What is the employment prospect of construction major in China? Civil engineering road and bridge?

What about the appointment and professional title evaluation of legal personnel in enterprises? 1


After the cancellation, the legal staff can only carry out by obtaining the lawyer’s qualification


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How to test the supervision engineer? The following are all supervision engineers


There is something called special supervision


Finally, I will talk about the difference between special supervision and supervision engineers


Before you think about how to take the exam, you have to know some basic information, registration conditions, registration address, qualification criteria, certificate collection, etc


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Can the company issue engineer certificates to employees? Yes, this is OK, but other companies may not recognize it


You need an exam.


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The certificate issued by the company cannot be certified


The engineer certificate also needs to be certified


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How to register an account online? The candidate registers the account number and enters the online newspaper interface


Click [Register] to display the registration agreement


After reading, click [accept] to display the registration instructions


After reading, click [next] to enter the registration information entry interface (see below)


Add our customer service wechat or telephone consultation: 13167878949


How to write the professional name of graduation certificate? The name of professional and technical qualification of doctors should be filled in, including interns, assistant doctors, doctors, attending doctors and chief doctors


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