Adjustment of the chairman, general manager and chief engineer of the two central construction enterprises!

Li Shengyi, deputy secretary of the Party committee and chairman of the trade union of China Railway 20th Bureau, attended the meeting via video link and made an important speech.

Zhang Shibing expressed his position on behalf of the leading group.

During the construction, the builders strictly checked the mobilization of materials and equipment, continuously strengthened the on-site safety and quality management, pursued the craftsman spirit of excellence, applied technologies such as rail car tension setting out, BIM modeling control of four electrical interfaces, digital wiring commissioning, unified standard cabinets throughout the line, separation of cable strength, beautiful routing and clear identification.

The new Huaihua Shaoyang Hengyang railway passes through 14 counties (districts) of Huaihua, Shaoyang and Hengyang, connecting Shanghai Kunming passenger dedicated line, Beijing Guangzhou high-speed railway and Beijing Guangzhou line, filling the gap in the road network of many counties and cities in Southwest Hunan, and greatly improving the disaster prevention and war preparedness level of the main channel.

It reflects the care of the Party group of the group company and the Party committee of China nuclear power construction.

It crosses F4 fault and its influence zone for 350m, which is rare in China.

He hopes that all cadres and employees of China Nuclear Huaxing will remember the “great power of the country”, uphold the new development concept, stimulate the vitality of reform and innovation, never forget their original intention and forge ahead, Go all out to overcome difficulties, continue to maintain high-quality development momentum, focus on promoting the realization of the “Trinity” goal of the group company, implement the “three walks” instruction requirements put forward by Yu Jianfeng, Secretary of the Party group and chairman of the group company, and make new and greater contributions.

Wang Jiping pointed out in his speech that the adjustment of the leading group of China Nuclear Huaxing is an important decision made by the Party group of the group company from the perspective of strengthening the construction of the leading group and promoting the exchange of young cadres.

It is a class I high-risk tunnel and one of the key control projects of the whole line.

In the future, the leading group of CNNC Huaxing will conscientiously implement the major decisions and arrangements made by its superiors, never forget its original heart, keep in mind its mission, work hard, act tirelessly, speed without rest, strengthen the party’s comprehensive leadership, unswervingly promote and deepen reform, always adhere to the bottom line of safety, quality and integrity, and lead the cadres and workers to work tenaciously and continuously to fully complete reform, development All tasks and objectives of Party building will make new and greater contributions to promoting the high-quality development of CNPC and China nuclear construction.

Wang Donge read out the letter of recommendation on appointment and removal of CNNC, recommended Comrade Zhao Yun as the chief engineer (concurrently) of CNNC Huaxing, comrade Cong Jiuyuan as the deputy general manager of CNNC Huaxing, and proposed that Comrade Gong Zhenbin be removed from the posts of deputy general manager and chief engineer of CNNC Huaxing.

The participants overcome the adverse factors such as tight construction period, heavy tasks and many technical difficulties, implemented the whole construction process quality management and continuously improved the process level.

New Huaihua Shaoyang Hengyang Railway “four electricity” system integration, disaster prevention and safety monitoring, information and related projects.

Wang Jiping, director and Deputy Secretary of the Party committee of CNNC, Wang Donge, director of human resources department, attended the meeting, and Zhang Shibing, Secretary of the Party committee and chairman of CNNC Huaxing, presided over the meeting.

China Railway 20th Bureau Group Electrification Engineering Co., Ltd.

Yanyingan tunnel is a single tunnel and double track tunnel.

He said that the cadre adjustment is a decision made by the Party group of the group company and the Party committee of China Nuclear Power Construction after full consideration, focusing on the construction of the leading group of China Nuclear Power Huaxing and the reform and development in the new period.

Magnetic Box

On behalf of China’s nuclear construction party committee, he put forward five requirements: first, adhere to theoretical study and achieve good work and success; Second, adhere to the principle of stability and strive for progress while maintaining stability; Third, adhere to reform and tackle tough problems, and dare to be the first; Fourth, adhere to strengthening the enterprise with talents and ensure that there are successors; Fifth, adhere to safe production and never end.

On January 6, the electrification company held a cadre meeting in the form of video conference to announce the decision of the Party committee of China Railway 20th Bureau on the adjustment of the members of the leading group of the electrification company.

They have won high praise from Guangzhou Bureau Group and Hunan provincial government, and have made outstanding contributions to the smooth opening of huaishaoheng railway.

On January 10, CNNC Huaxing held a meeting to announce the adjustment of the leading group.

Source: electrification company of China Railway 20th Bureau, China Nuclear Huaxing, Xinji Jiantong, window of construction enterprises.

The electrification company of China Railway 20th bureau is responsible for the implementation of tunnel lighting, comprehensive grounding, disaster prevention, evacuation and rescue of yanyingan tunnel.

The new Huaihua Shaoyang Hengyang Railway yanyingan tunnel is a class I double track electrified mixed passenger and freight railway of national railway, with a design speed of 200km / h.

New technologies such as tunnel safety monitoring, whole process regulation of electromechanical installation and dynamic information management based on Internet have been applied to successfully complete the construction task.

participated in the construction of “four electricity” system integration, disaster prevention and safety monitoring, information and related projects of the project.

Many technologies have won the second prize of science and technology of China Transportation Association, the third prize of science and technology of China railway construction, and the second prize of scientific and technological progress of Hunan Province.

The leading cadres at all levels of China Nuclear Power Huaxing resolutely support and obey the decision.

It has successively won the 2019 China Railway Construction cup quality project award, the second prize of Hunan Provincial Scientific and technological progress award in 2020, the second prize of China Railway Construction Science and Technology Award in 2020, the first prize of science and technology award of China Transportation Association in 2020, etc.

At the meeting, Tian Dechang, member of the Party committee of China Railway 20th Bureau and director of the Party committee cadre Department (Human Resources Department), read out the decision of the Party committee of China Railway 20th Bureau on the adjustment of the leading group of electrification company: Comrade Wang Yaohui will be the party secretary and chairman of electrification company, Comrade Deng Erdong will be the general manager and Deputy Secretary of electrification company, and Comrade Xu Zhi will no longer be the party secretary and standing committee member of electrification company Members shall be appointed separately.


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