Ningbo these illegal buildings, all demolition!

As the old people’s living quarters, Xiapu street sunset red apartment for the elderly has always been the focus of Xiapu squadron of Beilun city management


In January this year, after the lease between the tenant and the landlord expired, the “three changes and one demolition” Office of qijiashan Street started the on-site demolition procedure


Because it is an old community, the phenomenon of illegal shed building, frame building and simple storage room in the community is serious


On January 12, qijiashan Street’s “three changes and one demolition” office, together with urban management, public security, traffic police and other departments, demolished the illegal night stalls in songjianong


In order to speed up the demolition of existing illegal buildings, the “three changes and one demolition” Office of Guoju street has formulated a “daily patrol” system, which arranges team members to go to the demolition site every day to supervise the progress of demolition, registers the progress of demolition, takes photos and keeps files, and strives to complete the stock clearance work as soon as possible


The party plans to build a steel shed at the gate of the plant, covering an area of about 100 square meters, for parking vehicles and stacking debris


Due to the party’s failure to rectify within the time limit, in the early morning of January 8, the office of “three changes and one demolition” of Guoju street, together with the law enforcement squadron and professional construction personnel, implemented immediate inspection and demolition, criticized and educated the party, and patiently explained the relevant legal provisions


Since 2018, the three illegal villas have been listed as key demolition sites by Fenghua district’s “three changes and one demolition” office


With the formal demolition of the last illegal store, the demolition of about 2000 square meters around Fuquan vegetable farm, Xinqi street, Beilun District, lasted for four days officially ended on January 8


Three days later, 300 square meters of illegal buildings, such as illegal sheds, scaffolding and illegal simple storage rooms, which affect the environment, have been demolished


Four coordination and promotion meetings were held to promote the demolition of illegal night stalls in qijiashan, including Neijiang pickled fish restaurant and a village Lobster Restaurant


“After the illegal construction and demolition, we found that the lighting of the whole apartment has improved, and the clean and comfortable environment has come back.” After the renovation action against the illegal construction of sunset red apartment for the elderly ended, the elderly living here sigh one after another


After three years, with the high attention of the provincial, municipal and district “three changes and one demolition” office, Jinping Street organized the urban management, land, public security and other departments to jointly carry out the demolition action on January 27, 2021, demolishing and restoring the soil of the three illegal villas in Xipu village according to law The land shall be returned to Xipu village for collective ownership


Source: Zhejiang news client Yongshang editor: Xiang Xi.


In order to reduce the economic losses of the lessee and ensure the smooth progress of the demolition work, the street special rectification working group held four special meetings and coordination promotion meetings


Three illegal villas in Fenghua have been demolished


Recently, three illegal villas, located in the northwest of Xipu village, Jinping street, Fenghua District, have been demolished according to the law with a total construction area of 1028 square meters


Once upon a time, the restaurant in songjianong, qijiashan street was very popular, but the problems of city appearance such as lampblack disturbing residents, sewage crossflow and road occupation also followed, and the main houses of these shops still had illegal buildings for many years


With the roaring sound of machines, more than 350 square meters of illegal buildings were gradually demolished


In order to demolish the illegal buildings smoothly, the comprehensive management office of Xinqi street in Beilun District, the “three changes and one demolition” Office of the street and the Xinqi squadron of Beilun urban management carried out linkage, organized personnel to visit around the vegetable farm for many times, and formulated a careful demolition plan: Considering that the illegal buildings were connected with the surrounding legal buildings, the demolition was carried out manually, and the construction personnel cut off the iron sheds and steel bars one by one Cutting and dismantling


According to the person in charge of the office of “three changes and one demolition” in qijiashan street, Beilun District, in August last year, they began to investigate the construction companies and operators of the illegal buildings, and gradually began to demolish the illegal buildings after investigation


At the same time, the qijiashan squadron of Beilun urban management assisted the street “three changes and one demolition” office to post and issue leaflets on the door for many times, so as to ensure that every tenant knows and dispel their psychology of delaying moving out


From October to December 2006, fan, a villager of Xipu village, illegally occupied farmland and built three villas in the area without legal approval, occupying 1170 square meters of land


2800 square meters! On January 29, the reporter learned from the comprehensive administrative law enforcement bureau of Beilun district that this month, the district accelerated the pace of illegal demolition, dared to bite the hard bone of illegal demolition, and actively “lit the sword” against illegal construction of night stalls, illegal construction around vegetable farms, disorderly construction of elderly apartments, and illegal construction of industrial enterprises in the area under its jurisdiction


On the basis of repeated door-to-door inspection and investigation in the early stage, the law enforcement team members made special door-to-door policy propaganda to the residents, and posted the demolition notice to the residents involved in illegal construction in advance


On October 28, 2011, the former Fenghua Bureau of land and resources made a punishment decision of “ordering to return the land of 1170 square meters illegally occupied and confiscating the new buildings and other facilities on the land of 1170 square meters illegally occupied”


It is understood that the three illegal villas belong to illegal construction


After on-site verification, the law enforcement team members found that the party’s construction behavior was unauthorized without any approval, and immediately ordered the party to rectify within a time limit


These illegal constructions occupy half of the roads, hinder the traffic of vehicles, and it is very inconvenient for vegetable buyers to park


Next, a non motorized parking lot will be built in this area for vegetable buyers


These illegal buildings not only affect the lighting of the house, form a health corner, but also easily cause security risks and inconvenience to the life and travel of the elderly


This is the latest “achievement” of illegal demolition this year


Finally, the newly added illegal building was successfully demolished


On January 6, Xiapu squadron concentrated on Demolishing the illegal buildings in the community


On January 4, the law enforcement members of Guoju squadron of Beilun city management team found a suspected unauthorized construction during their inspection


Since the beginning of winter, the sudden cold weather, especially with several cold waves, has affected the demolition work of illegal buildings


It is understood that there are 17 illegal stores at the intersection of Fuquan road and Simingshan Road, which are mainly built by steel sheds, with a total area of about 2000 square meters


At present, they are being cleared



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