Four schools of finance, four departments of five academies, two telegrams and one post, eight old schools of Architecture How many universities do you know?





It is the first school to set up a major related to architecture, and it is also the first school to have the right to grant bachelor’s and master’s degrees in architecture and the doctoral program in architecture


China Pharmaceutical University is even known as “Tsinghua University of pharmacy”


After graduation, the employment rate is very high, for students who want to learn pharmaceutical knowledge, absolutely can not be missed


These two universities represent the highest level of pharmacy in China


Mechanical specialty is known as “the equipment department of national economy”, which is one of the longest established specialties in Colleges and universities in China


National defense seven (formerly under the Commission of science, technology and industry for national defense, now under the Ministry of industry and information technology) Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Beijing University of technology, Harbin University of technology, Harbin Engineering University, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Nanjing University of technology and Northwest University of technology


There was a saying in the field of law education in China: only those who come out of “five colleges and four departments” are “law students” in the true sense




Two telecommunications and one post (Communication Engineering and Electronic Information Engineering) University of Electronic Science and technology, Xi’an University of Electronic Science and technology, Beijing University of Posts and telecommunications


The finance and Economics Majors of these six colleges and universities are in a leading position in China’s finance and economics industry


At present, there are many types of colleges and universities






They have their own characteristics


Each school has its own expertise, strong strength and great influence in the industry


Liuzi of Telecommunications (six universities directly under the former Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications), Beijing University of Posts and telecommunications, Nanjing University of Posts and telecommunications, Xi’an University of Posts and telecommunications, Chongqing University of Posts and telecommunications, Changchun University of Posts and Telecommunications (now incorporated into Jilin University), and Shijiazhuang Vocational and Technical College of Posts and Telecommunications (formerly Shijiazhuang post College)




“Old eight schools” are the earliest institutions in the academic circle to set up architecture and urban planning related majors




Among them, Tsinghua University, Tongji University, Southeast University and Tianjin University are more powerful and famous than the other four, which are also known as “four Huadan” and “big four”; Chongqing University, Harbin Institute of technology, Xi’an University of architecture and technology and South China University of technology are also known as “four little students”, which correspond to the above four universities and are called “four little students”


“Four little dragons” refer to Hefei University of technology, Hunan University, Jilin University of Technology (now incorporated into Jilin University) and Yanshan University


“985 Project” includes Fudan University, Shanghai Jiaotong University, Zhejiang University, Nanjing University and China University of science and technology


It is a leading pharmaceutical university in terms of discipline construction and professional characteristics


People who study civil engineering in the old eight schools of architecture all know that “old eight schools of architecture” are the eight universities with the best foundation of civil engineering disciplines


They are among the top in the professional rankings in the field of communication engineering and electronic information engineering


Four universities of Finance (former institutions directly under the people’s Bank of China), Southwest University of Finance and economics, Xi’an Jiaotong University (former Shaanxi University of Finance and Economics), University of foreign economic relations and trade (former China University of Finance and Economics), Hunan University (former Hunan University of Finance and Economics), international trade Samsung (former Ministry of foreign trade and economic cooperation / universities directly under the Ministry of Commerce), University of foreign economic relations and trade (former Beijing University of foreign trade) Guangdong University of Foreign Studies (former Guangzhou Institute of foreign trade, merged with Guangzhou Institute of Foreign Studies in 1995), Shanghai University of foreign trade and Economic Cooperation (former Shanghai Institute of foreign trade) 16


The mechanical five tigers represent the strongest strength of China’s mechanical scientific research


The four little dragons of mechanical science have high precision and high recognition in the industry


The major of politics and law in our country has always been known as “five academies and four departments”, that is, the earliest and best law department in our country, and their alumni are all over the political circles




Statistics of the four heavenly kings: Renmin University of China, Xiamen University, Zhejiang Business University (former Hangzhou business school), Tianjin University of Finance and Economics (former Tianjin Institute of Finance and Economics) 17


No one can shake its position in China’s construction industry


Excellent University Alliance (9): Beijing University of technology, Harbin University of technology, Northwest University of technology, Chongqing University, Dalian University of technology, Southeast University, South China University of technology, Tianjin University and Tongji University




The architecture of the new four universities is developing rapidly, so it is called the New Fourth Army of architecture


Mechanical five tigers and four little dragons “mechanical five tigers” refer to Tsinghua University, Shanghai Jiaotong University, Huazhong University of science and technology, Xi’an Jiaotong University and Harbin Institute of technology respectively




New Fourth Army of Architecture: Zhejiang University, Nanjing University, Hunan University and Shenyang Jianzhu University




Although these universities are not military academies, most of their strong majors are necessary for the cause of national defense, so they are called the “seven sons of national defense”


Now the architectural circle has put forward “new eight schools”




Six star University of Finance and Economics: Central University of Finance and economics, Shanghai University of Finance and economics, University of foreign economic relations and trade, Southwest University of Finance and economics, Central South University of economics and law, Northeast University of Finance and economics


“985 Project” C9 Alliance (the first batch of “985”) Tsinghua University, Peking University, Fudan University, Shanghai Jiaotong University, Zhejiang University, Nanjing University, University of science and technology of China, Harbin Institute of technology and Xi’an Jiaotong University


Four engineering colleges: Nanjing Institute of Technology (now Southeast University) University), Huazhong University of Technology (now Huazhong University of science and Technology), South China University of Technology (now South China University of Technology), Dalian University of Technology (now Dalian University of Technology)


The eight universities known as the “old eight civil engineering schools” are: Tsinghua University, Tongji University, Southeast University, Tianjin University, Chongqing University, Harbin Institute of technology, Xi’an University of architecture and technology, and South China University of technology




Five finance and one trade “five finance and one trade” are Central University of Finance and economics, Shanghai University of Finance and economics, Southwest University of Finance and economics, Central South University of economics and law, Northeast University of Finance and economics and University of foreign economic relations and trade


Most of their graduates work in China’s finance, taxation, finance, banking, auditing and other financial systems, and have been in a dominant monopoly position for many years


They have profound industry background and discipline accumulation


Five academies and four departments five academies refer to Beijing University of political science and Law (the predecessor of China University of political science and law), Southwest University of political science and Law (the predecessor of Southwest University of political science and law), East China University of political science and Law (the predecessor of East China University of political science and law), Central South University of political science and Law (the predecessor of Central South University of economics and law), and Northwest University of political science and Law (the predecessor of Northwest University of political science and law); the four departments are the law department of Peking University (the predecessor of Peking University Law Predecessor), law department of Renmin University of China (predecessor of Law School of Renmin University of China), law department of Wuhan University (predecessor of Law School of Wuhan University), law department of Jilin University (predecessor of Law School of Jilin University)




Beijing Medical University (now Peking University) and Shanghai Medical University (now Fudan University)


New eight schools of architecture




Four military and local medical elites: Tongji Medical University (merged into Huazhong University of science and Technology), Zhongshan Medical University (merged into Zhongshan University), West China Medical University (merged into Sichuan University), Xiangya Medical College (merged into Central South University); four military medical elites: the first military medical University (now Southern Medical University), the Second Military Medical University, the Third Military Medical University, and the Fourth Military Medical University.


“National defense seven” refers to the seven universities directly under the former Commission of science, technology and industry for national defense (now the Ministry of industry and information technology)


China Pharmaceutical University and Shenyang Pharmaceutical University


According to the architecture ranking, “new eight universities” are Zhejiang University, Hunan University, Shenyang Jianzhu University, Dalian University of technology, Shenzhen University, Huazhong University of science and technology, Shanghai Jiaotong University and Nanjing University of technology


“Two e-mails and one e-mail” refers to the three famous universities in the field of information technology in China


“Five finance and one trade” refers to the six most famous colleges and universities in China’s finance and economics




Based on the overall development of China’s higher education, Xiaobian has sorted out the outstanding representatives of 25 types of colleges and universities for your reference




They are important bases for the cultivation of IT talents in China



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