Only after completing the exam did I realize why the 622 page full color architectural text textbook was highly sought after, which is

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The examination is approaching, so there is no time to hesitate! In the last two months, even if you stay up late or go to work to catch fish, you still need to write a dictation book for the first comprehensive course, including 80% of the exam points, with the answers in the back, saving time for flipping through books and passing the first four courses in one! More than 50% of the content on page 622 is images, including over 1200 real-life photos and a large number of hand drawn and summarized charts.

▼ Reply to the shorthand manual for 21 days.

It is truly “a picture wins a thousand words”.

The first level construction engineer of the vegetable gourd will exchange exam information, registration information, preparation materials, and skills for the first level construction engineer exam; The 53 original official account textbooks of Yijian have been repeatedly turned over for 53 times in terms of application time, learning videos, and subsidy policies.

They always can’t remember the examination site.

Compared to dry words, colorful things can be remembered more firmly and clearly by the brain, and the construction site can be understood faster.


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