The general direction of construction workers’ reform has been set! Ministry of housing and urban rural development and other 12 departments jointly issued documents

Source: about the construction industry


Recently, the Ministry of housing and urban rural development, the national development and Reform Commission and other 12 departments jointly issued the guiding opinions on accelerating the cultivation of construction industry workers in the new era


The paper points out that there are still some problems in the construction industry, such as disorderly mobility, aging, low skill quality, inadequate protection of rights and interests, which restrict the sustainable and healthy development of the construction industry


In particular, the document proposes to speed up the construction of self owned construction workers: by 2025, the employment mode in line with the characteristics of the construction industry will be basically established, the construction workers will realize corporatization and professional management, and the protection mechanism for the rights and interests of construction workers will be basically improved; the lifelong vocational skills training and assessment system for construction workers will be basically sound, with more than 10 million construction workers above intermediate level


By 2035, the employment of construction workers will be efficient and orderly, the vocational skills training and assessment system will be perfect, the rights and interests of construction workers will be effectively guaranteed, the sense of gain, happiness and security will be fully enhanced, and a large army of knowledge-based, skill based and innovative construction workers will be formed adhering to the spirit of labor model, labor spirit and craftsman spirit


Main tasks (1) guide the transformation and development of existing labor service enterprises


Reform the qualification of construction labor service, and greatly reduce the access threshold


(2) Vigorously develop professional operation enterprises


Encourage and guide the existing labor teams or construction workers with certain skills and experience to set up operation oriented enterprises, and independently select 1-2 professional work types


(3) We will encourage the construction of training bases for construction workers


Guide and support large-scale construction enterprises to establish cooperative relations with construction workers exporting areas


(4) Speed up the construction of self owned construction workers


Guide construction enterprises to strengthen the exploration and application of new construction methods and technologies such as prefabricated building and robot construction, improve the level of intelligent construction, and promote the transformation of construction workers from traditional construction methods to new construction methods through technology upgrading


(5) Improve the vocational skills training system


Improve the construction workers’ skills training organization and implementation system, formulate the construction workers’ vocational skills standards and evaluation norms, and improve the occupation (type of work) category


(6) Establish a skill oriented incentive mechanism


According to the construction characteristics of the project, all localities should formulate the basic allocation standard of skilled workers on the construction site, clarify the allocation proportion requirements of skill levels of skilled workers in various occupations (types of work) on the construction site, and gradually improve the basic allocation standard


(7) Accelerate the promotion of information management


(8) The system of special account management, real name system management and wage deposit for migrant workers in the field of engineering construction shall be implemented, and the system of entrusting the general contractor to pay the wages of migrant workers from subcontractors shall be implemented


(9) Standardize the labor employment system of construction industry


The employer should sign labor contract with the recruited construction workers according to law


It is strictly forbidden to replace labor contract with labor contract and regulate labor dispatch according to law


(10) We should improve the payment mechanism of social insurance


Employers should pay social insurance for construction workers according to law


Ministry of housing and urban rural development and other departments’ guidance on accelerating the cultivation of construction workers in the new era Department of transportation (bureau, committee), Department of water resources (bureau), market supervision bureau, Federation of trade unions, Beijing Municipal Commission of planning and natural resources, State Administration of Taxation, tax bureaus of provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the central government and cities separately listed in the state plan, regional Railway supervision and administration bureaus, regional administration bureaus of civil aviation, all China Railway Federation of trade unions, National Committee of civil aviation trade unions and all China finance trade union The CPC Central Committee and the State Council have always attached great importance to the construction of industrial workers and formulated a series of policies and measures to support the development of industrial workers


Construction industry workers are an important part of China’s industrial workers, the foundation of the development of construction industry, and make great contributions to economic development and urbanization


At the same time, we should also see that there are still many problems in the construction industry, such as disorderly mobility, aging, low skill quality, inadequate protection of rights and interests, which restrict the sustainable and healthy development of the construction industry


In order to thoroughly implement the decision-making and deployment of the Party Central Committee and the State Council, and speed up the cultivation of construction workers in the new era (hereinafter referred to as construction workers), the following opinions are put forward




The general idea is guided by Xi Jinping’s socialist ideology with China’s characteristics in the new era, and comprehensively implements the spirit of the nineteen and nineteen second, third, fourth and fifth plenary sessions of the party, and promotes the overall layout of the five in one and coordinated and promoted the “four overall” strategic layout, firmly establishes the new development concept, and adheres to the people centered development thought, so as to promote the construction industry


Taking supply side structural reform as the main line, consolidating the basic ability of the construction industry as the foundation, and building a socialized and specialized construction workers team as the goal, we should deepen the reform of “decentralization, management and service”, establish and improve the system and mechanism that meet the requirements of the construction workers team construction in the new era, and provide more powerful talent support for the sustainable and healthy development of the construction industry and the promotion of new urbanization


2、 By 2025, the employment mode in line with the characteristics of the construction industry will be basically established, the construction workers will achieve corporatization and professional management, and the protection mechanism for the rights and interests of construction workers will be basically improved; the lifelong vocational skills training and assessment system for construction workers will be basically sound, with more than 10 million construction workers above intermediate level


By 2035, the employment of construction workers will be efficient and orderly, the vocational skills training and assessment system will be perfect, the rights and interests of construction workers will be effectively guaranteed, the sense of gain, happiness and security will be fully enhanced, and a large army of knowledge-based, skill based and innovative construction workers will be formed adhering to the spirit of labor model, labor spirit and craftsman spirit


3、 Main tasks (1) guide the transformation and development of existing labor service enterprises


Reform the qualification of construction labor service, and greatly reduce the access threshold


We should encourage labor service enterprises with certain organizational and management capabilities to introduce talents and equipment and transform them into general contracting and professional contracting enterprises


Encourage large and medium-sized labor service enterprises to make full use of their own advantages to build labor employment information service platform, and provide information exchange channels for small and micro professional operation enterprises and construction enterprises


We should guide small and micro labor service enterprises to transform into professional operation enterprises, and further improve their specialty


(2) Vigorously develop professional operation enterprises


Encourage and guide the existing labor teams or construction workers with certain skills and experience to set up operation oriented enterprises, and independently select 1-2 professional work types


We should encourage qualified areas to establish construction workers Service parks, rely on the “innovation and entrepreneurship base” and entrepreneurship incubation base, and implement entrepreneurship related support policies and provide entrepreneurship services for qualified professional operation enterprises


The incubation bases and other entrepreneurial carriers invested and developed by the government should arrange a certain proportion of venues to provide free space for migrant workers who set up professional enterprises


Construction enterprises are encouraged to give priority to local professional operation enterprises, and construction workers are encouraged to work locally and nearby


(3) We will encourage the construction of training bases for construction workers


We should guide and support large-scale construction enterprises to establish cooperative relations with construction workers exporting areas, build a new era construction workers training base, and establish a relatively stable construction workers team based on the construction workers training base


Innovate the service mode of cultivation base, provide supporting services for professional operation enterprises, and plan career development path for construction workers


(4) Speed up the construction of self owned construction workers


Guide construction enterprises to strengthen the exploration and application of new construction methods and technologies such as prefabricated building and robot construction, improve the level of intelligent construction, and promote the transformation of construction workers from traditional construction methods to new construction methods through technology upgrading.



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