The latest ranking of 10 billion construction central enterprises! The six major engineering bureaus of CSCEC ranked first in the list!

As can be seen from the list, six of the top ten are from China Construction Engineering Bureau, and China Construction Eighth Bureau ranks first.

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CSCEC and China Railway are the most on the list, 47 and 28 respectively.

After the application of enterprises, the recommendation of relevant units and the review of the association, 301 enterprises with an output value of more than 10 billion yuan were selected, including 152 central construction enterprises.

For more highlights, please click the blue word above to follow us! Source: China Construction Enterprise Management Association and construction enterprise service platform sort out the statistical ranking of the output value completed by engineering construction enterprises in 2020 by China Construction Enterprise Management Association.

01 CSCEC is listed as 47, and the specific list is as follows: 02 China Railway is listed as 28, and the specific list is as follows: 03152 10 billion central enterprises.

The complete list is as follows: for more information, please pay attention to the contribution of “road and bridge network” (ID: zgluqiao): Cooperation: qq1949195..


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