implementation of laws, regulations and mandatory standards in all aspects of the project construction; ② review the project archives provided by the construction, survey, design, construction and supervision units; ③ check the quality of the project entity; ④ manage the quality of the project construction, equipment installation and other aspects Make overall evaluation on the links and other aspects, form opinions on the completion acceptance of the project, and sign by the acceptance personnel


The survey and design units shall inspect the survey and design documents and the design change notice signed by the design units during the construction process, and put forward the written “quality inspection report”, which shall be reviewed and signed by the project leader and the unit leader


The construction unit shall organize the completion acceptance of the project


The construction unit shall carry out rectification according to the acceptance opinions


For a project under supervision, the completion report must be signed by the chief supervision engineer


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After the rectification is completed, the rectification report shall be written and sent to the quality supervision station after being signed and sealed by the construction, supervision, design and construction units




The construction unit shall, seven working days before the completion acceptance of the project, notify the project supervision organization responsible for supervising the project of the time and place of the acceptance and the list of the acceptance team




All parties put forward rectification opinions on the existing problems, the construction unit shall fill in the rectification report after the rectification, and the supervision unit and supervision group shall verify the rectification


After the agreement is reached, the project completion acceptance shall be reorganized




The construction unit shall submit the engineering technical data to the quality supervision department for inspection seven days in advance


The construction unit shall provide the following documents for handling the completion acceptance record procedures: 1) completion acceptance record form; 2) completion acceptance report; 3) construction license; 4) construction license The main contents of the project are as follows: review opinions on design documents; 5) project completion report submitted by the construction unit; 6) project quality evaluation report submitted by the supervision unit; 7) quality inspection report submitted by the survey and design unit; 8) approval documents or permission documents issued by the planning, public security, fire protection, environmental protection and other departments; 9) project completion acceptance opinions signed by the acceptance team; 10) construction unit signature 11) summary of unit project quality acceptance




The construction unit shall carry out rectification according to the rectification opinions put forward by the acceptance parties and the notice of ordering rectification


After receiving the project acceptance report, the supervision unit shall comprehensively review the acceptance data of the construction unit, sort out the supervision data, evaluate the quality of the project, and submit the project quality evaluation report, which shall be reviewed and signed by the director and the person in charge of the supervision unit


12) Commercial housing should also submit “residential quality assurance” and “residential user’s Manual”


1、 After the completion of the project, the construction unit shall submit the project completion report to the construction unit and apply for the project completion acceptance


All divisional (sub divisional) projects included in the unit project have passed the acceptance and meet the requirements of laws, regulations, compulsory standards for project construction, design documents and the contract; 3




After passing the preliminary inspection, the construction unit shall submit the project completion report to the construction unit


(before the completion of the project, the construction unit shall inform the quality supervision department to supervise and inspect the quality of the project entity)


All contents specified in the design and contract have been completed; 2


The appearance quality of unit project meets the requirements


After the self inspection and evaluation of the construction unit, the construction unit shall check the quality of the project, and fill in the project acceptance report after confirming that it meets the requirements of the design documents and the contract, which shall be signed by the project manager and the person in charge of the construction unit


The construction unit shall report to the county housing and Urban Rural Development Commission for the record according to relevant regulations


If the construction, survey, design, construction, supervision and other parties participating in the project completion acceptance can not reach an agreement, they shall report to the local construction administrative department or supervision organization for coordination


The members of the acceptance group shall have corresponding qualifications, and the acceptance scheme shall be prepared for large-scale or complex projects


After receiving the project completion report, the construction unit shall organize relevant personnel of design, construction, supervision and other units to set up the acceptance group


The inspection data related to safety and function of divisional projects included in the unit project are complete The spot check results of main functional items meet the requirements of relevant professional quality acceptance specifications




The construction (supervision) unit organizes the preliminary inspection, and the construction unit organizes the supervision, design, construction and other units to carry out the preliminary inspection and acceptance of the project quality


If there are quality problems, put forward rectification suggestions



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