What about the buildings outside the list in the old reform of Huangpu? Here comes the answer

In January this year, the old district improvement Office of environmental improvement took over the spot.

They are also jokingly called “scavengers” in the old battlefield.

In the old reform collection, there will be some buildings outside the inventory in large and small bases.

However, due to the complex historical reasons for their formation, it has seriously affected the closing process of the old reform collection plots.

The family lives a hard life.

Jiang has a daughter suffering from cancer and raising three children.

His wife only relies on odd jobs to maintain a family life every month.

The illegal buildings built on blessing road were also included in the levy.

From January to may, according to the actual situation of the parties, the Ministry of environmental remediation formulated several sets of clearance plans and interviewed the party Li, but he was firm at the beginning.

Jiang’s son needs to repay hundreds of thousands of foreign debts.

To make “maodi into clean land”, no matter how complex the problems left over by history must be solved.

Finish closing the door.

At the same time, she has to bear Jiang’s medical expenses of 900 yuan per month.

The party Li, whose own house is the object of expropriation, was burned to the ground after a fire in August 2002.

Because of the extensive involvement of the housing sector, the joint efforts of the Ministry of environmental protection and the joint efforts of the Ministry of environmental protection and the second old command headquarters, the Yu Garden street and the four move to discuss the refunding scheme, and again interviewed Li, through the sensible reasoning and meticulous and patient persuasion, settled the solution with the litigant Li, and finally completed the remission in June 8th, and the house was transferred smoothly.

Through visiting Yu Garden streets and collecting four houses and its residents committee, the biggest difficulty in the remission of the site was that the one family had a large population and no stable work.

In the process of clearing and returning, they took full account of the “particularity” of his family from the perspective of humanization.

However, in the process of clearance, the staff of the Ministry of environmental remediation closely relied on the government, worked hard and applied their feelings to “hold the bottom” for residents with practical difficulties and reasonably solve their difficulties.

The party and his family have successively built nearly 200 square meters of illegal buildings in this open space since 2003.

They are not subject to expropriation, but some do live for a long time.

These undocumented buildings are undoubtedly “hot potato” worthy of the name.

In the process of clearing and returning, we also found that some illegal buildings do live in the poor residents.

We must clarify the historical context, trace the source, clarify the crux, take measures at all levels, and make one policy for each household, so that the ‘problem’ will no longer become a problem.” Wang Yuhua, head of the environmental remediation Department of the District old reform office, told reporters that the environmental remediation Department has slowly found out the solution experience, At present, 74 points outside the inventory and various historical problems have been completed, with a total cleared area of 2795 square meters.

“Hold the” bottom “for the poor people with” heart to heart “.

“To solve these difficult and complicated problems, we can’t simply” dismantle them “.

They built a “temporary house” next to the tool room.

As the first batch of remaining points, a certain number of Fuyou road involves a wide range, is difficult to clear, and the situation is very complex.

Flat Rubber Recess Former

For example, in lane 26 of Baodai lane, the party Jiang and his wife are from Jiangxi.

He hoped that the local government would make use of the relief policy to ensure that the basic life of Chiang’s couple could be properly protected after returning to their hometown.

There are still some undocumented buildings in some old changed plots in the old city.

What should we do about unlicensed or illegal buildings outside these lists? Last year, the reconstruction of old areas in Huangpu District was innovated, the Ministry of environmental improvement was established, “one policy for one household, one file and one plan”, and the opinions on the comprehensive disposal of non expropriation objects and historical problems of old reform expropriated plots in Huangpu District were formulated to help the end of the base, provide a foundation for the people who really have difficulties in living and let the “historical” problems no longer be “left behind”.

For these people, the first thing we should do is to” hold the bottom “for them.” due to the prominent dual structure of Huangpu, some old city residents have small per capita living area and poor living supporting facilities, On the basis of the original houses, many illegal buildings have been built for residential use.

These undocumented buildings have no relevant registration in the housing management department and are not the collection object in the old reform collection.

During the follow-up interviews, the staff learned about the difficulties of their family, sent two staff members to the field investigation of the registered residence of Chiang, and communicated with local village cadres.

Jiang has been paralyzed in bed for a long time.

Source: Shanghai Huangpu [copyright belongs to the original author, please contact to delete if there is infringement] Click “watching” to tell more Huangpu people ↓↓..

However, the existing policy can not meet its requirements, so the stalemate has so far.

However, under the continuous attack of the Ministry of environmental remediation, it took more than six months to successfully get rid of it.

Taking full account of the actual situation of the parties, the Ministry of environmental remediation solved the difficulties encountered by their family within the scope of subsidy standards as far as possible, so that Jiang’s family returned to their hometown smoothly.

These buildings are complex, prominent contradictions, many interests disputes and many historical problems…

They have been doing environmental sanitation work in the old city for nearly 30 years.


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