Sudden! A tower crane at a construction site in Foshan suddenly lost control and tons of steel bars smashed into residential houses

Subsequently, according to the investigation results, the construction unit will be ordered to make rectification to eliminate potential safety hazards! For more cases, remember to pay attention to me.


Many residential houses were damaged


Recently, a tower crane at a construction site in Foshan suddenly lost control and hit a nearby residential area


Fortunately, there were no casualties in the incident


Source: network burst! A tower crane at a construction site in Foshan suddenly lost control and tons of steel bars smashed into residential houses in the community..

. Crown Foot Anchor

What happened at that time? According to the construction party’s explanation: the sudden power failure, coupled with a strong wind of 8.5, caused the power-off machine to stop and hit the residential building


After the incident, the local housing and urban rural development department has asked the construction site involved to stop work, and will conduct a comprehensive investigation on them



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