Architectural map 114 | Zhejiang: a good place in the south of the Yangtze River

Zhejiang has always been one of the most active testing grounds for new architecture in China


In addition to Hangzhou (the contemporary Jiangnan, Jiangnan new chapter on the roof tiles) and Ningbo (the beautiful scenery of Jiangnan), there are also a number of outstanding new buildings scattered in these “places” in Zhejiang


Selected from the projects completed in the last three years, from Songyang County, a popular destination, to the surrounding areas of Taizhou and Shaoxing, good houses can be collected one by one


Take your time


Zhejiang Province building roaming map (editor’s drawing) 01stance China smart factory design: Zhang Lei United architectural firm, 2018 coordinates: Zhejiang Haining Economic Development Zone photo: Yao Li} Zhang Lei United architectural firm click on the picture to learn more about the project


Futuresticch Zhenyong sports smart factory in Zhejiang Haining Economic Development Zone is an American leisure sports fashion product Brand stance is the only professional production base in the world


Taking the technological process and space requirements of production and logistics as the basic design input conditions, the design scheme has distinct characteristics: the factory is also an art museum


The East and south facades of the building are the streamline system of outdoor stairway corridor full of ritual sense


A visiting streamline corresponding to the manufacturing process is specially set in the plant, which is independent and parallel from the foyer and runs through the production workshops of each floor to show the modern manufacturing and logistics process from raw materials storage to packaging completion


The visiting streamline stops at the elevated stance art gallery in the center of the factory building, and finally arrives at the roof basketball court and the thatched roof garden


Production workshops and public art sports venues appear alternately, focusing on the service of stance brand promotion, receiving a large number of visitors


02 group design of the first phase of pulifeld production base: GAD · line + studio (integrated transformation), 2019 coordinate: Jianshan New District, Haining, Zhejiang, photography: existing architecture architectural photography, click on the picture to learn the details of the project, the architect tries to explore the direction of differentiation with the surrounding closed management Industrial Park, with reference to the collective work and daily life of traditional villages Its interaction with surrounding enterprises may create a garden like space experience through “streamline reconstruction” and reshape the collective memory of a “Shanshe” life


The architect will push out the edge of the four volumes along the site to the maximum extent, and connect with the peripheral ring lane to achieve efficient logistics in and out, forming an inner courtyard returning to life in the remaining space in the center of the site


Based on the classic works of Chinese traditional painting “Mustard garden painting manual” as a clue, architects use a “typological” vision to dismantle the elements of traditional landscape painting, such as mountains, stones, houses, water, fences, platforms and pavilions, and use contemporary architectural vocabulary to correspond with them


A kind of limited and enclosed space composition has been presented, with the natural landscape as the center, with a certain closed introverted space, which also establishes a sense of security, protection and identity of living environment in people’s psychology


03 qinglongwu yanjiyou village capsule hotel bookstore design: Xitao design studio, 2019 coordinates: Tonglu County, Hangzhou, Zhejiang photo: Su Shengliang, architect, at the invitation of the owner, renovates the old house


In a double-layer space of only 232 square meters and 7.2 meters high, a capsule hotel, a village community bookstore and a reading room can accommodate 20 people are placed


In a compact space, we need to ensure the privacy of the residential area, and meet the openness of the public space and the continuity of the overall space


After demolishing the original floor and partition wall of the old house, the first floor is used as the library and public area, and two “floating” independent structures are placed in the space


When layering the guest room area, the height of 1.35 meters required for sitting and sleeping is used as the floor height of more than two floors in the capsule accommodation area, which forms a three-story “building in the building” in the form of stacking, creating an interesting perspective and unusual spatial scale; the staggered floor also makes some areas form a “double-layer” height to meet the needs of residents’ passage and standing


The new glass and wood windows are integrated with rammed earth walls and old windows, and the green bricks on the outdoor ground are quietly extended to the interior


The eastern landscape is excellent, so the architect cuts the whole gable and embeds a transparent house made of wood frame and polycarbonate wave board, which makes the green mountains and green forest halo to the interior


The skylight of the roof also increases the lighting of the interior space


04 Chenxi neighborhood center design: individual buildings, 2019 coordinates: Chenxi Town, Shangyu District, Shaoxing, Zhejiang photo: Shen Huifeng, hao ping, Wang Kaiwen neighborhood center’s base is small, but it is located on a complex triangular plot


The architect wanted the building to be as low as possible, but to block the top of a row of disordered peasant houses on the south side of the road, the mountains in the distance could be introduced into the courtyard


From the south side of the road, lifting the building volume not only leaves enough space for parking on the ground and entering the building, but also makes the horizontal second floor volume empty in the oblique mountain road


The comparison can reveal the characteristics of the site


The relatively closed volume on the east side will minimize the interference to the neighbors


This naturally forms a triangular space in the middle of the building


The sky light above is like James Turrell’s space art, giving light guidance when going upstairs, suggesting that it is the structural center and spiritual center of Chenxi township


Starting from the surrounding mountains, the design connects the architecture with the larger village structure and the natural structure


There are only three Y-shaped concrete shear wall supports in the neighborhood center, without any redundant structure


Space and moving line organization are based on this structural subject, which is the embodiment of geometric order and architectural autonomy


Such a large-span structure is obviously a “provocation” to the traditional way of rural construction, but it is organized according to the natural environment and specific village structure


Taizhou Contemporary Art Museum Design: Dashe building, 2018 coordinates: cultural and creative zone, Salmonella grain depot, Jiaojiang District, Taizhou, Zhejiang photo: Tian Fangfang click on the picture to learn the details of the project


The art museum tries to create a new artistic space atmosphere with the rough cast-in-place concrete and the delicate parallel tube arch space


The tube arch structure combines the lighting design of the exhibition hall and communicates the architectural space domestic and foreign


In the space sequence, the exhibition space starts from the exhibition hall facing the square, the direction of the tube arch also points to the square, and rotates upward layer by layer


The exhibition hall facing Fengshan on the top floor opens again, and the direction of the tube arch also turns to Fengshan, forming the corresponding structure and scenery


Due to the high floor height of the exhibition hall, the architects slow down and extend the visitors’ visit path through staggered floor treatment, and form a rich three-dimensional space sequence


The south facade of the art museum is treated as a shallow concave wave, like the extension of the tube arch of the internal ceiling on the outside, which constitutes the positivity of the art museum facing the square


06 Taizhou xiaowufen village cultural auditorium design: Garden · house architectural landscape, 2020 coordinates: Zhejiang Taizhou Luqiao District Pengjie town xiaowufen village Photography: literal translation architectural photography click on the picture to understand the details of the project


As the core carrier of rural cultural construction, cultural auditorium is not only a simple building or landscape construction, but also a mining and remodeling of the village culture


Different from the large bay scale of the conventional auditorium, at the beginning of the design, the team dug deep into the “Wufen” feature, divided the building volume into five bays, coordinated the small volume scale of the buildings around the village, and formed five houses scattered along the street


The site is in the shape of “L” with one side extending by the river


The design uses this feature to stretch, place the hall, stairs, hall and interactive space, and cover the flowing curved corridor


In terms of function, the building can be divided into three parts: the multi-functional auditorium is in the middle, and the convenient service and village committee office functions are set on both sides.



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