Beijing: the three major buildings reduce carbon emissions by 10000 tons per year, and more and more buildings in the sub center are “green”

The transparent roof generates 230000 kwh of green power every year.

As the largest underground comprehensive transportation hub in Asia in the future, after the completion of the project, it will take only 1 hour from the urban sub center to xiong’an new area; It takes only 15 minutes to the Capital International Airport and 35 minutes to Daxing International Airport.

The guiding opinions put forward that the urban sub center should strictly implement the high-level green building standards, and the new government investment and large-scale public buildings should fully implement the three-star green building standards; Encourage the implementation of prefabricated construction, reduce the waste discharge at the construction site, reduce the labor force at the construction site, and improve the quality and construction efficiency; Give priority to purchasing green building materials with small environmental impact and excellent environmental performance in the whole life cycle, and encourage the use of standardized parts and components such as prefabricated components, integral sanitary ware, modular interior products and fabricated electromechanical products to realize the greening of the construction process; Implement carbon emission planning, fully consider carbon emission control in the project planning and design stage, reasonably determine the carbon emission level, formulate reasonable carbon emission control objectives, and help the sub center take the lead in realizing carbon neutralization; Give priority to the selection of advanced, applicable and economical green construction technology to create green construction technology demonstration projects and green construction model sites, so as to provide practical basis for promoting green construction.

It is estimated that after the three buildings are put into operation, compared with the same type of public buildings without energy conservation and emission reduction measures, the annual carbon dioxide emission can be reduced by about 10207 tons.

This design can not only make passengers feel warm and comfortable, but also reduce energy consumption for the whole project.

The three buildings reduce carbon emissions by 10000 tons per year.

The State Council’s “opinions on supporting the high-quality development of Beijing Urban sub center” was officially issued recently.

It is estimated that the renewable energy supply accounts for 80% of the total heating in winter and 70% of the total cooling in summer.

The reporter saw at the construction site that there is a large concave space in the middle of the theater, library and museum under construction, which is the shared supporting space of the three buildings.

The relevant person in charge said that the guidance will promote major projects to create a “green safety model site” in Beijing, a “green card” site for dust control, a standard exemption project, a three-star standard evaluation of national green buildings and a green construction science and technology demonstration project evaluation, so that more and more buildings in the city’s deputy center will be “green”.

Sunshine is introduced into the train platform on the second floor of the underground to the East Sixth Ring Road and near the Yudai River Bridge.

Relevant data show that the comprehensive transportation hub of urban sub center station can reduce carbon emissions by 60000 tons during the construction period and 70000 tons per year during the construction period.

“At present, we are experimenting with the introduction of medium and deep geothermal to provide energy for the hub together with municipal heat.” Zhang Dengke said that if the test is successful, the energy supply proportion of medium and deep geothermal will exceed 30%.

The tower crane stand is the comprehensive transportation hub project of the urban sub central station.

The facade composed of ultra-high glass curtain wall and 144 roofs shaped like ginkgo leaves create a sense of being in the “forest bookstore” for readers.

The glass on the daylighting roof can also adjust the transmittance according to the light intensity, which not only allows readers to harvest soft light, but also reduces the energy consumption of air conditioning of the building.

The three buildings are not only an important part of the urban green heart cultural landmark, but also a model of the green building project of the urban sub center.

The ginkgo leaf roof adopts the design structure of metal roof and daylighting roof.

The Beijing Urban sub Central Library project, located in the “C” of the three buildings, has a unique design concept derived from the Chinese traditional cultural symbol “red seal”.

Source: Beijing Daily reporter Chen Qiang..

This 300000 square meter shared space is connected with the three buildings.

In addition, for resource conservation and other contents, the guidance also clearly puts forward strict quantitative indicators.

Through the design of sinking square and shared space, the underground space is ground-based and indoor space is outdoor, so as to create a natural, comfortable and pleasant underground sunshine hub; The spatial structure of three axes and three belts is planned on the ground to build a charming block of “city in the park”…

The ginkgo leaf roof of the library project is also equipped with photovoltaic glass and power generation system, with an annual power generation of about 230000 kwh.

For example, the procurement of building materials within 500 kilometers of the use site accounts for no less than 70%.

Citizens can not only have free access to libraries, museums and theatres, but also visit commercial streets, watch movies and have various cultural experiences; At the same time, you can visit the old canal road, the small holy temple ruins park, and walk into the adjacent urban green heart forest park.

Through the unique architectural design, sunlight can be sprinkled from the ground to the station waiting hall on the second floor underground.

It is estimated that compared with public buildings with similar areas, the library project can reduce energy consumption by about 8% in the whole year, and the actual carbon emission after putting into operation is about 78.5kg per square meter per year, with a carbon reduction ratio of about 33%.

The Construction Management Bureau of the urban Sub Center Management Committee and the urban sub center engineering office have formulated the green construction guidelines for the construction project of Beijing Urban sub center, and put forward 72 green construction measures throughout the whole process of project bidding, design, construction, completion acceptance and handover and warranty, Further promote the green, low-carbon and high-quality planning and construction of the sub center.

It is expected that the facade construction will be completed within this year.

The sand table shows that the urban sub center transportation hub integrates the stations of two intercity railways, three subway stations and bus stations.

Standing in front of the project sand table, Zhang Dengke, the relevant person in charge of the project, said that the comprehensive transportation hub of the urban sub center station should become an intensive and intelligent underground comprehensive transportation hub to achieve “low energy consumption, low emission, high efficiency and high quality”.

72 green construction guidelines have been formulated.

At present, the B2 floor structure construction of the main platform is under way.

Qian Long, a project technician of the urban Sub Center Library of China Railway Construction Engineering Group, introduced that the ultra-high glass curtain wall and ginkgo leaf roof will not expose readers to the sun in sunny days, because the surface of each glass curtain wall is coated, just like automobile glass, which can effectively isolate the strong outdoor light, and there is a 2 cm vacuum layer in the middle to isolate the heat transfer.

It is estimated that after the three buildings are put into operation, compared with the same type of public buildings without energy conservation and emission reduction measures, the annual carbon dioxide emission can be reduced by about 10207 tons.

Lifting Loop

The opinions put forward that the urban sub center should build a national green development demonstration area, vigorously promote green buildings, build new large public buildings and implement three-star green building standards.

The three buildings and shared spaces are also equipped with a composite energy system of “ground source heat pump + gas boiler + water storage + chiller”.

Yesterday, the reporter interviewed in the sub center of the city and found that the concept of green development has been integrated into the whole life cycle of major projects, and more and more buildings are “green”.

The average depth of the underground space of the hub is 32 meters, which echoes and connects with the business district on the ground floor to form a three-dimensional metropolitan area.

The natural light can directly irradiate the library hall, which greatly reduces the power required for daytime lighting of the building.

In the northwest of the urban green heart Forest Park, the theater shaped like a “granary”, the library shaped like a “red seal” and the museum shaped like a “sailboat” are known as the three buildings.

Chen Hongda, director of major projects of Beitou group and general manager of the three construction project departments, introduced that the design of the three buildings broke the inertial thinking of closed management of buildings in the past and made the buildings open and shared, so as to reduce energy consumption time and space, achieve energy-saving goals, and bring convenience to people’s living and life.

Up to now, the urban sub center has implemented 27 three-star standard projects of green building, with a total construction area of 4.76 million square meters.


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