The largest prefabricated Industrial Park in our city has been put into use to boost the modernization of the construction industry

Up to now, 19 precast concrete component manufacturers have been built and put into operation in our city, with a design annual production capacity of 2.61 million cubic meters and an actual production capacity of 1.147 million cubic meters in 2020.

Changes in five years • remarkable achievements have been made in the modernization of the construction industry.

The whole process of automatic processing and forming of reinforcement and concrete production can realize mechanized and intelligent control.

Welcome the Party Congress • look at the changes in five years: “national prefabricated building demonstration city”, “Provincial Construction Industry Modernization Demonstration City” and “more than 320 prefabricated construction projects started”…

Realize the mechanization and intellectualization of the whole process from mold cleaning, reinforcement cage into the mold, concrete pouring, segment mold maintenance, demoulding and so on.

At the same time, the industrial park has introduced an advanced factory management system to realize the management of the whole production process from raw material procurement, raw material warehousing, production order entry to finished product delivery, realize the automation, visualization and traceability of component production, and effectively improve the management efficiency of production and operation.

Leading the way to promote the development of the largest prefabricated Industrial Park, covering an area of 160 mu, 7 automatic production lines and a design annual production capacity of 300000 m3…

Since the 14th municipal Party Congress, more than 320 prefabricated construction projects have been started in our city, with a total construction area of 27.02 million square meters; In, the proportion of newly started prefabricated buildings in the newly started construction area increased from 10.34% in 2016 to 38.2%; The construction area and proportion of newly started prefabricated buildings rank first in the province.

With the vigorous development of prefabricated buildings, a number of prefabricated component enterprises with large scale, high quality and strong technology have emerged in our city.

The “Nanjing prefabricated building information service and supervision platform” based on BIM Technology has been built, and the pilot of “Nanjing Construction Project BIM intelligent review management system” has been carried out to form a set of mechanism, standard and system “1 + 1 + 1” framework system, so as to continuously expand the depth and breadth of BIM Technology Application in Nanjing.

▲ Shangfang affordable housing project our city actively promotes the application of building information model (BIM) technology, and has cultivated 55 municipal BIM demonstration bases and 39 demonstration projects.

In the next step, the Municipal Industry Office will further standardize the prefabricated component market, improve the efficiency of prefabricated construction and help the modernization and high-quality development of the construction industry by formulating component standardized design guidelines, establishing component information supervision platform and giving full play to the self-discipline role of industry associations.

In the future, we will give full play to the advantages of science and technology to create an internationally advanced and domestic first-class fabricated construction industrial park with higher production efficiency and better product quality, so as to provide a good demonstration for the modern development of the city’s construction industry.

▲ Kongjia Village Service Center, Jingqiao Town, Lishui District, our city has earnestly promoted the development of prefabricated buildings and completed the creation tasks of “national prefabricated building demonstration city” and “Provincial Construction Industry Modernization Demonstration City”.


Recently, Nanjing urban construction Fangqiao prefabricated construction Industrial Park, the largest production base of prefabricated building components in our city, was put into trial production.

But at the same time, low price competition, non-uniform component standards and poor market supply and demand information channels have gradually become the bottleneck restricting the development of assembly industry.

In order to promote the healthy development of the prefabricated construction industry in our city, the Municipal Leading Group for the promotion of the modernization of the construction industry visited and investigated 11 key component manufacturing enterprises in the city, understood in detail the production and operation, quality control, information application, etc.

of the enterprises, and exchanged and discussed with the person in charge of the enterprises on issues such as low price competition in the market, imbalance between supply and demand, etc, Reasonable suggestions are given.

Since the 14th municipal Party Congress, the Municipal Construction Commission has vigorously promoted the development of prefabricated buildings, constantly striding forward to the goals of “carbon peak” and “carbon neutralization” and fully promoted the modernization of the construction industry.

Magnet Recess Former

The development of prefabricated buildings will boost the modernization and vigorous development of the construction industry.

As one of the first batch of prefabricated building demonstration cities, Nanjing will pay more attention to the integrated development of intelligent construction and building industrialization in the future, study and formulate specific measures to accelerate the industrialization of new buildings in our city, and further improve the development level and quality of prefabricated buildings in our city.

Let’s learn about it through the following animation video.

At present, the shield segments and laminated plates in the park have started trial production.

The shield segment production line adopts domestic advanced complete sets of equipment and is equipped with independent maintenance kiln facilities.

The assembled PC component laminated board production line in the Industrial Park adopts the latest technology in the industry.

In the past five years, 8 national construction industry modernization (assembly) demonstration bases, 2 provincial construction industry modernization demonstration cities (districts) and 38 municipal construction industry modernization demonstration bases have been completed, exceeding the planning objectives.


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