Building structure design institute vs Real Estate vs construction, who works more overtime?

Meet that kind of “too dedicated” boss, just fish during working hours and get busy after work


To some extent, the behavior of “working overtime” actively and spontaneously is also the realization of one’s hard work, and its significance cannot be denied


Engineering Gang joked that we have always been “907”


As soon as I joined the job, I was frightened by crazy overtime


The result is to make overtime benefit a hidden rule and make “996” a “prisoner’s dilemma” that no one dares to break first


One thing can be made clear in a few words


A considerable proportion of them are those who sit in the first row but stand up to watch the play in the “theater effect”


According to the special research report on the 996 working system of white-collar workers in 2019 released by Zhilian recruitment, the real estate industry has surpassed the Internet and automobile industries in the option of “overtime”, ranking first in the “996” working system of various industries, accounting for 20.73%


With the reduction of capital in “negotiation” with enterprises, they will only choose “patience”


20.2% said they would fight for overtime pay from leaders, and the remaining nearly 80% either wanted it but dared not, or it didn’t matter, because “everyone didn’t have it anyway”


I once encountered a funny thing


Some time ago, in an engineering group, I saw a group friend complain that his new real estate company worked too much overtime


In the real estate industry, which posts work overtime the most? When it comes to this topic, it seems that everyone has a stomach of bitter water


A benchmark real estate enterprise in the industry, the new “shoulder” introduced his personal hobby of running – the “standard configuration of the new middle class in the city” – into corporate governance as a new corporate culture


The vast majority of company leaders will promote and reuse those employees who are “willing” to work overtime and dedication, which is logically correct


What’s worse, following the principle of “marginal benefit”, your overtime will be longer and longer, but your work efficiency will be lower and lower


  He changed his job from a bureau of China Construction to the top20 real estate company


Another interesting phenomenon here is that the younger you are, the more you will fight for overtime pay


Many real estate companies openly and secretly implement the “996 working system”, which is to pass this market anxiety down to employees, making people feel insecure.


Pierre Bourdieu, a French master of thought, put forward the theory of “flexible exploitation”


It’s good to jump into a real estate company


He thought the real estate company was easier than the construction company? In fact, the real estate company is the biggest general contractor“ According to a national overtime big data of didi travel, the top 5 overtime industries are: Internet, financial market, cultural media, real estate and education


I once met a project engineer who would spend a lot of energy to report a job and make a beautiful ppt


Otherwise, if the boss mistakenly thinks that the work is not attentive and dedicated, there may be no chance of promotion and salary increase


The efficiency is very low


I don’t say anything about it


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The proportion over the age of 40 is the lowest, only 11.7%


Comparatively speaking, our saying that “996 is a blessing” can only be regarded as a bowl of tender chicken soup


The marketing post laughed when they complained about “996” and felt that they were the real “36524”


Planning complaints, weekdays “996”, the opening is “247”


It really put the cart before the horse


As a result, when a regional company implemented it, it arranged to run during working hours and then work overtime after work


And the “nightclub” closes later than the nightclub! After reading this group friend’s message, I sympathize with him a little


It must be a blessing for the boss


They will take some implicit measures to make employees “volunteer” to work overtime in disguise


  Passive overtime of real estate workers in a survey of real estate practitioners, 61.7% of the people who work overtime belong to passive overtime


He can only spend it in the unit and pretend to be busy


For example, unreasonable work task allocation, KPI performance evaluation, last elimination and other methods make employees have to work overtime to avoid affecting the work evaluation


For example, in the passive overtime survey mentioned earlier, 51.1% said there was no return, that is to say, more than half of the people were “white overtime”


  Why can overtime become more and more intense? Overtime is clearly a phenomenon contrary to the labor law


On the one hand, this method reduces the possibility of employees uniting, on the other hand, it will induce employees to actively study how to improve efficiency and “voluntarily” reduce their own interest demands


He believes that capital exerts a universal and continuous sense of insecurity that “I may be eliminated at any time” by creating opposition and competition among the masses and putting them in an unstable state of mutual cooperation and competition


It seems that overtime makes them happy


Amazon’s “automatic dismissal of ineffective warehouse workers by algorithm”, GM’s “last elimination”, Google’s “temporary worker” system and so on are a true portrayal of this “flexible exploitation” theory


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Marx said: “the regular trend of capital is to extend the working day to the limit that physical strength can reach.” In addition, when discussing this topic, we should not forget the severe situation faced by the current real estate environment


In the past, I worked hard enough in the construction company, but I occasionally had a nightclub at night


It is either stupid or bad


The “996” working system criticized here refers to the passive overtime, invalid overtime, pseudo overtime and even performance overtime


It can be seen that the “35 year old phenomenon” of real estate is by no means groundless


There is no need to use dozens of pages of PPT to express it


I also have a “nightclub” every day – I always have meetings at night


Behind this, there is such a logic: when the boss pays his salary, he is buying your time to work for him, because time is the most precious resource


Moreover, in practice, employers do not worry about the cost of overtime caused by overtime


But I also reminded him to be moderate and pay attention to timeliness


Why is it still becoming more and more intense in the real estate industry? My understanding is that the cost of breaking the law is too low


The disadvantages of his long immersion in the construction company have emerged, and the information is relatively blocked


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First of all, I admire his attitude of excellence in his work, which must be affirmed


He can’t get off work even if he’s finished


If employees “voluntarily” work overtime, which is equivalent to “buy one get one free” in the supermarket, why not? You’re 996


I have to add here that in case of such “diligent” employees, they still have to be screened, because it is likely that they are just “rolling themselves”


Passive overtime to another situation is that there will always be some colleagues around you who are busy “working overtime”


Someone quoted the person who “regretted the creation of Ali” as saying that “working overtime in 996 is conducive to shaping a work loving culture in the enterprise”, which is a sneak change of concept


It should be noted here that it is inevitable for real estate enterprises to have some necessary overtime for each post


This kind of overtime is a typical “pseudo overtime”《 People’s daily once angrily criticized that overtime is a bad way of working and tossing around! The paper points out that “being lazy in work” unconsciously results in “low efficiency at work and uneasiness at rest”


For example, when it’s time to get off work, the boss doesn’t leave



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