Danish mange wanghong architectural design three board axe

It seems that she has a steady stream of creativity and shows her iconic self style.

Sister man’s slow walking is still different from Sn ø hetta’s slow walking.

Mange’s wanghong architectural renderings (online pictures) Nordic architectural firms have been very popular in recent years.

Of course, there may be a bonus of fresh blood from some firms.

Some works reflect more thinking about spatial and physical changes.

Effect drawing of Ilulissat ice gorge Center (network picture)   Whale Museum renderings (online pictures) three board axe   Manjie’s recent architecture can be said to be first-class in the world, showing a lot of keen thinking about context and place.

Of course, these works are also very good, but they belong to the public level in northern Europe, and the economic foundation and historical inheritance of northern Europe are not easy to cover garbage works.

However, this axe often has the meaning of eye-catching competition, because these famous projects are competition works.

These works are highly similar in northern Europe.

After years of accumulation and exploration, sister man has completely got rid of the early architectural style in the past five years and entered a new mode like breaking the cocoon into a butterfly.

The author can’t simply call this system earth covered building and accessible roof, so he invented the word “slow roof”, which is quite appropriate.

It seems that she is a new upstart in the construction industry, but in fact, Manjie herself is not young.

  There are also some difficulties and inaccuracies in the summary and analysis of sister man’s recent works.

From the winning scheme of Greenland ice gorge center in 2016 to the continuation of the competition scheme of the Holocaust Memorial Hall in Kivu in 2019, to the peak of the whale Museum, and even the roof of the Walden Sea World Heritage Center recently designed on the coast of the Netherlands is crazy and slow, and the slow roof can’t be collected.

Moreover, some designed roofs are too idealized.

It may be that Nordic winter needs too much sunshine and lacks too much outdoor activity space.

For example, northern Europe and Ukraine are countries with long winter.

 —— Slow moving roof   The word “slow roof” was thought out by the author.

Compared with Zaha’s large number of raw seafood and Mei island’s continuous tea and light rice, I think sister man’s works are more like boutique private dishes.

In the author’s view, female architects should have their own uniqueness, or it is difficult to gain a foothold in the male dominated high-end construction market.

Most of sister man’s works ten years ago were like the following, typical modernist constructivism and architectural detail material mania.

Manjie’s works (online pictures) were completed during the transition period.

It is the so-called same preparation.

Her early works were small buildings and could not receive good projects that could become famous; On the other hand, it also reflects the continuous progressive growth of sister man.

In recent years, it has entered the international construction market and various exhibitions in an explosive manner.

These three points can be described as trial and error, which are jokingly called “three board axe”.

Moreover, Manjie’s slow design is often not sloppy, which reflects the clear integrity of architecture and landscape.

In this paper, she is referred to as dorte mandrup for short.

The renderings of whale museum were reported everywhere in the architectural network, which made her go to the international stage completely, It also makes sister man’s series of works become net red buildings.

Although these works are well completed, they do not show the special architectural understanding of female architects.

This project was probably the first appearance of sister man in China, but we still don’t remember the “unknown” designer at that time.

Some works have high online traffic and are really powerful online celebrities.

For example, the famous big and Sn ø hetta have become popular in the international market.

Manjie’s early works (online pictures) these works do not reflect Manjie’s own architectural concept characteristics.

Coupled with the image appeal of the international rendering God Mir, This project was reported by the Internet and magazines.

This project showed a clear architectural locality and structural logic, which brightened people’s eyes.

Man Jie photo (online picture) breaks the cocoon into a butterfly   On the one hand, it may be related to the scale of sister man’s office.

Other firms such as 3XN, SHL and ALA have also come to China to grab projects, while sister man’s firm has not yet entered the eyes of Chinese people.

What really brought Manjie into the international eye was the competition project won in 2016 – Ilulissat ice gorge center in Greenland.

Double Ended Ferrule

After all, sister man has been less studied and the style transformation of her works is also large.

In sister man’s own words, it is “the relationship between seeing and being seen” and “360 degree viewing”.

After that, as if she had hung up, she continuously participated in and won some competitions.

In particular, in the competition of Norwegian whale Museum in 2019, she beat big, Sn ø hetta and other famous players and won the first place in the competition.

Effect drawing of Ilulissat ice gorge Center (online picture) effect drawing of Kiev Holocaust Memorial Hall (online picture) effect drawing of whale Museum (online picture) effect drawing of Walden Sea World Heritage Center (online picture) some projects of sister man using slow roof have greatly enriched the interface and shape of the building and increased the interest of the building, It is one of the effective means of architectural creation.

Of course, every firm has its own unique slow walking method.

Moreover, these works pay too much attention to the construction logic of the building itself, which makes the building a little cold.

In particular, northern Europe has been covered with ice and snow for nearly half a year.

However, there are traces of the concept of works in a certain period of time.

These are all made by sister man.

It is difficult for the public to understand the beauty of these buildings, which is far from today’s net red buildings.

Big and Sn ø hetta are old hands in this field, and even continuously implant this concept into Chinese cities.

Born in 1961, she can be said to be a representative of late success.

Most people should not be familiar with the name manderup, but they should not be unfamiliar with several net red architectural designs in recent years.

Their unique concept of site and space has also driven a number of trends.

Competition works require clearer ideas and clearer characteristics, and will also sacrifice some practical problems.

Female architectural masters are rare in the international architecture industry.

Sister man should be aware of these problems gradually, and began some transformation attempts one after another.

Photo of Swiss watch Museum designed by big (online picture) renderings of Shanghai grand opera house designed by Sn ø hetta (online picture) sister man estimated that she was also influenced by Nordic villagers and began to try “slow roof” by “opportunism”.

There are not many dishes, but they all have exclusive taste, and occasionally there are some surprises of new dishes.

Her name is a little too long.

This is also the reason why the author is very interested in the design works of sister man among female architects, so he pays more attention to sister man’s office and always wants to write something to express his praise.

The probability of people on the roof of the whale Museum in winter is very small.

  Manjie’s office has been limited to the northern Europe dominated by Denmark for many years.

For example, the roof design slope of Kiev Holocaust Memorial Hall is too steep.

The following article comes from: A05 studio man Jie   Who is sister man? Her full name is dorte mandrup, a well-known Danish female architect.

I don’t know when Nordic firms began to dump this landscape roof system that can be seen from a large area of the ground.

These works should be the outbreak of sister man’s precipitation for many years.

The author combed sister man’s works in recent five years and excavated three major breakthrough points of sister man.

The dishes fried by one person have one flavor.

Even if it is completed, it is estimated that it will not open to people, which will kill people.

 —— Interactive space   Manjie’s early design was still reflected in the composition of space and the shaping of materials, but simply playing space games and fresh materials was a little petty from the perspective of the large architectural system..


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