World Architecture Guide NO.201, issue 5, 2021 [new issue promotion]

Once there was a storm, huge things were rampant, the environment was dangerous, and the future of primitive mankind was uncertain.

When we open this book, we will have many of the same questions as when reading biological architecture: is an architecture bound to breed us? Paved and coincident with terrain and vegetation? How? How will it change over time? Until Javier found language to describe his recent works, he was also surprised by the search process: This is a magnificent and colorful work rarely seen by other contemporary architects since the 1970s.

At the same time, several buildings have unity, so they can feel harmony in the whole   A family Potter   Text: the architectural works of Humberto Ricard g.

Published bioarquitecturaenbuscadeun Espacio, edited by Noriega, 1996, and supplemented in 2004.

Published organic architecture, ameditores press, Mexico, 2008.

I have been greatly influenced by the paintings of Chucho Reyes, the colors in Louis balagan’s buildings and the colors used in Mexican handicrafts.

But humans insist on exploring – grateful for the beautiful land and feeling the weight of the dust between their toes on the skin layer after layer.

Some faint, almost inaudible voices, like monk, shouted quietly in suffocation, trying to end the red fire in the sky, resist the violent avalanche, and save the earth oasis destroyed by waves of heavy and gray buildings.

Javier senosiain Aguilar   simple   Introduce   Javier senosian Aguiler is a Mexican architect who combines teaching, research and practice.

Crying, sobbing and repeating the same sigh from a secret place on the earth, the pain has been forgotten, but it has been secretly recalled.

Different from the selection criteria of conventional architectural competitions, the Design Education Award hopes to explore the long-term influence of design and architecture.

In this organization, part is as important to the whole as the whole is to part, and regard architecture as a harmonious and unified unit.

It is full of problems, especially for those of us who belong to the school of functional rationality, it is composed of us.

But Javier senosian Aguiler took a disturbing adventure   works   The whalehouse Mexican “whale” Habitat Nautilus snail world the organic house organic villa quetzalcoatlcanyon folk house amoeba house amoeba house in the feather snake valley about the 2021 world’s most educational architectural design award the world’s most educational design education award is held all over the world to appreciate Demonstrate and publicize the educational potential of architecture and design.

Skyscrapers fill the airspace, and houses, apartments, industrial buildings, factories, offices, guard stations, monuments, roads, bridges and highways occupy the ground – this is only the tip of the iceberg of urban man-made buildings.

Academic field: in 1972, Javier graduated with honors from the school of architecture of the former National Autonomous University of Mexico.

Javier senosian Aguiler are always creative.

How do you evaluate the bright color of the whole building, but most architects tend to use a single color? Javier: Gaudi said that color is life.

Professional field: Javier has designed many projects: office buildings, residential, factory and tourism projects and buildings.

Awards and exhibitions: in 2006, the board of directors of the school of architecture of the National Autonomous University of Mexico awarded Javier Federico Mariscal the post of chairman.

His research also involves fabricated structures and pneumatic structures of houses sprayed with polyurethane, avoiding the use of corrosive materials.

Since then, he has taught two courses in the Department of architecture of the University: “biological architecture” – focusing on philosophical ideas and works, and “project discussion” to guide the students’ thesis to be graduated.

Just a few years of the industrial revolution and the two world wars in the 20th century have fragmented the planet.

Although it is in the early stage of cooperation with Daniel aledondo, its body feeling and color sense are just inherited from the master Louis balagan.

They replace old buildings and grow into new crust skins.

From 2016 to 2017, Javier held an exhibition of his works at the Bellas atlas Palace National Architecture Museum.

The tiny sound was amplified.

Ring Clutch

Of course, there is also Gaudi’s trencady.

However, they are not strong enough to become an echo to drown the sky and announce the echo of the world.

For some time, Javier served as academic secretary of the school of architecture.

Published biological architecture, Elsevier architecture press, 2003, Oxford, UK.

Every year, the jury will select outstanding design concepts and completed projects in the four fields of architectural design, product design, universal design and responsive design..

That weight will shape the living environment of human beings   Character interview   Herald: in your architecture, we can often see colorful materials such as ceramics and glass.

There is no doubt that they often envy others and last for a long time.

Matthias goritz said that Mexicans use color at will.

Research field: Javier is committed to the research of building materials called “barbed wire cement”, which can be used in small and super large buildings.

Herald: what do you think is the position of organism in architectural design? Javier: regard it as a metaphor, that is, regard architecture as an organic organization.

Who is listening to these sounds? Who is really worried about the health of the earth? Is it true that man is a rational existence? Is it true that it is the masterpiece of the creator? This perfect creation of God destroyed his habitat in only a century.


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