[Jianzhu Tong] official notice: the documenter of a certain Bureau of China Railway Co., Ltd. fabricated data and forged test report, and was listed in the “blacklist” of dishonesty

Jianjiantong media ID: jianzhong001 recently, the official website of Shaoxing housing and Urban Rural Development Bureau of Shaoxing City released the notice on the investigation and handling of “forged inspection briefing incident” in civil engineering construction of Shaoxing Urban Rail Transit Line 1 (sxgd1-tjsg-10 bid section)


After investigation and verification, on June 10, Qi XX, the engineering data management personnel of China Railway 16th Bureau, failed to perform his duties


In order to evade accountability, he fabricated data and prepared the “test briefing” of reinforcement pile without authorization


Then he went to the test unit and stamped the special seal of the unit’s test report when the staff were not prepared, resulting in “forged test report event”


All relevant units: on June 12, 2020, Shaoxing construction engineering quality and safety management center (hereinafter referred to as “city quality and safety center”) conducted a quality and safety inspection during the civil engineering construction of Shaoxing Urban Rail Transit Line 1 (sxgd1-tjsg-10 bid section), and found that the temporary column bored pile (lz-b3) under the cover plate of Qunxian Road station had not been coring Zhenghao Engineering Testing Co., Ltd


issued a “testing briefing” []


It is verified that the “inspection report” was forged by the construction unit


1、 Basic information of civil engineering construction of Shaoxing Urban Rail Transit Line 1 (sxgd1-tjsg-10 bid section) the construction unit is Shaoxing Jingyue Metro Co., Ltd., the construction unit is China Railway 16th Bureau Group Co., Ltd


(hereinafter referred to as “China Railway 16th Bureau”), the supervision unit is Shanghai Huatie Engineering Consulting Co., Ltd., and the testing unit is Shaoxing Zhenghao Engineering Testing Co., Ltd


On March 21, lz-b3 temporary column pile (hereinafter referred to as “column pile”) under cover plate of Qunxian Road Station in civil engineering construction of Shaoxing Urban Rail Transit Line 1 (sxgd1-tjsg-10 bid section) was inspected and evaluated as class IV, which was determined as unqualified


On April 2, a demonstration meeting on the disposal of unqualified piles was held with the participation of construction, construction, supervision, design and other units and experts


At the meeting, a Φ 900 × 32000 bored pile (hereinafter referred to as “reinforcement pile”) was added to the unqualified pile to reinforce the column pile


After the completion of the reinforcement pile, the construction unit forges the “inspection bulletin” of the reinforcement pile in order to meet the requirements of the condition verification before the excavation of the foundation pit, and the above behavior is found and stopped by the municipal quality and safety center in time


After being informed of the situation, our Bureau attached great importance to it and instructed Shaoxing urban and rural housing construction law enforcement inspection detachment to seriously investigate and deal with the “forged inspection briefing event” in accordance with the construction law of the people’s Republic of China, regulations on the quality management of construction projects, measures for the quality inspection management of construction projects and other relevant laws and regulations


Order the project involved to make a comprehensive rectification, seriously hold the violators accountable, and put forward the next work requirements


Accordingly, from June 18 to September 25, through on-the-spot investigation, investigation and evidence collection, access to information, personnel inquiry and technical demonstration, we found out the course and cause of the incident, identified the nature of the incident and the responsibilities of the enterprises, intermediary agencies and relevant personnel involved


After investigation and verification, on June 10, Qi Yalin, the engineering data management personnel of China Railway 16th Bureau, failed to perform his duties


In order to avoid accountability, he fabricated data and prepared the “test briefing” of reinforcement pile without authorization


Then he went to the testing unit and stamped the special seal of the unit’s test report when the staff were not prepared, resulting in “forged test report incident” []


2、 Existing problems (1) China Railway 16th Bureau Group Co., Ltd


In violation of the provisions of Article 28 and Article 29 of the regulations on the quality management of construction projects, in the case of unqualified column piles, they did not inform the supervision unit and strengthened the piles without authorization; they did not entrust the testing agency to test the reinforced piles, the staff fabricated data, used the lax internal management of the testing unit, and secretly stamped the special seal for the test report, which led to the occurrence of “forged test report” I’m a student


(2) Shanghai Huatie Engineering Consulting Co., Ltd


In violation of the provisions of Article 36 and Article 38 of the regulations on the quality management of construction projects and Article 5 of the regulations on the quality management of side station supervision of construction projects, the supervisor is not assigned to supervise the reinforcement pile, the rectification requirements proposed by the municipal quality and safety center are not checked, and the rectification reply is not signed responsibly


(3) Shaoxing Zhenghao Engineering Testing Co., Ltd


In violation of the provisions of Article 18 and Article 20 of the measures for the administration of construction project quality inspection, the system is not perfect, the internal management is chaotic, and the sense of responsibility of the staff is not strong, resulting in the “forged inspection briefing event”


(4) Shaoxing Jingyue Metro Co., Ltd


The implementation of the notice of the Ministry of housing and urban rural development on the implementation of the primary responsibility of the construction unit for project quality is not in place, the awareness of implementing the primary responsibility for project quality is not strong, and the verification of engineering technical data is not strict


(5) Qi XX, employee of China Railway 16th Bureau Group Co., Ltd


In violation of the provisions of Article 31 of the regulations on the quality management of construction projects, forging the test report


3、 Handling opinions (1) China Railway 16th Bureau Group Co., Ltd


If the commercial concrete is not inspected, and the test blocks, test pieces and relevant materials involved in the structural safety are not sampled and tested, it shall be ordered to correct and fined in accordance with the provisions of Article 65 of the regulations on the quality management of construction projects, and criticized in a circular


(2) Shanghai Huatie Engineering Consulting Co., Ltd


If supervision personnel are not organized to stand on the side of key parts and processes, they shall be ordered to correct and fined in accordance with Article 28 and Article 32 of “Regulations on quality management of construction project site supervision”; they shall be criticized in a circular


(3) Shaoxing Zhenghao Engineering Testing Co., Ltd


If the inspection is not carried out in accordance with the relevant national compulsory standards for engineering construction, the management of archives is in confusion, and the inspection data cannot be traced back, it shall be ordered to make corrections, fined and criticized in a circular according to Article 29 of the measures for the administration of construction project quality inspection


(4) Shaoxing Jingyue Metro Co., Ltd


Failing to seriously undertake the responsibilities of the first person responsible for the project quality, failing to implement the responsibilities of the site management personnel in place, failing to find out the violation behaviors of the construction and supervision units in time, they are ordered to correct


At the same time, Shaoxing Jingyue Metro Co., Ltd


is required to organize relevant units to comprehensively check all the contents of civil construction of Shaoxing Urban Rail Transit Line 1 (sxgd1-tjsg-10 bid section) detected by Shaoxing Zhenghao Engineering Inspection Co., Ltd., and entrust a third-party inspection agency to conduct a certain rate of re inspection and re measurement on the project entity quality, and report the verification results to our bureau within 30 days


(5) Qi XX, employee of China Railway 16th Bureau Group Co., Ltd


Failing to perform their duties in accordance with the requirements of project quality management and violating the principle of good faith, they shall be given a warning and listed in the “black list” of good faith according to Article 12 of the provisions on administrative sanctions for illegal acts of engineering construction in Zhejiang Province and Article 3 of the administrative measures for dishonesty in the field of housing and urban rural construction in Zhejiang Province (for Trial Implementation)


4、 Drawing inferences from one instance and Comprehensively Strengthening the quality work, the quality of construction projects is related to the safety of people’s lives and property, and is the cornerstone of the safety of people’s lives and property


Guided by Xi Jinping’s new socialist ideology with China’s characteristics, we must fully implement the requirements of the general office of the State Council Transmitting the notice of the Ministry of housing and urban construction on improving the quality assurance system and improving the quality of construction engineering


We should adhere to the people centered concept and firmly adhere to the concept of “100 years’ plan and quality first”, and strengthen the quality control and pre control management of construction sites


All responsible subjects and supervision and management departments of construction projects in the city should learn from the lessons of this incident, take warning, further improve quality awareness, earnestly perform their respective responsibilities, draw inferences from one instance, and prevent such incidents from happening again.



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