Employees of one of the largest construction companies in Toronto take the opportunity of work, drink, and party is called stripper!?

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It’s in Ontario


At present, it’s at home, and there may be a wave of stricter restrictions


A worker from a construction company even called a stripper instead of a party!? According to narcity, workers from a construction company in Ontario called nelmar drywall started parties and called strippers during a house business in Milton during the pandemic


Mattamy homes, the employer and builder of the house, told reporters it was “totally unacceptable.”


The behavior of these workers is “untimely and very reckless”


@According to a video clip, several men were holding vodka bottles and dancing with a woman on April 9


The video was first tweeted, and people saw the words “nelmar drywall CO” on one of the men’s T-shirts


The video came out at the same time that 4736 new crown cases were diagnosed in Ontario on the same day, and the public health department said that the medical system of the province had reached a critical moment


Governor Ford is considering extending the residence order and tightening up work in the construction industry


The employers of these workers have so far fired all the employees in this video


“Nelmar totally condemns such behavior,” the company issued a statement this week, saying that the behavior of its employees has violated the epidemic prevention policy, anti discrimination and anti harassment regulations in the workplace during the pandemic


ref: https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/toronto/incident-involving-stripper-at-job-site-entirely-unacceptable-mattamy-homes-says-1.5989394 Micro-blog overseas student make complaints about I, quality I, interesting cooperation, chat, business add: kakawasabi [copyright notice] graphic and audio-visual materials from the Internet, copyright belongs to the original author, for dissemination


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