Review the classic: property company’s safety inspection and risk prevention of high-rise building exterior wall

the engineering department should inspect the unit doors, common passages, doors and windows, glass, street lamps and other facilities in the service area at least once a day; and the entertainment facilities (fitness equipment) should be inspected once a day


The supervisor and monitor of the engineering department shall inspect the important equipment room once a week, and the building (basement, floor) once every two months






Because, in Lao Zhou’s memory, apart from daily maintenance of public equipment (power supply and distribution, water supply and drainage, air conditioning, elevator, etc.), another major part of project management is inspection and maintenance of public facilities


(1) In Lao Zhou’s opinion, the inspection method of ordinary exterior wall mainly depends on “seeing” and “touching”


The engineering department shall conduct safety inspection on external walls, rooftops and facade advertisements, and other shelved objects and structures every quarter


The general maintenance and inspection requirements are as follows: (1) a comprehensive inspection shall be carried out for the curtain wall project one year after the completion acceptance of the curtain wall project, and then every five years; (2) the curtain wall project shall be inspected After ten years of use, the bonding performance of structural silicone sealant in different parts of the project should be sampled and inspected; after that, it should be inspected every three years; (3) according to the geographical location of the building and the pollution of the curtain wall, the frequency and cycle of cleaning the curtain wall should be determined; it should be cleaned at least once a year; the cleaning agent used for cleaning the curtain wall should be neutral cleaning agent, which has no corrosion to the curtain wall materials Erosion.




Therefore, for new buildings, the curtain wall does not need special maintenance in a short time, just to strengthen the daily management of the curtain wall, such as the management of the decoration in the customer’s unit, supervise the decoration behavior, and do not damage and affect the quality of the curtain wall, such as: do not carry any load other than the construction design on the building curtain wall; do not attach other equipment to the supporting device supporting the curtain wall It is not allowed to set neon lights, signboards and advertisements on the surface of the building curtain wall; it is not allowed to set tension pipelines through the glass panel; the indoor curtain box is not allowed to be fixed on the building curtain wall, the curtain should be a certain distance from the curtain wall, the curtain material should be pure cotton, and chemical fiber materials should not be used


Once a week, the engineering department shall inspect the public lighting, the condition of the top of the building, the sanitary condition, the common pipes of the wall, the water supply and drainage facilities, and various ancillary fixed facilities of the building


Lao Zhou thought this suggestion was very good! Text: following the preface, why did Lao Zhou not think of the aspect of “external wall safety inspection” when he first saw the news of the separation of external wall tiles? Looking back, Lao Zhou may have something to do with his past experience and his departure from project management in recent years




“See” and “touch”




“Look” is also aimed at the scope of customers or their property; for example, in an old residential area with more than 5 years or a high-rise building without fixed air-conditioning units, the external air-conditioning units must be checked regularly


1、 Daily inspection of public facilities (exterior walls of high-rise buildings) old Zhou believes that many property companies will stipulate the annual maintenance plan and inspection frequency requirements of public facilities


According to the specifications, the curtain wall construction unit shall provide the “operation and maintenance manual of curtain wall” at the time of delivery, and the property company or management unit shall manage and maintain the curtain wall according to the requirements of the manual


The inspection items include: (1) exterior walls (facades), (2) windows in public areas of exterior walls, (3) accessories of exterior walls (advertisements, light boxes, signs, shelved objects on other exterior walls, etc.), (4) shelved objects and temporary placed objects (such as external air conditioners, balcony flowerpots, etc.) within the scope of customers or belonging to customers’ property


The engineering department inspects the street lamps of the community twice a month, the public signs of the community once a month, and the entertainment facilities of the club once a month


The following is the “daily inspection requirements of the engineering department for public facilities” stipulated in the “Engineering Management Manual” of the company before Lao Zhou, for your reference: a


“Touch”, mainly for the windows in the public area of the external wall, regularly check each window


The engineering department shall inspect the equipment tube well room (water, electricity, weak current equipment tube well, etc.) of the community once every two months


The decorative materials of ordinary exterior wall are mainly paint and ceramic tile; the exterior wall of curtain wall mainly includes glass curtain wall, stone curtain wall, metal exterior wall and other materials, but glass curtain wall and stone curtain wall are more common


In addition to the regular inspection and maintenance by the engineering department according to the annual maintenance plan of public facilities, Lao Zhou should at least transfer to the residential area, each building and each floor every quarter, and must carry out safety inspection before typhoon, rainstorm and other bad weather! Therefore, formulating a standardized and reasonable inspection system and plan for public facilities is the first step to prevent the falling of high-rise building exterior wall materials; seriously implementing the inspection system and conducting safety inspection from a professional perspective is the second step; finally, purchasing commercial insurance (public liability insurance and property all risks insurance) suitable for the project situation and transferring management risk is the third step


If there is any problem, the maintenance plan and treatment should be made


The official account of WeChat public, WeChat circle and other media reported last week that the “1 death and 1 injuries of the outer wall tiles of Guangdong Zhuhai District, and the property being sentenced to pay 890 thousand”


Later, a friend suggested that Lao Zhou talk about the topic of “how to check the external wall”


According to the needs of special circumstances (such as abnormal hazardous weather, special seasons, etc.), it is temporarily arranged to carry out targeted inspection on key building parts and key facilities and equipment in the service area


The external wall of high-rise building should be cleaned every year or half a year


In addition, before the arrival of typhoon and rainstorm, the flowerpots and movable articles placed on the balcony and windowsill of customers must be checked and the customers shall be informed to deal with them


(2) According to the requirements of national technical specifications (such as: unified standard for reliability design of building structures, technical specifications for metal and stone curtain wall engineering), the design service life of structural components (curtain wall structural components, decorative surfaces, etc.) that are easy to replace in buildings is 25 years, and the warranty period of structural adhesives and sealants is 10-15 years




External wall cleaning


The inspection and safety inspection of external wall is relatively simple for ordinary external wall; the inspection of glass curtain wall and stone curtain wall has higher technical requirements, and the inspection frequency has corresponding national standards


2、 Management and inspection of external walls of high-rise buildings according to Lao Zhou, the external walls of high-rise buildings are mainly divided into ordinary external walls and curtain walls


At that time, I just commented on the circle of friends from the perspective of commercial insurance, but I didn’t think much about other aspects


Professional inspection of curtain wall safety inspection, the national standard stipulates that “when the curtain wall is in normal use, the user should conduct a comprehensive inspection every five years” (this kind of comprehensive inspection should generally be carried out by a third-party professional organization)




“See”, mainly for the building external wall, external wall accessories, customer scope items can not be inspected on site; mainly use the “high-power telescope”, regularly observe the above items, if found that the external wall and accessories have “bulge, peeling, deformation, warping, loosening, swing” and other conditions, it is necessary to take further measures to check and deal with; for example: please work at height Check the rope by the operator


When cleaning the external wall, the cleaning company and cleaning personnel can be required to check the external wall painting layer and ceramic tile




When checking, it is necessary to “start” and “switch” one by one to see whether the windows are closed, whether there is deformation, whether the link screws and hinges are loose or fall off, etc., and record the problems found and arrange the maintenance in time






Doing these three jobs well can basically eliminate the influence of high-rise building exterior walls on property companies



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