Summary of relevant policies of China’s green building industry from 2015 to 2022

In December 2018, the Ministry of housing and urban rural development issued 10 standards, including sponge city construction evaluation standard and green building evaluation standard, to meet the new requirements of China’s economy from high-speed growth stage to high-quality development stage, and support and guide the high-quality development of China’s urban construction and engineering construction with high standards.

The guidance on promoting the application of building information model issued by the Ministry of housing and urban rural development on June 2015 emphasizes the significance of BIM application in the construction field and defines the development goal of BIM: by the end of 2020, the project ratio of integrated application of BIM will reach 90% in the survey, design, construction, operation and maintenance of the following new projects: large and medium-sized buildings mainly invested by state-owned funds; Public buildings and green ecological demonstration communities applying for green buildings.

By 2020, the application proportion of green building materials in new buildings will reach more than 40%.

We will implement the whole industry chain development plan for green buildings, promote green construction methods, and promote energy-saving green building materials, prefabricated and steel structure buildings.

Since the 13th Five Year Plan period, the coverage of China’s green building has been gradually expanded and the construction level has been continuously improved, which is inseparable from the promotion and guidance of relevant policies and standards: the summary release time, release department, policy name and relevant contents of relevant policies of China’s green building industry from 2015 to 2020, the Ministry of housing and urban rural development According to the action plan for the creation of green buildings issued by the national development and Reform Commission and other departments, by 2022, the proportion of green building area in new urban buildings will reach 70%, star green buildings will continue to increase, the energy efficiency level of existing buildings will continue to improve, the health performance of houses will continue to improve, the proportion of assembly construction methods will increase steadily, and the application of green building materials will further expand, Green Housing users supervise the comprehensive promotion, and the people actively participate in the creation of green buildings, forming a social atmosphere advocating green life.

Improve the star green building identification system, improve the green building identification declaration, review and publicity system, and unify the national identification standards and identification styles.

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In September 2016, the Ministry of industry and information technology’s building materials industry development plan (2016-2020) promotes the production and application of green building materials.

Key task 1 Promote the full implementation of green design for new buildings, formulate and revise relevant standards, and incorporate the basic requirements of green buildings into the mandatory specifications for engineering construction; Promote the implementation of green building standards and strengthen design, construction and operation management; Promote local green building legislation.

The 13th five year plan for building energy conservation and green building development issued by the Ministry of housing and urban rural development in March 2017 promotes the full implementation of green building standards in key areas, key cities and key building types, actively guides the construction of green building evaluation and identification projects, and strives to double the development scale of green buildings.

In July 2020, in accordance with the notice of the national development and Reform Commission on printing and distributing the overall action plan for the creation of green life, the Ministry of housing and urban rural development, the Ministry of Commerce and multiple departments jointly issued the action plan for the creation of green buildings, The plan puts forward a clear development direction from the aspects of green building design standards, the use of green building materials and the acceptance of green buildings.

The details are as follows: by 2022, the main contents of the policy points and the creation objectives: by 2022, the proportion of green building area in new urban buildings will reach 70%, star green buildings will continue to increase, the proportion of assembly construction methods will increase steadily, the application of green building materials will be further expanded, and the green housing users will supervise and promote it in an all-round way.

Although China’s green building started late, it has developed rapidly and has basically formed a system with clear objectives, supporting policies, perfect standards and in place management.

In November 2015, the technical guidelines for passive ultra-low energy consumption green buildings issued by the Ministry of housing and urban rural development drew on the experience of foreign passive houses and near zero energy consumption buildings, and combined with the existing engineering practice in China, defined the definition of passive ultra-low energy consumption green buildings in China, the technical indicators in different climatic areas, and the technical points of design, construction, operation and evaluation, Provide guidance for the construction of passive ultra-low energy consumption green buildings in China.

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By 2020, the proportion of urban green buildings in China will account for more than 50% of new buildings, The new green building area is more than 2 billion square meters.

Develop lightweight, high-strength, durable, self insulation and component products; Sintered products such as hollow blocks and self insulation blocks with high porosity and high strength self insulation, non sintered products such as aerated concrete blocks, waterproof, anti-corrosion and thermal insulation composite integrated building interior and exterior wall plates, as well as intrinsically safe, energy-saving and green thermal insulation materials such as vacuum thermal insulation panels.

2017-04 the 13th five year plan for the development of the construction industry issued by the Ministry of housing and urban rural development 1) improve the level of building energy conservation; 2) Fully implement green building standards; 3) Promote the large-scale development of green buildings; 4) Improve the supervision and management mechanism.

2017-01 according to the comprehensive work plan for energy conservation and emission reduction in the 13th five year plan of the State Council, by 2020, the proportion of urban green building area in new building area will increase to 50%.

The action plan for the creation of green buildings promotes the high-quality development of green buildings.


2019-09 Ministry of housing and urban rural development on the establishment of the building energy conservation and green building professional committee of the Ministry of science and Technology Committee to further promote the development of green buildings, improve the level of building energy conservation and give full play to the role of expert think tanks.

In February 2017, the opinions of the State Council on promoting the sustainable and healthy development of the construction industry clearly proposed to improve the level of architectural design, highlight the building use functions and the requirements of energy conservation, water conservation, land conservation, material conservation and environmental protection, and provide architectural design products with applicable functions, economy, rationality, safety and reliability, advanced technology and environmental coordination.


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