Opinions on the implementation of general contracting development of housing construction and municipal infrastructure projects in Zhejiang Province

The bid evaluation committee for the project with a bidding control price of more than 100 million yuan (including) should have an odd number of more than 7 persons


(15) The construction unit may apply for the construction license of the general contracting project at one time, or apply for the construction license by stages according to law


The maximum price should fully consider the characteristics of the bidding project and reasonably determine the cost; the cost composition should include the design, construction, equipment, management and other costs related to the EPC


The main factors of the evaluation include EPC quotation, project manager’s ability, project management organization scheme, design technical scheme, equipment procurement scheme, construction organization design or construction plan, quality and safety assurance measures, EPC project performance and enterprise credit, among which the quotation scoring right is the most important The weight should not be less than 50%


(6) If the construction unit requires the bidder to provide the performance or awards of the enterprise and the proposed project manager, it shall not restrict the specific administrative region or specific industry, and the project performance conditions set shall not exceed the corresponding indicators of the bidding project


For government invested projects with EPC, the bid bond, performance bond and project quality bond shall be paid in the form of project guarantee


For government invested projects with EPC, the total contract price shall not be adjusted except for the reasons of national policy adjustment, price rise and significant changes in geological conditions


Encourage all localities to cultivate a group of backbone enterprises with strong comprehensive strength, good contract performance, high quality and safety management level, and comprehensive management ability of general contracting; cultivate a group of professional enterprises with obvious business characteristics, broad market prospects, and comprehensive ability of design, construction and R & D integration


(8) The bidding control price should be set as the ceiling price for the general contracting project invested by the government and controlled by the state-owned funds


3、 Standardizing the awarding and contracting of EPC projects (5) the construction unit shall reasonably select the organization and implementation mode of project construction according to the scale and complexity of the project and its own management ability


(10) The comprehensive evaluation method is generally adopted in the bid evaluation of EPC projects


(4) To train the management team of general contracting


4、 Optimizing the implementation of EPC projects (XIII) the EPC unit shall set up an entity project management organization, set up a project manager, and, as the case may be, be equipped with major project management personnel with corresponding professional qualifications, such as the person in charge of construction, the person in charge of design, the person in charge of technology, the person in charge of cost, etc


To explore and promote the separation method of evaluation


In principle, the adjusted total contract price shall not exceed the approved investment estimate


After the completion of the reform of the qualification management system of construction enterprises, corresponding adjustments should be made according to the new qualification standards and the corresponding relationship between the new and old qualifications


Colleges and universities and vocational colleges are encouraged to set up courses related to EPC, and promote two-way cooperation between colleges and enterprises


It is not allowed to set unequal access threshold or scoring standard


General contracting is suitable for projects with clear construction scope, scale, standard and functional requirements, clear construction content and mature technical scheme


2、 Steadily promoting the general contracting of projects (1) according to the principle of state-owned assets first and steadily advancing, government invested projects and projects with state-owned funds holding the majority should take the lead in implementing the general contracting of projects


(14) If a general contracting project is contracted by a general contracting unit, the general contracting unit shall complete the construction drawing design and construction business (excluding steel structure) of the main project on its own


(11) The total price contract should be adopted in the general contract of the project, and the total price of the contract shall not be adjusted unless it can be adjusted as agreed in the contract


For professional engineering projects which are set up separately, the general contracting mode can be adopted


The construction unit and the general contractor shall stipulate in the contract the measurement rules and pricing methods of the general contract, and strictly perform the responsibilities and obligations stipulated in the contract


In case of bidding after the completion of preliminary design, it shall not be less than 30 days from the date of issuance of bidding documents to the deadline for submission of bidding documents by bidders


Construction units are encouraged to apply for engineering design qualification, and units with grade I or above construction general contracting qualification can directly apply for corresponding categories of engineering design grade A and below; design units are encouraged to apply for construction qualification, and units that have obtained comprehensive engineering design qualification, industry grade a qualification, and Construction Engineering grade a qualification can directly apply for corresponding categories of construction The first grade qualification of EPC


If the construction unit requires the general contractor to provide performance guarantee, the construction unit shall also provide the general contractor with project payment guarantee


The general contractor of a project shall have both engineering design qualification and construction qualification corresponding to the scale of the project, or the design unit and construction unit with corresponding qualification shall form a consortium


(2) Unless otherwise stipulated by laws and regulations, government invested projects and state-owned capital controlled projects adopting the mode of general contracting shall, in principle, be contracted out after the preliminary design is approved


Encourage social capital investment projects, government and social capital cooperation (PPP) projects to adopt EPC mode


Encourage design units to introduce construction management talents and enhance the construction organization ability of design units


If it is really difficult to determine the total price of the project due to the special and complex conditions of the project, unit price contract and cost plus remuneration contract can be adopted


(3) Efforts should be made to cultivate general contractors


If the general contracting project manager meets the corresponding conditions, he may concurrently serve as the person in charge of the construction or design of the project, but he shall not serve as the general contracting project manager or construction person in charge of two or more projects at the same time


The bid evaluation committee shall be composed of representatives of the construction unit, experts in technology (including design, construction, engineering consulting management, etc.), economy (including project cost, etc.) and other aspects


Encourage the construction units to introduce design talents and enhance the design ability of the construction units


(16) The construction unit shall strengthen the whole process management of EPC projects


Speed up the training of project managers and other talents for general contracting projects, and encourage enterprises to adopt various mechanisms to promote the training of key talents for project management, design and construction


The tender control price shall be prepared according to the preparation method and requirements of the preliminary design budget of the project


The supporting policies for EPC are basically sound, and the EPC market is basically mature


(7) The construction unit shall determine the reasonable time required for the preparation of tender documents


(12) Construction units and general contractors are encouraged to use insurance means to enhance their risk prevention ability


(9) The construction unit shall establish a bid evaluation committee according to law


Zhejiang Provincial Department of housing and urban rural development and Zhejiang Provincial Development and Reform Commission’s implementation opinions on further promoting the development of general contracting of housing construction and municipal infrastructure projects, We should create a market environment to encourage the development of EPC, improve the comprehensive management ability and level of EPC, and speed up the cultivation of backbone enterprises of EPC


The project of EPC is adopted, and the whole process engineering consulting service covering investment decision-making, construction implementation, operation and maintenance is first implemented.


In principle, the steel structure prefabricated building adopts the general contracting mode


Design and construction enterprises are encouraged to become bigger and stronger through combination, merger, equity participation, reorganization and other forms


By 2025, the province will cultivate more than 200 backbone enterprises with comprehensive management ability of independent EPC, including more than 50 influential EPC enterprises at home and abroad


By 2022, the province will cultivate more than 80 backbone enterprises with independent EPC comprehensive management ability, and play a leading and exemplary role



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