National standard “code for design of building water supply and drainage advocates non falling slab same floor drainage system”

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With the improvement of people’s living standards, people pay more attention to healthy living environment, and the quality and standards of residential construction are constantly improving


As an indispensable part of people’s life, the drainage system of residential buildings has also attracted more attention


At the same time, the relevant national standards and policies are constantly improving New optimization, the relevant standards and specifications such as “code for design of residential buildings”, “technical standard for prefabricated steel structure buildings”, “technical standard for prefabricated concrete buildings” and “design standard for building water supply and drainage” (GB 50015-2019) clearly stipulate that “the same floor drainage without falling slab should be adopted in residential toilets”, and the national standard atlas “installation of drainage system on the same floor in residential buildings” 19s30 6 is also the key content of the original atlas revision, which shows that the same floor drainage has become the mainstream of the residential toilet drainage


At present, domestic residential drainage is mainly divided into the same floor drainage and different floor drainage


Compared with the early interlayer drainage, the same layer drainage has obvious advantages, and has become a drainage method vigorously promoted and used in recent years


However, with the continuous improvement of building quality, many problems are exposed in the same floor drainage, which is the most widely used in the same floor drainage


In contrast, the advantages of the same floor drainage without falling board are gradually highlighted, and the supporting products are gradually mature, which are favored by more architectural design


Through the graphic comparison of the three main toilet drainage methods in China, we can see that there are many problems in the different floor drainage and the same floor drainage


This paper analyzes the policy background, design concept, advantages and disadvantages comparison, cost analysis and other aspects of the same floor drainage system




policy background article 8.2.8 of code for design of residential buildings (GB 50096-2011) stipulates that the horizontal pipe of sewage and wastewater drainage should be set in this floor


Article 3.2.1 and 3.2.2 of technical specification for drainage engineering on the same floor of buildings (cjj232-2016) stipulates that for multiple sets of toilets arranged in groups in public toilets, when the horizontal drainage pipe is long, it is not suitable to use falling plate laying method


Article 3.3.13 stipulates that there shall be no water leakage or ponding in the falling slab area (or the raised area of building surface)


When the water drainage measures are taken in the downcomer area, the water seal should be set before the water drainage device is connected to the riser, and it should have the functions of anti drying and anti overflow


Article 4.4.6 of standard for design of building water supply and drainage (GB 50015-2019) stipulates that the drainage form of the same floor shall be determined by technical and economic comparison according to toilet space, sanitary appliance layout, outdoor environment temperature and other factors


The same floor drainage without falling board should be adopted in residential toilet


“The same floor drainage system installation of toilet in residential buildings” 19s306 takes “the same floor drainage system without falling slab” as the key content of the original atlas revision




Design concept (1) different floor drainage and different floor drainage refers to the drainage mode in which the drainage branch pipe of toilet equipment passes through the floor, and the horizontal branch pipe of drainage is connected with the riser in the lower floor toilet


(2) drainage on the same floor of the toilet floor (or part of the floor) means that the toilet floor (or part of the floor) sinks 100-350mm as the laying space of the drainage pipe, and the drainage pipe of the sanitary ware in the toilet (including the horizontal drainage branch pipe and the drainage branch pipe of the sanitary ware) does not pass through the floor of this floor, and is connected with the drainage riser in this floor


(3) The same floor drainage system without falling board is a new application of science and technology in the field of same floor drainage


To realize the same floor drainage mode of building toilet (also applicable to kitchen and balcony) without structural lowering or additional elevation


Through the drainage collector and special adjustable accessories, the same floor maintenance drainage system (WAB) without falling board is realized


The difference between the same floor drainage with falling slab and the same floor drainage without falling slab lies in the pipe running mode of the pipeline on this floor


Both of them are the main drainage modes now


Detailed drawing of drainage system on the same floor without falling board – detailed drawing of drainage system on the same floor without falling board – 3


Comparison of advantages and disadvantages (1) drainage on different floors The layout of the toilet is limited, which also increases the probability of toilet leakage


The most troublesome problem is that the property right of the house is not clear, the toilet is leaking, and the upper and lower levels of residents interfere with each other


Therefore, the national and local standards are gradually eliminating the different floor drainage


(2) The advantages and disadvantages of the same floor drainage system, the main floor drainage methods are falling board, micro falling board, non falling board


Its common advantages: (1) clear property rights: the toilet drainage pipeline system is arranged in the owner’s house on this floor, and the pipeline maintenance can be carried out in the house on this floor, without interfering with the lower level residents


(2) The layout of sanitary ware is not limited: because there is no reserved hole for the drainage pipe of sanitary ware on the floor, the user can freely arrange the position of sanitary ware to meet the personalized requirements of sanitary ware, and the developer can provide a diversified layout of the toilet, which improves the quality of the house


(3) Low noise of drainage: the drainage pipe is arranged on the floor, which has good sound insulation effect after being covered by the backfill cushion, so the noise of drainage is greatly reduced


(4) The probability of leakage is small: the toilet floor is not crossed by sanitary ware pipes, which reduces the probability of leakage and effectively prevents the spread of diseases




The disadvantages of the same floor drainage of the falling board are as follows: (1) it is difficult to maintain and easy to block, and there are traps under each appliance, which not only increases the probability of blocking


Because the drainage pipes of various appliances are hidden in the caisson, after being backfilled with the cushion, in order to repair, the ground must be knocked open, so the later maintenance cost is relatively large


(2) Due to the nonstandard construction in the early stage, the waterproof performance is damaged, the surface water leakage, or the drainage pipe leakage, resulting in the caisson ponding, and the peculiar smell has been produced for a long time


Although the secondary drainage device is installed in the caisson, because the caisson is relatively closed, the water is difficult to evaporate, coupled with the continuity of water leakage, it is difficult to solve this problem


In addition, there is a trap under each appliance, which not only increases the probability of blockage, but also makes the trap under infrequently used appliances easy to dry up, water seal failure and odor overflow


In particular, during the outbreak of SARS in 2003, the Amoy garden incident in Hong Kong caused 321 cross infections and 42 deaths


After investigation by the Hong Kong authorities and the World Health Organization, it was found that the excreta and secretions of the virus entered the drainage system, and then spread through the water sealed floor drain in the drainage system, which was an important way of transmission


During the COVID-19 this year, Zhong Nanshan, the academician team, Li Lanjuan academician team and China CDC team all separated the live New Coronavirus from the stool samples of the confirmed infected patients, and reminded the attention to the spread of fecal mouth and the possibility of cross infection caused by pathogens being transmitted again through the sewer


(3) the floor height is limited


According to the code for design of residential buildings, the indoor clear height of kitchen and toilet should not be less than 2.20M


The clear distance between the lower surface of the horizontal drainage pipe in the kitchen and toilet and the floor and ground shall not be less than 1.90 m, and shall not affect the opening of doors and windows


Now most of the market adopts the same floor drainage system, and the toilet on each floor of the house adopts the form of falling board


Compared with the normal floor height, it takes up a certain height space of the house.



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