The construction market supervision department of the Ministry of housing and urban rural development held a video Symposium on the

It is a strong support to improve the quality of construction projects and promote the green development of urban and rural construction.

Beijing, Shanghai, Chongqing, Shandong, Hubei 6 provinces of Guangdong The (municipal) competent departments of housing and urban rural development held exchanges on strengthening the supervision and management of survey and design market, promoting the architect responsibility system, promoting general contracting of projects, developing green and low-carbon digital design and improving the quality of architectural design.

Responsible comrades of the construction market supervision department of the Ministry of housing and urban rural development, as well as the competent departments of housing and urban rural development of all provinces (autonomous regions and cities), Beijing Municipal Commission of planning and natural resources, housing and Urban Rural Development Bureau of Xinjiang production and Construction Corps, and the opinions of the State Council on carrying out pilot work of business environment innovation The main responsible comrades of the market supervision department of engineering survey and design of the competent department of housing and urban rural construction in the six pilot cities identified for the architect responsibility system attended the meeting.

In order to further strengthen the supervision of survey and design market and give play to the leading role of survey and design, on December 29, the construction market supervision department of the Ministry of housing and urban rural development held a video Symposium on engineering survey and design, summarized and exchanged the supervision of survey and design market, and studied the working ideas and measures to strengthen the supervision of survey and design market and promote the high-quality development of the industry.

At the meeting, the construction market supervision department of the Ministry of housing and urban rural development summarized the supervision of survey and design market in 2021 and deployed the key work of survey and design market supervision in 2022.

*** Focus on “increasing confidence, preventing risks, stabilizing growth, promoting reform and strengthening work style”, ensure fair competition with fair supervision, promote industrial progress with transformation and upgrading, promote quality improvement with digital empowerment, better meet the people’s demand for high-quality buildings, and welcome the victory of the 20th National Congress of the party with excellent achievements.

All localities should thoroughly implement the decisions and arrangements of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council, take the implementation of the business environment innovation pilot of the State Council as an opportunity, constantly improve the systematicness, accuracy and effectiveness of survey and design market supervision, actively promote the pilot of architect responsibility system, promote the green and low-carbon development of EPC, and improve the professional qualification system of architects and survey and design engineers, Strengthen the supervision during and after survey and design, explore the bidding mode in line with the characteristics of survey and design, strengthen digital construction, improve the system and mechanism system, strengthen market level supervision, and promote the high-quality development of the industry.

The meeting held that engineering survey and design, as the guide of engineering construction, is the key link to realize architectural functions and promote the transformation of productivity It is an important force to promote the construction of new urbanization and the implementation of urban renewal.

Lifting Loop

Photographer: Sun Yufeng editor: Gu Mengxi source: China Construction daily..


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