[memory] architecture can be read: the campus of Shanghai Jiaotong University has its own “Architecture Museum” of modern China

The building was built in the Qing Dynasty and is a three story brick concrete classical building.

Address of Shanghai new estate: Shanghai new estate, Lane 1487, middle Huaihai Road, Xuhui District, was completed in 1939.

The architecture of Jiaotong University has always followed the architectural trend of the times and represented the popular trend of architecture in different periods, At the same time, it also contains a certain oriental charm, such as the wooden corridor of the new middle court, the traditional official gate, the national style mountain flower of the new upper court, etc.

This building group gathers many art schools such as Eastern and Western classical revival, decorative art and modernism, just like an architectural museum showing the century old changes of Chinese modern architectural style.

The whole school gate gives people a sense of dignity and solemnity.

Old photo of Nanyang public school gate until 1935, the new school gate of Nanyang public school was completed.

Standing anywhere around the lawn, you can project your vision onto the historical buildings.

The reconstructed and upgraded Huashan Road school gate architectural story Xuhui campus of Jiaotong University has never moved to the place where Xu Guangqi, the earliest enlightener of modern scientific thought in China, lived for more than 100 years, which is also rare in the development history of modern Chinese universities.

After crossing the bridge, you can see the school gate at that time – the wooden plaque square with four columns and three doors.

In front of the gate, Li Fujing, one of the three main rivers of Xujiahui, flows through.

Address: No.

There was a wooden bridge on the river, called the school gate bridge (no longer exists).

In 2019, “early architecture of Shanghai Jiaotong University” was officially announced as the eighth batch of national key cultural relics protection units, including 16 existing cultural relics: the central courtyard (1899), the new central courtyard (1910), the library (1919), the North Fourth Floor (1919), shengzhai (1923), the gymnasium (1925), Zhixin Xizhai (1930), the engineering Museum (1932) General Office (1933), school gate (1935), Science Museum (1947), Wenzhi Hall (1949), Xinjian building (1953), new upper house (1954), May 30th Memorial column (1925) and martyr Shi Mu’s tomb (1950).

The transformation scheme fully respects the original appearance, scale and details of the school gate, and optimizes the function and streamline of the site.

There are marble fountain, lawn, rockery and other landscapes in the garden.

Qian Xuesen, the respected “father of China’s aerospace” and a 1934 alumnus of Jiaotong University, once lived here.

From the middle court and the old upper court in the Renaissance style at the beginning, to the old library in the baroque style, to the engineering Museum in the decorative art style and the gymnasium and general office in the eclectic classicism, as well as the national inherent style of the gate and the international style of the auditorium…

On the 125th anniversary of the founding of the University on December 15, 2020, the transformation of the campus wall of Jiaotong University was started, and the gate of Huashan Road and the surrounding environmental landscape were improved.

The project also meticulously creates the north and south gardens inside the school gate, combs the Garden Road, opens up the viewing gallery, configures plants and adds facilities to form the landscape and memory space of two open and shared campus entrance areas.

The buildings built next time have never adhered to a unified constraint.

Its style imitates the traditional official gate.

Ring Clutch

It was the most fully equipped and advanced dormitory at that time.

From Nanyang public school in 1896 to Jiaotong University today, the Huashan Road gate of Xuhui campus has witnessed the development of Jiaotong University and solidified the mark of time.

Building repair: respecting history and optimizing functions, the gate of Huashan Road and the walls on both sides were built in 1935.

Address: No.

On the floor outside the school gate, granite replaced mud brick and concrete.

Zhixin Xizhai was built in 1931.

Since the end of the 19th century, the campus has been “growing”.

The school has reset two symbolic white marble bridge lamp posts, which can vaguely trace the architectural traces of decades.

It is a new Lilong residence, with a total of 56 mixed structure buildings, each with a small balcony and a small garden..

1517 Huaihai Middle Road, Xuhui District.

Nanyang public school was born in 1896.

Every university has its own unique history, but not every university has ancient campus buildings.

The campus gathers excellent historical buildings of different times and styles.

More than 61000 pieces of Qian Xuesen’s precious documents, manuscripts, photos and objects are collected in this scientist memorial hall, and a 3000 square meter “people’s scientist Qian Xuesen” theme exhibition is arranged and displayed.

The light and shadow of classical buildings and plants are staggered, giving people a rich visual experience.

It is not only a national security building, but also a symbol of Jiaotong University.

They last for a hundred years and finally become a particularly bright scenery.

The name of the school “Nanyang public school” is written on the lintel of the Ming Dynasty.

When it was founded, the gate of the school was selected at the southeast corner of the campus.

The main body is rectangular, with Roman classical court columns as the frame.

In 1998, Huashan Road was widened, and the campus bridge, which forms part of the gate (although the river has long dried up and only railings and bridge head lights remain), had to give up.

In Xujiahui, there is such a century old university.

In an age when telephones were not yet popular and people had to shout through the horn of the alley, it was possible to make a straight-line call and take a hot bath.

Today, walking around the Centennial Jiaotong University campus, the overall space still maintains many elements of the original planning.

1800 Huashan Road opening hours: 9:30-17:00 from Tuesday to Sunday (admission stops at 16:30) ticket price: free punch in points around.

The gate of the school in the 1930s vs the gate of the school in the 1950s.

The main road of the campus is spread along the square courtyard, and dense trees are planted on both sides to form a boulevard.

It is antique and beautiful.

Today, we walk together ↓ library architecture itself: following the architectural trend of the times, the predecessor of Shanghai Jiaotong University is Nanyang public school founded in 1896.

Qian Xuesen library Qian Xuesen library was built and opened in Xuhui campus of Shanghai Jiaotong University on December 11, 2011.


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