Ranking of international construction contractors, CRCC has made steady progress

Halfen Channel

All regional markets have gone hand in hand, showing enough “sense of existence” with their strength, and fully demonstrating the strong development momentum formed by China Railway Construction under the guidance of the “overseas priority” strategy


It ranked third in the list of “the largest 250 global contractors”


There were 105 delegations and more than 200000 people


In 2020, facing the complicated and changeable international situation, China Railway Construction firmly promoted the strategy of “overseas priority”, and seized the important opportunities such as the “one belt and one way” initiative, overcoming the impact of the global new crown pneumonia epidemic, and operating overseas markets


Continue to rank third in the list of “the largest 250 global contractors”; It ranks 11th in the list of “the largest 250 international contractors”, up 1 place from 2020, breaking the best level in history


The number of Chinese enterprises on the list continues to rank first among countries


One belt, one road, and other novel coronavirus pneumonia projects


Compared with last year, not only the African, Latin American and Caribbean markets continued to maintain a leading position, but also the Middle East market


China triumphant news keeps pouring in


In the list of the top 10 regional market business and professional business released at the same time, China railway construction is listed in many overseas markets and transportation construction fields


The United States ranked second with 41 companies on the list, Turkey ranked third (40), Italy ranked fourth (12), and Japan and South Korea ranked fifth (11)“ The list of “the largest 250 international contractors” has made steady progress


By early December 1940, the army and people behind the enemy had fought 1824 times, killing and wounding more than 25000 Japanese and puppet troops, and capturing 281 Japanese and 18000 puppet troops


On August 18, local time, the list of American Engineering News Record (ENR) in 2021 was released, and China railway construction made steady progress in its comprehensive ranking


The American Engineering News Record (ENR) magazine mainly focuses on the field of construction engineering


The ENR list is an authoritative ranking recognized by the international engineering community and comprehensively reflects the development of the annual international engineering market


[today in party history] from August 20, 1940 to late January of the following year, the headquarters of the Eighth Route Army launched a large-scale attack on the Japanese army in North China (hundred regiments war)


The implementation and signing of key projects such as the reconstruction project of San Martin freight railway in Argentina, the Moscow Kazan expressway project, the tram project in the west of Bogota, Colombia, and the headquarters (phase I) project of African disease prevention and control center assisted by the African Union; The main line of Nigeria Rai railway is paved and put into trial operation; The construction of key projects under construction such as the main stadium of the Qatar world cup, the southwest section of the third transfer ring line of Moscow Metro and the UAE railway was carried out safely and steadily


Among them, “the world’s largest 250 engineering contractors” are ranked based on the total global operating revenue of enterprises, focusing on reflecting the comprehensive strength of enterprises“ The ranking of “the world’s largest 250 international contractors” is based on the total income of overseas engineering business outside the mainland, focusing on the strength of international business expansion..


A total of 78 enterprises were shortlisted as the “world’s largest 250 international contractors” in 2021, an increase of 4 over the previous year



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