[jianjiantong] come on, the Taliban hire engineers from all over the world to rebuild

Jianzhitong media ID: jianzhong001 follow the wind.

It is obvious that Afghanistan is now in a stage of waste waiting for prosperity, and it is also a time for our construction industry to make great efforts.

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This high salary is hard to get.

Recently, the news of Afghanistan has occupied the headlines all over the world.

will be severely punished ▪   Violent acts of young people (QJ) will be sentenced to death…

The Afghan Islamic Emirates Congress has included debauchery in the category of torture ▪ Women are free to leave the house unaccompanied, but wearing a headscarf is a mandatory requirement ▪ The Islamic Emirates of Afghanistan prohibits any interest related activities, and the interest on all debts will be cancelled from today…

What about arrears? You can’t ask for money or life…

Except the Sharia court, other ways to solve disputes are considered illegal ▪ Invite engineers, doctors or other professionals from all over the world to rebuild Afghanistan and ensure high salaries ▪ From now on, fortune telling, spells, divination, etc.

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Recently, the Taliban issued a statement and saw the translated simplified version on the Internet: ▪ Planting, selling or selling drugs will henceforth be sentenced to death ▪ All blood feuds are cancelled.

Seeing the AK in their hands, they trembled in an instant.

From now on, all disputes must go through the Sharia court.


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