Prefabricated building network wechat store is new! The 2020 issue is on sale. Welcome to subscribe~

After the container is processed and transformed in the plant, it is transported to the site for assembly and combination, which greatly simplifies the construction procedure of the building and shortens the construction cycle, which is of great significance to improve efficiency


The transformation of second-hand containers, using the original steel corrugated plate as the building envelope and the original frame as the building support structure, not only makes full use of resources and protects the environment, but also can solve some social problems to a certain extent, but also has many advantages

. Lifting Anchor

Click the following applet to buy a good book recommendation: container architectural design container architectural design container architectural design container architecture full analysis of container architecture, from regulations, design to construction, Solve the three nodes through! Container building reconstruction design! Container architecture design original price: 298 yuan, now only 138 yuan! Author: Zou Dezhi, Wang zhuonan, Wang Lei ISBN: 978-7-5537-9342-9 language: Chinese binding: hardcover printing time: mid August 2018 graphic classification No.: tu249.19 Publishing House: Jiangsu Phoenix Science and Technology Publishing House Publishing Time: August 2018 editor in charge: Liu Yili, Zhao Yan opening: 16 book size: 210mm (width) × 285mm (high) paper: 128 matte powder version, printing number: Version 1, number of pages and words printed for the first time: 304 pages, 200 thousand words 01# editor’s recommendation#   This is a book that systematically introduces container architectural design


Container building is an exploration of a new building form for the secondary utilization of waste containers


The container building is an assembly building


This book summarizes some excellent container building cases at home and abroad, classifies and describes container buildings, simply and clearly shows the characteristics of such buildings, and systematically introduces the development process and characteristics of container buildings<<< slide


In recent years, more and more container buildings have appeared in people’s vision, bringing new architectural forms


About prefabricated building network annual magazine policy, special topic, information, viewpoint, in-depth dialogue, building forum and activities in the past year   What is worthy of our review in the industry? The prefabricated building network has carefully prepared the 2020 fabricated summary annual publication part1part2part4part5 annual publication sales pricing 78 / copy



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Architecture, design and other majors, the Department of architecture of HKU recruits research assistant IArchitecture, design and other majors, the Department of architecture of HKU recruits research assistant I

EnquiriesaboutthedutiesofthepostshouldbesenttoDr. TheappointeewillworkcloselywithDr. V.andreference/recommendationletters(ifavailable).  Theyshouldbeproficientinusingcomputationaldesignandfabrication/prototyping,andhaveexperienceinusingRhinoandGrasshopper,withprovenexperienceinarchitecturalpracticeanddesign-builtprojects.  Applicantsshouldapplyonlineanduploadaportfolioofcomputation-relateddesignwork(inPDFformatbelow5MB),anup-to-dateC.  Reviewofapplicationswillcommenceassoonaspossibleandcontinueuntil February 28,2022, oruntilthepostisfilled,whicheverisearlier. TheUniversityonlyacceptsonlineapplicationfortheabovepost.  FluencyinEnglishisrequiredandproficiencyinMandarin/Cantonesewouldbeadvantageous.  He/Shewillperformacademicand research-basedduties,includingcomputationalmodel-development,prototypingandprototypeconstructioncoordination,andassistinteachingcoursesandstudiosrelatedtothetopic. Advertised: feb42022 (hktime) applicationsclose: feb282022 (hktime) for more information and delivery, please click“. Short Waved Anchor ResearchAssistantIRef.:  511828Worktype: Full-timeDepartment: DepartmentofArchitecture(01100)Categories: ResearchSupportStaffResearch AssistantIintheDepartmentofArchitecture (Ref.:511828)(tocommenceassoonaspossible for12months,withthepossibilityofrenewalsubjecttosatisfactoryperformanceandfundingavailability) ApplicantsshouldhaveaMaster’sdegreeinArchitectureorrelateddesign-baseddisciplines,withastrongunderstandingofStructuralDesign,MaterialsandBuildingTechnology. EikeSchlingandhisstudentsfortheproject“AsymptoticBuildingEnvelope -Simplifyingthefabricationandassemblyoffree-formconstruction”andotherteachingand research projects. EikeSchlingat