27 illegal buildings in Nanpi have been demolished according to law!

In order to conscientiously implement the requirements of Cangzhou municipal Party committee and government’s activities of “demolishing illegal buildings, promoting urban construction, improving traffic, increasing green quantity and optimizing environment”, and further optimize and improve the urban and rural environment of Nanpi County, Nanpi County’s “demolishing illegal buildings” special activity office continued to promote the demolition of illegal buildings according to the work deployment of the city and county, combined with the actual work of the city


Compaction responsibilities


Clarify the responsibilities of each department, coordinate, organize and supervise the urban demolition and control work, and timely summarize and report the demolition and control work


At present, Nanpi County Urban Management Bureau, Nanpi town government, liubali township government, development zone and other departments have implemented the contact system to ensure timely collection and reporting of illegal information


Strengthen supervision and management


Continue to maintain the high pressure situation of new illegal construction control, and focus on strengthening the control of villages in the city and back streets and alleys


More than 30 UAVs were dispatched, and law enforcement personnel insisted on all-weather patrol, put an end to the law enforcement gap, and strictly prevented the sudden construction and rush construction


Once the newly added illegal construction was found, it was strictly implemented to inspect and dismantle immediately


Establish linkage mechanism


It is necessary to improve the linkage disposal system of demolition, control and violation, and strive to build a working mechanism of “territorial management, rapid response, overall linkage and decisive disposal”


At the same time, integrate the inspection and supervision power of relevant functional departments to realize information resource sharing


Up to now, Nanpi County Urban Management Bureau has dispatched 190 law enforcement personnel, 56 law enforcement vehicles, 16 logistics vehicles, 26 large excavator cranes, 12 sprinkler dust trucks, 30 large cranes, 120 dump trucks and 160 demolition workers


For illegal buildings, renovation of dilapidated buildings and the “old difficulties” and “hard bones” of illegal construction in the urban-rural fringe, centralized demolition is carried out


So far, a total of 27 illegal constructions have been found, covering an area of 66452 square meters, and have been demolished in succession, with a total area of 5735 square meters and a demolition completion rate of 86%


In the next step, Nanpi County Urban Management Bureau will continue to fight hard, push forward in accordance with the law and regulations, and form a strong momentum to crack down on illegal activities through centralized demolition activities, so as to win the tough battle of breaking down illegal activities


At the same time, we should continue to implement the principle of dismantling as soon as it should be dismantled and the combination of dismantling and treatment


For the “nail households” in illegal buildings, the county government will organize the public security, urban management, housing construction, land, township government, fire control, medical and other departments to forcibly demolish them according to law, form a joint force, effectively solve the problems of illegal construction around the masses, and successfully complete the demolition work of illegal construction


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