The construction worker, the old man of the vegetable market and the little brother of the takeaway stayed in Shanghai for the new year

Photographer: Fang zhuoran reporter | Fang zhuoran editor | Liu Sunan “daughter in law, this is the photo I just took, how about it?” When he got the new year photos, Zhou Yusheng immediately made a video call to his wife


Zhou Yusheng, a native of Nantong, just came to Shanghai from Shenzhen a month ago


“We go everywhere and do whatever we need


This year, we are going to celebrate the new year in Shanghai.” The site is located in north the Bund, across the Huangpu River, facing the Oriental Pearl


As soon as the lights turned on at night, the opposite bank was colorful


He felt fresh when he saw everything


He couldn’t help taking a few photos and sending them to his wife by wechat


This is the little tradition of this remote couple: every time the husband goes to a new place, he will pass the photos to his wife, and the wife will check the local weather forecast to remind him to add an umbrella


“The last time I took a picture of myself was several years ago


When I had to apply for a certificate, I went to take one.” He carefully grasps the edge of the photo to prevent fingerprints from falling on it


“Today, this activity also takes pictures of us


I like it very much and want to take it home.” On February 4, 2021, at a construction site at No


50 Qingpu Road, North Bund, a volunteer team composed of calligraphers from the Youth Federation of literary and art circles and young photographers recruited by enterprises came here to send Spring Festival couplets and take photos for young migrant workers


Jin Xiaofeng and his workers choose Spring Festival couplets together


Photo: Fang zhuoran: at present, the epidemic situation in China is sporadic and local clustering


Recently, Shanghai officially released the “notice on ensuring the service of migrant workers staying in Shanghai during the Spring Festival”


Shanghai will encourage and guide migrant workers to stay in Shanghai for the new year, and carry out the special action of “welcoming the new year, sending warmth and stabilizing their posts” to enrich the holiday life of migrant workers in Shanghai


Compared with the previous Spring Festival, the number of people returning home from Shanghai this year has decreased significantly


On the first day of the Spring Festival, the three major railway stations in Shanghai are expected to send 102000 passengers, including 28000, less than one third of the previous year’s


Near the end of the new year, from construction workers to delivery boys, many workers who have been in foreign countries all the year respond to social initiatives and take the initiative to stay in Shanghai for the new year


“It’s the first time that I’ve received Spring Festival couplets at the construction site, and the new year’s flavor has come into being all of a sudden.” Born in 1992, Shao Zejun is carefully selecting Spring Festival couplets


On the same day, he received couplets and Fu characters, as well as a package of New Year gift boxes and epidemic prevention materials


This year is his fifth year of work, and he plans to stay in Shanghai and “reunite” with his family


“There is an epidemic this year


Most of the workers are just like me


They don’t go home and make trouble for the country.” Jin Xiaofeng and her husband have just moved into their new home in Shanghai


She is a business budgeter of Shanghai Machinery Construction Group Co., Ltd


they decided to stay in Shanghai for the new year because of the tight construction period and heavy tasks this year, plus the consideration of epidemic prevention


She is going to take her children to see movies, stroll around the park and go shopping in the supermarket during the Spring Festival break


“Now communication is relatively developed


We can make video calls with our parents to tell them what they have bought and who has come to visit the family for the new year


I feel that this is also very good, and the distance between us is not far away.” Choose to stay in Shanghai for the new year


Photo: Cui Zhe, 50, has been in Shanghai for nearly 20 years


He has been selling eggs in Guangyuan vegetable market in Xuhui District for more than ten years


When he first came to Shanghai, Cui zhe could only go back to his hometown once every two years due to the long way to the northeast of his hometown and the underdeveloped economic conditions and transportation


In recent years, the high-speed rail has reached his hometown in Northeast China, and his economic conditions are getting better


Almost every year, he will go home to see his mother


COVID-19 rebounded, and he could not rest assured that his mother, who was far away from his hometown in Northeast China, was worried that his mother would oppose his stay in Shanghai for the new year


At this time, his mother, who was in her 70s, called him and repeatedly stressed that in order to fight the epidemic, we should not go home this year


All the people in the family would understand


This Spring Festival, he plans to stay in Shanghai with his wife for the “world of two” and ask for leave to return to his hometown in the summer


“When the weather gets warm from June to July, the epidemic situation is better, and many people can get vaccinated, I will go home to see my old mother.” Cui Zhe is selling eggs


Photo: Fang zhuoran according to Zhai Shiping, manager of Guangyuan vegetable market, more than half of the stall owners chose to go home for the Chinese New Year in previous years


This year, in order to ensure the supply of main and non-staple food, and in response to the government’s call to “celebrate the Chinese New year on the spot”, more than 95% of the employees in the vegetable market chose to stay in Shanghai


In order to ensure that they can stay in Shanghai at ease, Guangyuan vegetable market issued them with disinfectant, anti epidemic gloves, masks and other protective materials


At the same time, in order to prevent personnel gathering, the company does not organize new year’s party activities this year


In order to give back to the public during the new year, Guangyuan food market also launched a sales promotion


From the eve of the new year to the fourth day of the new year, all stalls will offer three kinds of products for sale, with a price reduction of more than 20%


“At the same time, there is a special counter for cheap meat and vegetables in the market, which doesn’t close every day


It has become a” clock out point “for the surrounding residents every day.” Zhai said


At dawn every day, Ji Zhenxing, the owner of the market price food stall, will come to the market and prepare to sell vegetables


Working in Shanghai for more than 20 years, he also chose to stay in Shanghai for the new year


“On the one hand, it’s because of the epidemic; on the other hand, my stall is going to provide Shanghai people with vegetables with no price increase during the Spring Festival, so I choose to stay in Shanghai to work


There are no special arrangements for new year’s Eve this year


I just want to have a good rest at home


” He said


Ji Zhenxing of the management of cheap food counter


Photo: Fang zhuoran meituan has several delivery points in Shanghai, among which Anhua road is famous for its delivery point


This is a typical white-collar area


There are many CBD areas and many business buildings


The difficulty of distribution is in the top three in Shanghai


There are 67 takeaway riders in this site


They come from all over the country


In previous years, most of the employees went home for the Chinese new year, but this year they basically chose to stay in Shanghai


During the Spring Festival, takeout services in the area are not closed


Zheng Haitao is the stationmaster of Anhua road distribution station


After years of hard work in Shanghai, he has brought his parents and wife to Shanghai to live together


However, his grandmother and grandfather are still in their hometown


Their daily communication relies on wechat and video


Because of his busy work, Zheng Haitao can only go back to his hometown once a year during the Spring Festival


Zheng Haitao works at the site


Photo: Luo Siwei’s 2020 is also an extraordinary year for Zheng Haitao – he has successfully promoted to the nursing father


Because of the epidemic, he didn’t go back to his hometown last Spring Festival


“After the outbreak of the epidemic last year, the company began to purchase protective materials


I had to disinfect the site every day to ensure the safety of the riders


The epidemic was so unexpected that I didn’t have time to go home for the Spring Festival.” Zheng Haitao said


The relatives who are far away from their hometown have not had the chance to see their children with their own eyes


This year, he had planned to return home with his children as soon as possible, but he finally chose to stay in Shanghai


“In mid December, I discussed with my father whether to drive home or take the high-speed rail


In January, there were several new local cases in Shanghai, and the government encouraged people to stay in Shanghai for the new year


My father suggested that they should stay in Shanghai for the new year and never return home


” Zheng Haitao said: “the old people understand very well


Although they miss their children very much, they have no objection after talking to them.” According to the forecast, the number of people “Celebrating the new year on the spot” in Shanghai and other first tier cities will increase significantly this year


In addition to advocating the reduction of personnel gathering, the demand for catering takeout will certainly rise


In order to make riders stay in Shanghai actively, meituan will give extra rewards to riders every day from the first day of junior high school to the seventh day of junior high school


Zheng Haitao and his riders are ready to continue to work for the Spring Festival


Choose meituan delivery brother who stayed in Shanghai


Photo: Fang zhuoran in fact, since November 2020, Zheng Haitao has not even returned to his home in Shanghai.



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