newest! Progress has been made in the repair of this 70 year old house in Guilin

Therefore, they hope that all sectors of society will pay attention to it and provide help within their capabilities.

At the same time, he told reporters that there are few existing buildings of the Republic of China in Guilin, especially such private houses with local characteristics and reflecting the social situation at that time.

The owner was a Kuomintang officer.

Please click the blue word above to see more! On June 15 last year, the fourth edition of Guilin Daily reported that an old house suspected of being built by the Republic of China near Baiguo Lane on the South Bank of Ronghu lake was dilapidated and in urgent need of repair and protection.

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He was once the colonel and deputy director in charge of intelligence work of the Kuomintang, code named “Tang”.

After liberation, the house was confiscated as a public house, and then the policy was implemented and returned to the second floor.

Liu’s family has turned it into their own full property right house through replacement, and will be renovated and rebuilt according to the new design drawings.

Now I am working with teachers and students volunteers of Guilin University of technology to carry out surveying and mapping and restoration design of the old house in Baiguo lane, in order to respect the original and facilitate use.

It turned out that the old house had previously belonged to “half public and half private”, but now Ms.

Liu, the old house was built in the autumn of 1946.

It can be basically judged that it is a historical building built in the Republic of China and can only be lived by people with certain social status.

After unremitting efforts, they have made contact with the existing house owner Ms.

Through comparison, it can also be found that the building has “yellow walls, grey tiles”, red frame windows, octagonal buildings and other facade features, which are the same as No.

The reporter learned from Ms.

However, at that time, due to the lack of historical data of the building and the fact that the house was public or private, the dilapidated house was neither a cultural relics protection unit at all levels nor a historical building, so it was impossible to start the protection work.

However, after many contacts with Yin Wenjun, at Yin’s suggestion, they planned to repair the old house with historical and cultural heritage as it is.

Yin Wenjun, who once presided over the repair and restoration of No.

The original owner was mo Zhixuan, from Guilin.

7 East Lane (MA Qibang’s old residence).

However, due to the lack of relevant data to support the historical identity of the building, the identification of its value was once blocked.

7 East Lane (MA Qibang’s old house), expressed great confidence in the repair of the building.

In last year’s report, Yin Wenjun, who has been engaged in the repair and protection of cultural relics for many years at Guilin cultural relics protection and Archaeological Research Center, said that based on years of relevant experience, the building should have been built after the victory of the war of resistance against Japan in 1945 and before the founding of new China, with a history of more than 70 years.

I hope our modest efforts can preserve some urban memory for Guilin.” source: Guilin daily 👇 click.

“At present, such a relatively complete building of the Republic of China is still preserved in the downtown area of Guilin.

“I have submitted proposals to protect the buildings of the Republic of China in Guilin through relevant channels.

So far, the doubts of the old house have been basically solved one by one, and its value has also shaken off the dust of history and displayed in front of the world.

Recently, with the unremitting efforts of cultural relics protection workers, the “identity” of the building has been determined, and phased progress has been made in its repair and protection.

According to the information provided by Ms.

Liu that according to their original plan, they were going to demolish the old house into a modern building for use.

Liu in the near future.

According to this clue, Yin Wenjun consulted the archives and found the name of the original owner of the old house on the roster of Guilin appeasement office.

However, they still have some concerns, that is, if the old house is to be repaired as is, the cost will far exceed that of demolition and reconstruction, and will affect the comfort of use.

It can be said that it is very rare and it is necessary to protect it.” Yin Wenjun told reporters that since last year, he and his colleagues have conducted various investigations on the building to find supporting materials for it.


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