What is the industrial injury compensation standard for migrant workers on construction sites? How much is the compensation for industrial

If the actual amount of disability allowance is lower than the local minimum wage standard, the difference shall be made up by the industrial injury insurance fund; 3.

Legal basis: paragraph 4, Article 29 of the regulations on industrial injury insurance 4.

Employees with work-related injuries who still need treatment after the expiration of the period of suspension and salary retention shall continue to enjoy medical treatment for work-related injuries.

Legal basis: Article 30 of the regulations on industrial injury insurance.

If the actual amount of disability allowance is lower than the local minimum wage standard, the employer shall make up the difference.

(2) For those who need nursing after assessment of disability and cannot take care of themselves at all, 50% of the average monthly salary of employees in the previous year shall be taken as a whole; Most people can’t take care of themselves, and the average monthly salary of employees in the previous year is 40%; Part of the life can not be taken care of by themselves, and 30% of the average monthly salary of employees in the previous year; 2.

Level II disability allowance = my salary × 25 months 3, level III disability allowance = my salary × 23 months, level 4 and level 4 disability allowance = my salary × For 21 months, the injury and disability allowance shall be paid monthly (paid monthly).

Note: according to local regulations, rehabilitation treatment needs to be evaluated by experts organized by the handling organization.

Standard: food subsidy standard for employees of the unit on business trip.

The specific standards shall be formulated by the people’s governments of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the central government.


The standard is: 16 months’ salary for level 5 disability and 14 months’ salary for level 6 disability; 2.

Retain the labor relationship with the employer, and the employer shall arrange appropriate work.

Note: if the employer does not participate in industrial injury insurance, it does not have to go to a medical institution with a service agreement.

(3) Transportation expenses, board and lodging expenses 1.

Requirements: the salary retention period for work stoppage generally shall not exceed 12 months; In case of serious injury or special circumstances, it can be extended appropriately after being confirmed by the labor ability appraisal committee at the municipal level divided into districts, but the extension shall not exceed 12 months.

Level IV disability allowance = my salary × 75% (Note: if the actual amount of disability allowance is lower than the local minimum wage standard, the difference shall be made up by the industrial injury insurance fund) one-time disability allowance for level 5 and level 6 disability treatment standards 1 and level 5 disability allowance = my salary × 18 months level 2 and 6 disability allowance = my salary × 16 months disability allowance 1, level 5 disability allowance = my salary × 70% 2, level 6 disability allowance = my salary × 60% (Note: for injured employees who are difficult to arrange work, the employer shall pay disability allowance on a monthly basis.

Level III disability allowance = my salary × 80% 4.

If an employee is identified as level I to level IV disability due to work-related disability, the employer and individual employee shall pay the basic medical insurance premium based on the disability allowance.

(6) 1.

Standard: the quota standard of industrial injury auxiliary equipment in all provinces and municipalities directly under the central government.

Legal basis: Article 31, paragraph 3 and Article 32 of the regulations on industrial injury insurance.

If the basic old-age insurance benefits are lower than the disability allowance, the difference shall be made up by the industrial injury insurance fund.


(4) Rehabilitation treatment fee 1.

Legal basis: paragraph 3, Article 29 of the regulations on industrial injury insurance.

The standard is: 90% of my salary for level I disability, 85% of my salary for level II disability, 80% of my salary for level III disability and 75% of my salary for level IV disability.

A one-time disability subsidy shall be paid from the industrial injury insurance fund according to the disability level.

A one-time disability subsidy shall be paid from the industrial injury insurance fund according to the disability level.

Standard: the expenses required for the treatment of industrial injury shall comply with the catalogue of diagnosis and treatment items of industrial injury insurance, the catalogue of industrial injury insurance drugs and the hospitalization service standard of industrial injury insurance.

(8) Disability allowance level I to level IV disability treatment standard one-time disability allowance 1.

Legal basis: paragraph 6, Article 29 of the regulations on industrial injury insurance.


Kewei lecture hall construction site industrial injury compensation standard (I) medical expenses 1.

The standard is: 24 months’ salary for level I disability and 22 months’ salary for level II disability, Grade III disability is 20 months’ salary, and grade IV disability is 18 months’ salary; 2.


Remarks: if the unit has no food subsidy standard for business trip, refer to the food subsidy standard for business trip of local state organ staff.

If it is difficult to arrange work, the employer shall pay disability allowance on a monthly basis.


Fixing Socket Waved End

Note: the salary retention period for work stoppage shall be determined according to the diagnosis certificate of the medical institution and the classification catalogue of the salary retention period for work stoppage in various places, but the determined departments and procedures shall be determined according to the local regulations.

(7) Nursing fee 1.

Requirements: the expenses required for the treatment of industrial injury shall comply with the catalogue of diagnosis and treatment items of industrial injury insurance, the catalogue of industrial injury insurance drugs and the hospitalization service standard of industrial injury insurance.

Level II disability allowance = my salary × 85% 3.

Requirements: due to the needs of daily life or employment and confirmed by the labor ability appraisal committee, install prosthetics, orthoses, artificial eyes, dentures, wheelchairs and other auxiliary devices.



Legal basis: Article 31 of the regulations on industrial injury insurance.

Legal basis: paragraph 4, Article 29 of the regulations on industrial injury insurance.

The standard is: Level 7 disability is 12 months’ personal salary, level 8 disability is 10 months’ personal salary, and level 9 disability is 8 months’ personal salary, Grade 10 disability is 6 months’ salary; 2.

Requirements: the living and nursing expenses shall be confirmed by the labor ability appraisal committee, and the injured employees shall enjoy them on a monthly basis.


Level I disability allowance = my salary × 27 months 2.

Standard: (1) if nursing is needed during the salary retention period of work stoppage, the unit shall be responsible for it.

Disability allowance is paid monthly from the industrial injury insurance fund.

Standard: 70% of the food subsidy standard for business trip of the unit.

Requirements: the medical institution shall issue a diagnosis certificate, the handling institution agrees, and the injured employees shall seek medical treatment outside the overall planning area.

If an employee is identified as level 5 or level 6 disability due to work, he or she shall enjoy the following benefits: 1.


Requirements: during hospitalization.


A one-time disability subsidy is paid from the industrial injury insurance fund according to the disability level.

(5) Auxiliary equipment fee 1.


If the labor contract expires or the employee himself proposes to terminate the labor contract, the employer shall pay a one-time industrial injury medical subsidy and disability employment subsidy.

Standard: the original salary and welfare shall remain unchanged and shall be paid by the unit on a monthly basis.



If an employee is identified as level I to level IV disability due to work-related disability, he / she shall retain his / her labor relationship, quit his / her job and enjoy the following benefits: 1.

If the actual amount of disability allowance is lower than the local minimum wage standard, the employer shall make up the difference) one-time disability allowance for level 7 to level 10 disability treatment standard.

(2) Hospitalization food subsidy 1.

III   Industrial injury insurance benefits of level 7 to 10 employees who are identified as level 7 to level 10 disability due to work-related disability enjoy the following benefits: 1.


After the injured workers reach the retirement age and go through the retirement procedures, they will stop paying disability allowance and enjoy basic old-age insurance benefits.

II   5、 Industrial injury insurance benefits for level 6 disability.

The specific standards shall be formulated by the people’s governments of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the central government..

The standard is: Level 5 disability is 70% of his salary, level 6 disability is 60% of his salary, and the employer shall pay various social insurance premiums for him in accordance with the regulations.

Level I disability allowance = my salary × 90% 2.

Salary retention for work stoppage 1.

Level 1 and level 7 disability = their own salary × 13 months, grade 2 and grade 8 disability = my salary × 11 months of grade 3 and 9 disability = my salary × 9 months, grade 4 and 10 disability = my salary × How much is the compensation for industrial injury fracture in 7 months   Industrial injury insurance benefits for level I to level IV disability.

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Upon the proposal of the injured employee himself, the employee may terminate or terminate the labor relationship with the employer, and the employer shall pay a one-time industrial injury medical subsidy and disability employment subsidy.



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