Architecture can be read | Qian Huian Memorial: Qian Huian’s past and present life

Architecture can read Qian Huian’s past and present life


Walking into the Qian Huian Memorial Hall in Gaoqiao Town, we can see a portrait of Qian Huian’s Velvet embroidery, which was elaborately embroidered by Jin Wen, the inheritor of Gaoqiao’s Velvet embroidery, for a whole two months in 2009


She reproduces the artistic temperament and amiable image of Qian Huian in front of us


Qian Hui’an is named Jisheng and Qingxi Qiaozi


Qingxi is the ancient name of Gaoqiao Town


Qian Hui’an’s self proclaimed “Qingxi Qiaozi” means that he does not forget that he is the son of Gaoqiao farmers


Qian Huian was born in 1833 in a farming family in huayuanbang village of Gaoqiao


She loved painting since childhood


In order to seek better development, she later moved to Sha Chang street in the old city of Shanghai


He died in 1911 at the age of 78


He is an outstanding representative and leader of the maritime painting school


He is known as “master of Shanghai Art” and “origin of Shanghai school”


He is famous for his portraits and portraits of ladies in Shanghai, so he is known as “Qian school”


His works “the picture of listening to Oriole” and “the picture of herding cattle in Liutang” are collected by the Palace Museum, which are rare in the painting world


Qian Huian is also a famous art activist


He actively advocated and participated in the activities of the literati


He founded the “Pinghua Club Painting Association” in the first year of tongzhi (1862)


Qian Huian, who was only 29 years old, was the first member


He was elected as the first president of the Shanghai Yu Garden painting and Calligraphy Association in Xuan Tong Yi (1909)


The exhibition hall also displays the genealogy of this master, who is both virtuous and artistic


It has been five generations since now


The four characters of “Shanghai style origin” on the plaque hanging above the hall were inscribed by Mr


Cheng Shifa, a modern Chinese painter, in memory of Qian Huian


This is the most authentic portrayal of Mr




Therefore, Cheng Shifa and many other traditional Chinese painting artists regard Qian Huian as “master of Shanghai style art”


The couplet below “broaden your horizons, calm your heart, erect your back and stand your feet” is the only character Qian Huian left behind


The exhibition board on the right side of the hall shows Qian Huian’s life story


(the wing room on the first floor) here are Qian Huian’s paintings donated by Qian Huian’s descendants and relatives, among which “Zhongnan enjoying the afternoon” is the representative work in our museum


The works on display here, such as Qian Hui’an’s collection of paintings, Qian Hui’an’s figure painting manual, and Qian Hui’an’s selection of fine line drawings, are all published by Tianjin publishing house


(Note: the most influential Chinese painting manual in China, mustard garden painting manual, is a set of Chinese painting technique atlas which was born in Qing Dynasty


This painting manual can be called the textbook of Chinese painting


Under its enlightenment and edification, it has cultivated and brought up countless famous Chinese painters


Some famous painters in modern times, such as Huang Binhong, Qi Baishi, Pan Tianshou, Fu Baoshi, all took it as a model for further study


Among them, Qian Huian’s works are at the beginning of the “famous artist’s painting manual” in the “figure volume”, which shows Qian Huian’s lofty position in the field of Chinese painting.) Qian Huian’s paintings are shown in several display cabinets on the front of the stairs on the second floor


The first cabinet on the right is Qian Huian’s stationery and some paintings


The 13 meter scroll on display in a row of display cabinets on the front of the south window is a congratulatory message written by 19 friends, including Qian Hui’an’s sworn brothers and colleagues in the painting industry, when the “Shuangguan building” was opened


You can enjoy their exquisite and beautiful calligraphy


On the second floor, facing south in the center, Qian Huian’s painting scene is imitated


Qian Huian lost his wife in middle age and married Ms


Chu Zhihua, who is also good at painting


The couple often paint in pairs, hoping to be happy


Inside the display cabinets on both sides of the “Shuangguan building” are Qian Huian’s New Year pictures, album samples, fans and vertical shafts for Yang Liuqing


The four paintings on the left depicting the four seasons of spring, summer, autumn and winter are very impressive


Qian Huian is the leader of the former Shanghai style calligraphy and painting, and has the honor of “class leader” in the pedigree of Shanghai style art


He has an open concept and international vision


He neither totally accepts nor rejects Western painting


Instead, he uses his techniques for my own use


In the performance of the characters’ facial features, he sketched with lines and then rendered with light ink, which made the three-dimensional sense and texture of his face superb


When Qian Huian sketched the profile or half profile of the figure, he also applied ingenious perspective processing to make the figure’s posture more natural and full


In Yangliu youth painting, he also tried to use the “iron line drawing” which is full of frustration and decorative meaning to show the clothing patterns of the characters and the matching flowers and trees


Qian Huian did not violate the basic law of Yangliu youth painting, did not break the premise of its artistic characteristics, the charm of literati painting, the essence of the courtyard painting successfully extended to Yangliu youth painting


Under his influence, Yangliu youth painting broke the long-term symmetrical composition, and the main tone style changed from rich and colorful to elegant, highlighting many factors of literati painting, which is refreshing


Xu Beihong’s portrait of Ren Bonian is worth mentioning that his contemporaries with Qian Huian, Ren Bonian, also learned Western sketch and model sketching, so that he further mastered the human body structure scientifically, thus making his figure painting vivid and changeable, accurate and rigorous


Ren Bonian’s figure paintings pay attention to the changes of the figure’s bone structure and the grasp of the proportion of the human body, and can reflect the projection of light and shadow and the vivid changes of color


Ren Bonian painted Ren Bonian Zhong Kui


Therefore, Qian Hui’an and Ren Bonian jointly pushed Chinese figure painting to a new stage


In the history of modern Chinese painting, they were Shanghai style masters who really integrated the East and the West and made foreign things serve China


They had advanced artistic consciousness and made Shanghai style calligraphy and painting reach the height of the times


Therefore, Qian Huian and Ren Bonian are regarded as Shanghai style figure paintings


Qian Demin, the great granddaughter of Qian Huian, was once the deputy head of the Southern District of Shanghai and the vice chairman of the CPPCC


She is now the honorary president of Shanghai laochengxiang painting and calligraphy society


After her retirement, she has become a new generation descendant of Qian Huian, the Shanghai style art master


She has donated more than 120 art treasures of calligraphy and painting, making great contributions to the preparation of Qian Huian Memorial Hall


Among them, Mei, LAN and Ju are the works of the old master, Among them, “bamboo” was not found


Later, Dai dunbang was invited to make up the painting


Source of contribution: the past wonderful links of the town community cultural service center, stitching a harmonious picture together; no “micro” can not be found, building a beautiful home, Gaoqiao people found “the half of the earth me” | American appreciation of “listening to the red story ยท inheriting the red gene” — party history Xi’s “audio micro party class” is online ~ | party building focuses on listening, the voice of spring flowers ~ | Gaoqiao style In the year of Xin Chou, a big “cow” will walk in the reading space


If a drop of water is confident, it will also make the sound of calling the sea


If you are a drop of water, let’s hear you when the tide comes to the high bridge


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