Five years in Tsinghua Institute of Architecture

This article is transferred from Duni diyouni School of design, ID: Duni education




Carlos, who has been authorized to study with a Bachelor of architecture from Tsinghua University and a master of architecture from Tsinghua University, shares his five-year study experience in the school of architecture of Tsinghua University in Duni diyouni School of design


This time, I will share with you four topics: ① the general situation of design courses of undergraduate and graduate students in Tsinghua University; ② the learning methods of architecture major; ③ the cultivation of basic architectural ability of lower grades; ④ the phenomenon and thinking of career choice of architecture major graduates


This article mainly leads the students to follow the pace of Carlos to appreciate how the students of Tsinghua University learn in each stage ——From the college entrance examination into the University, the first course is the training of space composition


The junior design course, especially emphasizes the space, function and scale, interspersed with the understanding and learning of master works


In the next few years, the requirements of volume, function and space of the design are gradually complicated, and finally students’ ability to solve complex architectural problems is cultivated


Part1 undergraduate and graduate design course overview of each stage 01 undergraduate freshman freshman ﹣ space form composition (8 weeks) space unit design (8 weeks) winter vacation home research big tea room design (8 weeks) artist studio design (8 weeks) summer sketch primary school 02 undergraduate sophomore ﹣ villa design (8 weeks) Youth Hostel (8 weeks) big sophomore ﹣ Architecture Department Design (8 weeks) old building reconstruction (8 weeks) summer watercolor painting primary school 03 undergraduate grade 3 junior high school Museum Design (8 weeks) residential planning (8 weeks) junior high school master class design (8 weeks) urban complex design (8 weeks) summer surveying and mapping primary school fast topic primary school 04 undergraduate grade 4 senior high school TongZhou urban design (8 weeks) topic design (history, landscape, city, architecture) Topic selection (8 weeks) senior hotel design / Theater Design (12 weeks) summer vacation design company internship (11 weeks) 05 undergraduate grade 5 grade 5 grade 5 revised remade works collection (16 weeks) graduation design, design combined with graduation thesis (16 weeks) the overall arrangement of design courses of Tsinghua Construction Institute is relatively compact, the design courses of junior grade are two designs in a semester It just corresponds to the mid term and the end of the term


Undergraduate a total of 17 curriculum design, in the freshman and sophomore occupy 8, almost half of the amount


First of all, the teacher designated ten classic cases that can fully reflect the composition of the space, let the students go in-depth research, and then take two students as a unit, choose a master scheme for in-depth research, and make a model


I chose the tama Museum at that time


At the beginning, I just thought it looked very attractive


Looking back at the choice at that time, the aesthetic feeling lies in that the internal space and the external facade are a set of language, and the facade truly reflects the structure


Then it is to study and analyze its plane and vertical section, composition principle, function and other basic information


Of course, as a freshman, it is inevitable that the depth of research is limited


The teacher put forward a suggestion


Let’s make a model of Tama Art Museum and experience the principle of space composition


The teacher suggested that we should focus on the space composition at present, and take our time


It seems that the model is easy, but people can’t figure out how to make it


How to make accurate door opening with flat white cardboard? How to simulate the curvature change of curve? How to deal with the intersection of several walls? The first building model in life is to hover and move forward in various problems


By modeling, we can really perceive how the space is built




Space composition design the first design is space composition


As for what we need to do in space composition, we know it from two aspects: first, we need to read the books on space composition; second, we need to go to the reference room to see what the seniors and sisters have done; or we need to communicate with them directly


At that time, we realized that the previous course assignment results are particularly useful, which can help us clearly understand “what to do”


The teacher asked us to try the first space composition scheme, and then he helped us solve the problems and put forward suggestions


At that time, the teacher suggested that we should try the simplest cube first, and start from the simplest cube to construct our own space


At that time, I learned from my own model of Tama Art Museum and made the following design


The teacher repeatedly stressed that we should not make a sculpture, but a space composition


My final plan was changed two weeks before I handed in the drawing


The teacher said, “well, it’s not a sculpture at last.”


When I made my own model for the first time, I felt uneasy and trembled


The traces of u-glue were clearly visible


When evaluating a map, all kinds of models are put together in a dazzle


It turns out that such a rich composition can be made


There are two directions for students to choose: Doctoral office, three student dormitory


The essence of the course is to transform the small space


I chose the renovation of the three person dormitory


I reflect on the common way of going to bed and getting off the table in Colleges and universities, and put forward some different ideas


The traditional way of going to bed and getting off the table pays too much attention to the study and work functions of the dormitory


I want to expel the students to the library, architectural museum, internship company or outdoor activities through a dormitory that is not suitable for study and work but suitable for leisure


Such dormitories should be suitable for stimulating creative thinking


I thought of the expression form of curve, using this space transformation to realize the conception of function


When evaluating the graph, the teacher’s evaluation of my scheme was “the curve processing is interesting and vivid, but the curve may have some meat”


It was the first time that I heard “meat” to describe architecture


Later, I found that this word is a common expression in architecture school


For example, a curve is “meat”, which means that the curve lacks specific logic, such as site logic, mathematical logic, functional logic, etc., so it can be either this or that state, which is probably not supported by architecture


Listening to my teacher’s experience is better than working hard for a few minutes


This is the first time that there is the concept of venue


The course also indicates that venue is the value of this design training


There are two options for this design course, one is tea room design, the other is cruise terminal


The tea room I chose was designed in an open space on the Fuhai coast of Yuanmingyuan


After the first class, the teacher assigned a lot of research tasks


What do you need to pay attention to? How to present your research results? How can research results guide design? In this design, the questions about site investigation are answered


I put forward the concept of “bridge”


The bridge can often provide the best landscape in the waterfront, which is related to some of my experiences


When I went to Qingdao, I was deeply impressed by the trestle


It was such a simple design that attracted so many tourists


I also think of the experience of seeing the Bund on the platform of the flairlootop bar on the top of the Ritz Carlton building in Shanghai


The top of a vertical skyscraper can be a platform, and the end of a building extending to the water can also be an active and open viewing platform


So in this design, I extend the linear space to the water, and finally lead it to an open platform.



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