[memory] architecture can be read: the old building in the center of the city “hides” the origin of Shanghai, do you know?

International Hotel, located at 170 Nanjing West Road, near Huanghe Road


Directly opposite is the people’s park with beautiful scenery


It was announced as a national key cultural relics protection unit in 2006


It also has a well-known identity – “the origin of Shanghai city”


The reason why the international hotel can become the origin is actually very simple because of its “high”


In the 1930s, the height above the ground of the building reached 83.8 meters


After completion, it quickly became a beautiful scenery


It was the highest building in China and even Asia at that time


Today, let’s take a look at the stories behind this historic building that you don’t know..


The architectural history international hotel was called the international hotel at the beginning of its establishment, also known as the “Sixing savings association” building in Shanghai


It was started in 1931 and opened in 1934


At that time, the first, second and third floors of the building were for the self use of Sixing savings association, the fourth to nineteenth floors were hotel rooms, and the 22nd floor was equipped with a lookout


It was renamed international hotel after 1954


The lobby is on the ground floor, the Chinese restaurant is on the second floor, the western restaurant is on the third floor, and the guest rooms are above the fourth floor


On March 16, 1934, the facade of the international hotel was completed


When the international hotel was just completed, the whole building was in the shape of a sailboat


Below the third floor, the outer wall was poured with reinforced concrete and covered with black granite


All the external walls above the fourth floor are inlaid with brown Taishan tiles, and floor glass windows are set at the protruding corners of the second, third and fourteenth floors, showing a strong sense of paragraph


Above the fourth floor, the vertical lines are emphasized by high pilasters and vertical window frames that run through the whole facade


Above the fifteenth floor, they are retracted layer by layer on all sides in a ladder shape, highlighting the sense of height of the building


The simple decoration and vertical lines of the facade have the typical characteristics of decorative art style


The interior decoration and floor of the building are made of Eucalyptus and teak, with excellent production and luxurious and modern internal facilities


Architectural story how is it covered? In the 1920s and 1930s, it was a challenge to build skyscrapers on the soft foundation of Shanghai


Because there is no relevant experience to refer to, many technical problems need to be solved, many people are skeptical, and even structural engineers are not sure


However, under various conditions, the designer contributed to the final completion of the building with keen judgment and bold decision


When the international hotel was built, the steam engine was used for pile driving


The pile heads were all round logs and American pine


Five plum blossom piles were driven under each steel column, with a depth of 39.8m, equivalent to half of the total ground height of the building


Because the pile is deep and dense, the settlement of the international hotel is very small


   Who built it? In order to obtain the construction right of the international hotel, seven construction plants at home and abroad were eager to try and participated in the bidding of the international hotel


Although Chinese enterprises started late, foreign enterprises were more competitive at that time


However, a well-known Chinese engineering company, relying on its experience in the construction of Guangzhou Zhongshan Memorial Hall and Nanjing Zhongshan Mausoleum and its good reputation in the construction industry and the people, finally won the construction right, making the international hotel a representative of “made in China”


It is a witness of history


On December 1, 1934, the international hotel opened, and many Chinese and foreign newspapers reported it


Every day, guests from all directions gather here to enjoy the first-class service and food of modern Shanghai


At that time, the wedding banquet, reception banquet and other social activities of celebrities from all walks of life in Shanghai were held here


In the history of the international hotel, the repair of the building has only experienced two major repairs in the real sense


One was the external wall repair in 1988, and all the pipelines, lines, air conditioners, steel windows, ventilation equipment and other patterns were transformed and decorated


The other was the comprehensive transformation of the main building in 1996


After understanding the historical materials of the international hotel, the designer decided to reopen the fully closed ground floor and atrium space on the first floor; Second, the original closed roof in the 14 storey multi-functional hall was restored, the position of the previous air outlet was restored, and the feeling of roof skylight was re presented with exquisite glass skylight and exquisite murals; Third, remove the carpet to show the copper wire pattern in the middle of the teak floor vertically paved on the ground..


The design and restoration of these details also make the International Hotel reproduce the classic style of that year and regain its luster


In November 1950, in order to unify the plane coordinate system of Shanghai, the surveying and Mapping Office of the then Land Bureau conducted triangulation of the whole city


Taking the central flagpole on the roof of the international hotel as the origin of the plane coordinate system, and the projection of the meridian circle on the plane through the point as the ordinate axis, the origin of Shanghai Urban plane coordinate is established


Now we can see the “origin of Shanghai city coordinates (sub point)” sign in the lobby of the ground floor of the international hotel, which also makes Shanghai the only city in China that has not changed the origin




International Hotel literature and History Museum if you want to explore the history of international hotels in person, you might as well visit the literature and History Museum in the corridor on the first floor of the hotel, where there are Chinese and Western utensils, shareholder seals, stock stubs and all kinds of old photos used in the early years


Here, you will find an inheritance of your career, which has experienced the care and polishing of countless people and the persistence of several generations, and has accumulated quietly in a long time


  Punch in 1


Daguang cinema   Founded in 1928, it is a typical modernist style


The vertical and horizontal lines of the facade are staggered, the light yellow outer wall, large glass windows and square columns, translucent milky white glass lamp columns have the characteristics of decorative art school


The cinema is the first to introduce wide screen equipment in Shanghai and the first four channel stereo cinema in China


Address: No


216, Nanjing West Road opening hours: 11:00-17:00  ( Limited to public areas and the historical corridor of Daguang cinema) admission: free of charge (tickets are required to see the film) reservation Tel.: 632770112


The building of sports building (formerly the Western overseas Chinese Youth Association) is divided into cultural and recreational activities and gymnasium


The architectural style is a mixture of neoclassicism and decorative art school, with a slight Roman style


In 1954, it was officially renamed “Shanghai Sports Club”


Since then, the building has trained many sports talents in the name of sports


The Shanghai Sports Museum has officially opened on July 11, 2021 and is open to the public free of charge.



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