Another province! All housing and municipal projects shall be insured with construction project safety liability insurance! The platform has

Attached text: in order to further strengthen the comprehensive management of work safety, improve the risk guarantee mechanism of construction projects, and promote the implementation of the work safety liability insurance system in Jiangsu Province, combined with the actual situation of Jiangsu Province, our department has drafted the opinions on the implementation of work safety liability insurance of construction projects in Jiangsu Province (Draft for comments), which is now open for comments.


Recently, the Department of housing and urban rural development of Jiangsu Province issued an announcement on the public solicitation of opinions on the implementation opinions of work safety liability insurance of construction projects in Jiangsu Province (Draft for comments).

Jianzhong001 Jiangsu has also issued a document after Zhejiang.

The time for public consultation is from the date of issuance of this circular to November 30, 2021.

The competent construction departments of each district and city may, at their own discretion, purchase construction project safety liability insurance for the projects in the remaining construction period of the projects that have started.

The premium shall be paid by the project general contractor or professional contractor and shall not be apportioned to individual employees in any way.

At the same time, it is necessary to link the security liability insurance invested by enterprises with the enterprise safety production standardization, credit rating and other evaluation systems.

Chapter II underwriting and insurance Article 5 (insurance institutions) An insurance institution undertaking construction project safety liability insurance in this province shall have corresponding professional qualifications and underwriting capacity..

Job requirements: from September 1, 2021, the province will fully implement construction project safety liability insurance.

Clear: from now on, the newly started housing construction and municipal infrastructure projects in the province must be insured by the corresponding general construction contracting enterprises with the project as the unit.

(2) If the remaining project cost exceeds 20% (excluding) of the total project cost, or the remaining construction period exceeds 6 months, the enterprise shall insure according to the remaining quantities; The short-term rate coefficient applicable to the rate: remaining project days / project contract days (subject to the insurance terms).

For the projects that have started, the cities divided into districts and cities can deal with the projects that have started according to the following two situations (except for the projects under construction with the same insurance coverage as the construction project safety liability insurance): (I) if the remaining project cost is less than 20% (inclusive) of the total project cost, or the remaining construction period is less than 6 months, the enterprise can decide whether to insure according to its own insurance situation, No mandatory requirements.

Halfen Channel


On November 1, Zhejiang Provincial Department of housing and urban rural development issued the notice on accelerating the promotion of work safety liability insurance system in the field of construction.

Projects that have been insured with other commercial insurances related to safety production shall be adjusted to safety liability insurance or added to safety liability insurance.

Article 4 (insured subjects) Take the project as the unit to participate in the construction project safety liability insurance.


The construction project safety liability insurance shall be fully implemented.

The competent construction departments of cities divided into districts shall formulate detailed rules for implementation according to the implementation opinions.

Among them, in the investigation of hidden dangers of production safety accidents, the vulnerable parts and weak points of hidden dangers such as building hoisting machinery, tall formwork support, deep foundation pit, scaffold and fire safety in living quarters are the items that must be checked.

117), technical service specification for accident prevention of work safety liability insurance, and Implementation Opinions on the full implementation of work safety liability insurance system in key industries of the province (Su emergency [2018] No.



If the projects under construction have been insured with liability insurance with the same attribute as the construction project safety liability insurance in accordance with relevant laws and regulations, they shall After the expiration of the original insurance period, it shall be transformed into construction project safety liability insurance in a timely manner.

After October 1, the “Jiangsu construction project safety liability insurance comprehensive service information platform” will be officially launched.

All housing construction and municipal infrastructure projects (including new and started projects) within the province shall be insured with construction project safety liability insurance.

18), the notice of the CIRC and the Ministry of finance of the State Administration of work safety on printing and distributing the measures for the implementation of work safety liability insurance (ajzb [2017] No.

Except for being closed and banned according to law, completely stopping production and business activities, or the relevant government departments decide to stop the construction of the project, the insured items that should be insured with construction project safety liability insurance shall not be delayed or withdrawn.

The insurance institution shall provide at least one safety production publicity, education and training for the insured unit every year according to the project scale; Safety risk identification, assessment and safety evaluation; Potential hazards of production safety accidents shall be investigated.

The premium shall be paid by the project general contractor or professional contractor and shall not be apportioned to the individual employees in any way.

Citizens, legal persons and other organizations who have comments on the revision of the draft document can inform our office by mail, fax or e-mail before the deadline.

Postal Code: 210036.

If there is a subcontractor in the project, it shall be handled uniformly by the general contracting construction enterprise, and the subcontractor shall reasonably bear the insurance cost; The project directly contracted by the owner shall be directly handled by the contracting enterprise.

The project that has started construction shall be reasonably insured according to the remaining construction period and other factors.

For projects that do not have security liability insurance, they shall be ordered to make rectification within a time limit; If the rectification is not timely and in place, it shall be filed and punished in accordance with the production safety law and other laws and regulations.

2) Article 2 (definition) the construction project safety production liability insurance (hereinafter referred to as “construction project safety liability insurance”) mentioned in this opinion refers to the new, reconstructed and expanded housing construction and municipal infrastructure projects (including urban rail transit projects) insured by the insurance institution within the administrative region of the province The insured subject of the project shall compensate for the casualties caused by the production safety accidents of the insured project and the relevant economic losses of the third party, and provide insurance for the insured project for the prevention of production safety accidents.

Article 3 (scope of application) safety liability insurance for construction projects shall be fully implemented, and all housing construction and municipal infrastructure projects within the province (including new and started projects) Construction project safety liability insurance is required for all construction projects.

Mailing address: Jiangsu construction building, No.

140) Notice of the general office of China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission on printing and distributing the measures for the supervision of liability insurance business (Yin Bao Jian Ban Fa [2020] No.

The construction unit applying for construction project safety liability insurance for a new project shall sign a construction project safety liability insurance contract with the insurance institution for the project before the new project goes through the construction permit formalities, and pay the insurance premium agreed in the contract at one time.


Ensure that 100% of the safety liability insurance for housing construction and municipal works is insured before November 30, 2021.

Insurance institutions are encouraged to develop characteristic insurance products that are in line with the reality of the construction industry and acceptable to the construction unit, and provide insurance packages for the insured enterprises in the form of main insurance and additional insurance Personalized insurance portfolio products including occupational diseases and accidental injuries.

Fax: (025) 51868771 Tel: (025) 51868565email: 。 In order to further strengthen the comprehensive management of work safety, improve the risk guarantee mechanism of construction projects, and promote the implementation of the work safety liability insurance system in Jiangsu Province, in accordance with the work safety law of the people’s Republic of China and the insurance law of the people’s Republic of China The implementation opinions of the CPC Jiangsu Provincial Committee and the people’s Government of Jiangsu Province on promoting the reform and development in the field of work safety (SAF [2017] No.

The time for public solicitation of opinions is from the date of promulgation of this announcement to November 30, 2021.

The insurance subject of construction project safety liability insurance is the project general contractor or professional contractor who has separately issued the construction license.

The insurance subject of the construction project safety liability insurance is the project general contractor or professional contractor who has issued the construction license separately.

For new projects, construction project safety liability insurance shall be purchased before going through the construction permit formalities.

88, Caochangmen street, Gulou District, Nanjing, Jiangsu Province, Department of housing and urban rural development, laws and regulations division.


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